They Hate This Country But Love It’s Handouts

- The Communist Party was burning flags outside the Republican National Convention on Wednesday.
- No one was terrible hurt during the protests, however, several were arrested.
- The Communist Party members were seen shouting, “America was never great,” as they were placed into custody.
- This makes the 22 protest-related arrests this week for Cleveland.
What better way to show your complete disregard for the American way of life, then burning flags? That makes sense right? Ignite the symbolism of our unity to prove…what?
Protesters surrounded the Republican National Convention on Wednesday with ritualistic flag burning. What a ceremonious way to welcome the official Republican Presidential Nominee. Officers, some on bicycles, horseback, and even full riot gear quickly responded to the scene. Jacob Lutz, a Cleveland University Student, attending the protests with his professor, said “Police were yelling, ‘Get out of the way'. They snuffed it out super quick.”
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A representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party, Carl Dix, claimed that their group was burning flags as a “political statement about the crimes of the American empire.” That's right, the Communist Party is back, and now they burn flags.
The members of the Communist Party that were the alleged “flag burners” were arrested and taken away in vans shouting, “America Was Never Great.”
Thankfully, no one was gravely injured. However, an officer was seen shouting, “you're on fire stupid,” as he extinguished one of the burning flags.
Cleveland has seen a dramatic rise in protest-related arrests this week. Cleveland Police Sgt. Jennifer Ciaccia said that Wednesday makes 22 arrests this week, that pertain to protesting.