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This is America We Speak English Learn It Or Leave




  • The fastest growing language in America is Arabic.
  • In 2015 a record 64.7 million U.S. residents (both foreign-born and native-born) age 5 and older spoke a language other than English at home.
  • Languages with more than a million speakers in 2015 are Spanish (40 million), Chinese (3.3 million), Tagalog (1.7 million), Vietnamese (1.5 million), French (1.3 million), Arabic (1.2 million) and Korean (1.1 million).

A new report shows explosive growth in the number of U.S. residents 5 years of age and older who speak a language other than English at home.

The report by the Center for Immigration Studies, which breaks down new Census data, shows a record number of new immigrants in the country whose primary language is not English, and the fastest growing language is Arabic.

In 2015 a record 64.7 million U.S. residents spoke a foreign language at home – up 5.2 million since 2010 and up 1.5 million in just the last year. The largest percentage increase from 2010 to 2015 was for speakers of Arabic, Hindi (an India language) and Urdu (Pakistan’s national language).

More than one in five U.S. residents now speaks a foreign language at home, according to the CIS report.

“A common language is the means by which immigrant groups communicate with each other and with the larger society,” said Steven Camarota, the center’s director of research and co-author of the new report.

President Obama has been issuing more than 130,000 green-cards per year to persons from Muslim-majority countries using various legal programs such as refugee resettlement, the visa lottery, employment-based programs and other channels.

School systems from St. Cloud, Minnesota, Wichita, Kansas, and Twin Falls, Idaho, to Amarillo, Texas, and Fargo, North Dakota, have been overwhelmed by Third World refugees over the past 10 years, forcing them to hire expensive linguistics experts and translators. The language barrier also presents new challenges to 9-1-1 emergency centers, hospitals, jails and other public institutions.

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More than 15 languages are spoken in the Amarillo school system, and when you include the different dialects, the number balloons to 75, according to Mayor Paul Harpole’s testimony before the state legislature.

More than 40 languages are spoken in the Fargo school system, according to a report by the City Council.


“Due mainly to the extremely high level of legal immigration, we may be losing one of the foundations that helps hold together a diverse society. Unfortunately, too many of our policymakers give little consideration to the impact immigration levels have on assimilation.”

In 2015 a record 64.7 million U.S. residents (both foreign-born and native-born) age 5 and older spoke a language other than English at home.

• The largest percentage increases 2010 to 2015 were among speakers of Arabic (up 34%), Hindi (up 33%), Urdu (up 24%), Chinese (up 19%), French Creole (up 16%), Gujarati (up 14%) and Persian (up 13%). Hindi and Guajarati are languages of India, Urdu is spoken in Pakistan, French Creole is spoken in Haiti, and Persian is the national language of Iran.

• The largest numerical increases 2010 to 2015 were among speakers of Spanish (up 3.1 million), Chinese (up 525,000), Arabic (up 292,000), Hindi (up 203,000), Tagalog (up 163,000), French Creole (up 117,000) and Urdu (up 92,000). Tagalog is spoken in the Philippines.

• Languages with more than a million speakers in 2015 are Spanish (40 million), Chinese (3.3 million), Tagalog (1.7 million), Vietnamese (1.5 million), French (1.3 million), Arabic (1.2 million) and Korean (1.1 million).

• Although all the data has not been released for 2015, what has been released indicates that nearly one in four public school students now speak a language other than English at home.

• Many of those who speak a foreign language at home are not immigrants. Half of the growth in foreign language speakers since 2010 is among those born in the United States.

• Of those who speak a foreign language at home, 26 million (40 percent) told the Census Bureau that they speak English less than very well.


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  • Joe says:

    English is the language of success. Plus, it’s a drain on the economy to cater to different languages. Especially all of the government printed matter. We need to be united, not diverse!

  • Mark says:

    Damn straight.I’m damn tired of being made to feel like an alien in my own country.

  • Barbara Mitchell says:

    Knowing, reading and speaking a common language is very important anywhere… To communicate with the anybody especially in an emergency situation… It is impossible for ALL citizens to learn EVERY language of those who move here… But simple if all newcomers learn the language of the land where they move to…. It is to all concerned the BEST solution…. Please LEARN THE LANGUAGE that is the MOST commonly spoken language in the land that you live in or even visit… IT IS TO YOUR BENEFIT……

  • michael says:

    3ndfirt8657%$$)#%BvFF$)@)R_+vmvj……… do you understand. if you don’t speak, read, write, UNDERSTAND english how can anyone communicate, learn, do business, follow the law, do a job RIGHT. ef#$^^34583490345nkfjt:REWKhfg406%@!…..and you figure out what that means or get a translator. mbh

  • James Bradley says:

    This is my country and our language is Americanized English. If they don’t want to learn our language, they can go somewhere that their language is spoken!! I am sick of people telling me I should learn their language.

  • LEON DEES says:

    if you live here you should speak to speak our language. if we lived in other country,s we would be exspected to speak their language.

  • les says:

    this is AMERICA LEARN IT OR GO..if i went to any other country i would have to learn HOW TO SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE or not survive…..PERIOD

  • James Deavel says:

    We have always been an English country, all the way back to the beginning colonies. These foreigners do not have the right to walk in here, legally or illegaly, and demand that we change it.

  • Jose Echeverri says:

    If you came to the United States, looking to fulfill your dream of a better life, full of opportunities, you need to start by learning the English language. Other wise you are going to restrict your self to only been able to talk or do business with people that speaks your language. i.e. If you come from a Spanish speaking country, come to US, and refuse to learn to speak English, you are restricting yourself to only do business with Spanish speakers, and leaving millions of dollars on the table, because you can’t communicate with the citizens of this country, why?, because you refuse to learn their language. You can make more money, by been able to communicate in two languages instead of one. Now if you speak several languages, plus English, that is a blessing and more money in your pocket to fulfill your dream, which is the reason to came to the United States. By refusing to learn English language, you are limiting yourself, and more than likely end up applying for welfare, and enter the life of crime to maintain yourself and your family.

  • ARTHUR SCOTT says:


  • Cindy says:

    The only true Americans are the Americans indians everybody else are immigrants whether they immigrated here hundreds of years or just yesterday. So to say speak English or get out is ignorant and bias. So those that are not happy with the situation are the ones that should leave and find their ideal country where everything body speaks only English good luck.

  • Robert McHugh says:

    The way I see it what you speak at home is your biz. but to be a citizen & vote you need to speak, read & wright and comprehend the English language.

  • Kimi says:

    When you coming from a foreign country you better be prepared to assimilate to American ways and our language real quick. If you can’t do that be prepared to either learn it or keave! We should NOT have to learn their language to make them feel welcome. This is America for heavens sake

  • Henry Saltsman says:

    When an immigrant enters this nation they must understand certain facts. First, they must plan to fully assimilate. By fully assimilating they must learn to speak our English language, they must learn and live according to the precepts of the Constitution, and they must know the pledge of allegiance. Second, and perhaps the greater of these, is they must learn to worship our God and become familiar with what the Bible says period!!

  • G.Acred says:

    There should not be any need for discussion. It’s a given for every ‘civilized’ nation.

  • Jane says:

    Assimilate and learn to speak English or leave!

  • Robert Mains says:

    I have no problem with them speaking their native language at home, but all business needs to be conducted in English as it is our language. They need to be able to speak it to assimilate. If they on’t want to assimilate, they are in the wrong country and need to go home

  • Joseph Gutierrez says:

    To be one united people, one homginous nation, a people able to read to understand the true American history (not revisionist) to understand the origins of Our culture, music, the role of ethnic groups (since all humans are created by the infinate Wisdom of God as one Race) then custom, culture, language & tradition of a nation is what defines a united nation, ergo the title United States of America. If some does not like or feels insulted, then they should be shown the door, given a bottle of Windex & a piece of Terry cloth to wipe their butt prints off the door as they exit.

  • Dean says:

    If someone doesn’t want to become American they should go back to where they came from. None of my grandparents would speak their native language in public or at home. Eventually even their accents dissapeared. They wanted to be American.

  • Katie says:

    I agree they need some English proficiency to get by in general. But I don’t agree they should HAVE to speak English within earshot of random rednecks who’ll bash them in the face with beer glasses if they do not. And they should be able to speak their own languages amongst themselves without being harassed. Unless you were raised with it, English is not an easy language to learn. I used to teach ESOL to Latin immigrants in Florida. They would come to class on time several nights a week, after they had worked long days at tiresome jobs people like you don’t want to do or would refuse to do, just to learn English. They are grateful for the opportunities we spurn. And English is NOT the official language of the U.S. Google it. There is no official language here. And forgive me, but looking over your forum comments and listening to restaurant conversations in the Deep South, it seems to me that many white Americans don’t speak or write English all that well, themselves. I’ve worked with many immigrants. For every “lazy, freeloadin’ Spick,” there are 20 immigrants working very hard to add something of value to this country. By the way, I have lived in other countries, myself, as an American. Even in Afghanistan, the UAE, Pakistan, Iran…I was treated like visiting royalty. I cannot get over how classless we have become as a nation, treating immigrants like shit. We are a nation of immigrants, and the only real Americans are the people who were here when the first settlers arrived. By the way, the person who “discovered” America was Spanish, if you do not recall. I’d only point out that people like you are all too happy to eat at ethnic restaurants and buy produce. Whom do you have to thank for that? Immigrants who run the restaurants…and those who pick produce in the hot sun for a less than a buck an hour. Please rethink your nasty attitude toward immigrants. It is not based on all the facts. And it’s funny that all this squawking over language comes from people who’ll think nothing of traveling to Europe and expecting everyone to speak English with you because you were too lazy or proud to learn to correctly pronounce a few pleasantries in their languages. I have seen it myself and it’s embarrassing to be an American when this happens. One more thing — many immigrants speak several languages and are far better educated than the average American. I knew a guy in Afghanistan who spoke five languages. He was a lowly house cleaner. But here, we have our fine American rednecks who don’t even speak English all that well and barely passed high school, looking down on absolutely everyone who isn’t just like you. Is that anything to be proud of?

  • cgapperi says:

    Take a look at the graph and percentage of individuals speaking a NON-ENGLISH (not foreign, there is no official language in this country). There was a peak back in 1910, higher than today. Those are our ancestors, at least they were mine. They spoke their native tongue as immigrants. Their children learned both. By the second generation, English was the primary language. There is a major influx into this nation of foreign born because we are STILL the City on the Hill, a beacon of freedom. How absurd to not welcome them into our midst. A graph can distort anything. SURE there were only 13.5 million individuals speaking another language in 1910 and there are now 66 million. There also was only 93 million people in the US in 1910 and now there is over 365 million. Distortion of facts to feed fear and hatred is dangerous and not American

  • April says:

    Once upon a time this nation worked despite the diversity of our population. The key ingredient was for the Immigrants to assimilate. In order to gain citizenship, being able to read and understand English was part of the deal. When did they stop the mandatory English classes?

  • Terry Wylie says:

    This is America. English is our language, and it enables us to be united. If other people are not willing to learn it, they should stay out. Their understanding and obeyance of our laws is important.

  • Dawn Anderson says:

    You came to America for a better life. If you want to be an American, then you need to do what Americans do. Speak OUR language. If you want to only speak the language of the country you left behind, then go back to that country and live there.

  • Edward Waldrip says:

    to me these people do not assimilate they should all be shown the door or be deported for not doing so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • karen says:

    learn it. my grandparents did.

  • John D Goodwin says:

    When I lived in Chile, I had to sign a work contract. They gave me 2: one in English & the other in Spanish. They said the one to sign was the one in Spanish, because a contract NOT in Spanish had no legal standing in Chile. Should be the same here with English.

  • Louis Gray says:

    From the Very emergence of the United States the language has been English! Immigrants “until most recently” have been “Required” to learn the English language as a part of gaining citizenship. NO OTHER COUNTRY bends their laws to allow People who DO NOT speak their specific languages to become citizens just because the individual states that they wish to become a citizen. Why should the United States take people in as citizens when the people requesting citizenship refuse to follow the rules, standards and laws that ALL previous immigrants have been REQUIRED to do!! If ANYONE is NOT WILLING to do ALL of the Requirements to become a U.S. Citizen then they SHOULD NOT REMAIN in the U.S.A.!!!!

  • kenneth ptacek says:


  • Ronald S. Estell says:

    You should learn the language of any country that you move to, or intend to visit for an extra period.

  • George Wilson says:

    It’s AMERICA

  • wayne says:

    Our ancestors had to learn it and too many publications have to be made to satisfy minorities for an unnecessary expense.

  • kenneth ptacek says:


  • John Mains says:

    Multiculturalism undermines the common bonds that allow a country to prosper, example look whats happing in Britain right now, or perhaps Bosnia would be a good example. What about Islam, the Muslims are killing each other at ever increasing rates while we have the president preach about the contribution islam has played in America and its pullovereaceful nature.

  • Jim says:

    You’re in America, Speak Navajo!

  • charles forman says:

    Either learn to read and write the language of
    The USA or leave it and don’t come back.

  • Timothy A. Spong says:

    While I agree that non-English speakers who plan to reside in U.S.A. for the long term are best served by becoming conversant in English, those who cannot or will not should not be expelled forcibly — most especially, those who are close family members of others who already do, or will learn to, speak English.

  • John says:

    Because we need one language

  • gbh says:

    the largest percentage of foreign language spoken in the united has always been English, because native American language were first spoken here

  • Mike says:

    Straight from our own CIA, pass this on to EVERYONE!:

    “When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agreed to ‘the reasonable’ Muslims demands for their ‘religious rights,’ they also get the other components under the table. Here’s how it works (percentages source: CIA: The World Fact Book, 2007).
    *** One percent ***
    “As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country it will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone….”
    Here is where it becomes interesting. Note throughout the exponential scale of Islamic influence as the percentage of Muslim population per country increases. Comments in square brackets are my corrective interjections.
    United States: 1.0
    Australia: 1.5
    Canada: 1.9
    China: 1.0-2.0
    Italy: 1.5
    Norway: 1.8
    *** Two to three percent ***
    “At 2% and 3% they [Muslims] begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.”
    Denmark: 2.0
    Germany: 3.7
    United Kingdom: 2.7
    Spain: 4.0
    Italy: 4.6
    *** Five percent and over ***
    “From 5% on they [Muslims] exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (“clean” by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves – along with threats for failure to comply (United States).”
    France: 8.0
    Philippines: 5.0
    Sweden: 5.0
    Switzerland: 4.3
    The Netherlands: 5.5
    Trinidad & Tobago: 5.8
    “At this point, they [Muslims] will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
    *** Ten percent and over ***
    “When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris – car burning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam, Denmark – Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).”
    Guyana: 10.0
    India: 13.4
    Israel: 16.0
    Kenya: 10.0
    Russia: 10.0-15.0
    The one anomaly in this set of statistics is Israel, which has not experienced uprisings and threats of violence. Its Arab or Muslim population enjoys equal political rights with Jewish Israelis. The suicide bombings and rocket attacks that have killed hundreds have been perpetrated by outsiders.
    *** Twenty percent and over ***
    “After reaching 20% [of a population] expect hair-trigger rioting, Jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
    Ethiopia: 32.8
    *** Forty percent and over ***
    “After 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:”
    Bosnia: 40.0
    Chad: 53.1
    Lebanon: 59.7
    *** Sixty percent and over ***
    “From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and jizya, the tax placed on [conquered] infidels:”
    Albania: 70.0
    Malaysia: 60.4
    Qatar: 77.5
    Sudan: 70.0
    *** Eighty percent and over ***
    “After 80%, expect state-run ethnic cleansing and genocide:”
    Bangladesh: 83.0
    Egypt: 90.0
    Gaza: 98.7
    Indonesia: 86.1
    Iran: 98.0
    Iraq: 97.0
    Jordan: 92.0
    Morocco: 98.7
    Pakistan: 97.0
    Palestine: 99.0
    Syria: 90.0
    Tajikistan: 90.0
    Turkey: 99.8
    United Arab Emirates: 96.0
    I question the inclusion of “Palestine” in this set. “Palestine” simply means space occupied by stateless “Palestinians” in Gaza and the West Bank, and is the name of the state which Islamists wish to replace Israel, once it is destroyed. Turkey, after decades of having a secular, non-religious government, is beginning to turn “religious,” and seems to be yearning for the kind of Muslim government that cleansed the country in 1915 of non-Muslim Armenians in a genocide that predates the Holocaust.
    *** One Hundred percent ***
    “100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ – the Islamic House of Peace’ [more correctly, dar-al-Islam, or Land of Islam]. There is supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.”
    Afghanistan: 100.0
    Saudi Arabia: 100.0
    Somalia: 100.0
    Yemen: 99.9
    “Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.
    “‘Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel.’ Leon Uris, The Haj.
    “It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average[s] would indicate.”

  • Mike says:

    Another history lesson everyone should know in the USA. This will also educate the blacks about the slavery issue…which was mostly a Muslim deal:

    The first countries to declare war on the newly formed United States were the Muslim Barbary States of North Africa….From 1783, until the Presidency of George Washington in 1789, the newborn Republic had no strong central authority, and that is when the Barbary pirates struck.
    By 300 A.D., Roman North Africa had millions of Christians, and Carthage was the most important city, with a population of over 500,000. Carthage was the main city in Roman North Africa.
    The conquest of North Africa by the Muslims was preceded by the PLAGUE.
    Deadly bubonic plague struck the territories of the Eastern Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Justinian. Now called the Plague of Justinian, It began in the year 541, and by 750, almost half the population was dead. This biological warfare prepared the way for the easy Arab victories.
    All of the vast Christian provinces of North Africa fell to the bloody sword of Allah by 711.
    The area conquered by the Arabs became known as the Barbary States. When the U.S. was a young Republic in 1800, there were 4 Barbary States.
    The Muslims of North Africa practiced slavery on a vast scale by raiding the coasts of Europe and stealing men, women, and children for slavery or to obtain ransom money from their relatives.
    Their slave empire also extended southward into sub Sahara Africa. The 4 Barbary States were: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Tripoli.
    When the 13 colonies were part of Great Britain, their sizable merchant fleet fell under the protection of the Royal Navy, and therefore were immune from attack by Barbary pirates. The Barbary pirates often cast covetous eyes on the colonies’ ships but could not seize them due to treaties with Great Britain:
    Prior to the Revolutionary War, American merchant ships enjoyed British protection on the high seas. Under the terms of Britain’s treaties with other nations, including the Barbary States, American ships were issued British-backed passes of safe conduct for the Mediterranean.
    These maritime passes operated on a very simple yet effective system that declared the bearer immune from seizure. The pass would be cut in half along a serrated, lateral line, the top of which was issued to a ship’s captain, while the bottom half was given to the Barbary regency and copied for distribution to the corsair captains. When a vessel was boarded by pirates, the ship’s captain would produce his pass, and if the edges and words or images matched, it was usually accepted-although occasionally a palm or two would need greasing; the prize would be released and allowed to sail away unmolested. Although fraught with abuse and forgery, the system worked reasonably well. (London, Victory in Tripoli, p.13).

    With independence, the situation changed completely. Gone was the protective Royal Navy and the young Republic’s ships were fair game for the pirates. Morocco was the first country to seize a U.S. ship. The Betsey was a merchant brig and was seized off the coast of Spain in 1784.
    Great Britain recognized the independence of the U.S. by the Treaty of Paris signed in September 1783. U.S. ships ceased to enjoy Royal Navy protection.
    The newly independent colonies were not expected to last very long. The Continental Congress had 16 Presidents before George Washington was elected in 1789. When the first ship was seized, the new Republic was in a very precarious position.
    Thomas Mifflin was Continental Congress President, and Sidi Muhammad III was Sultan of Morocco.
    Great Britain recognized the independence of the U.S. in 1783, and the very next year the first ship was seized by Moroccan pirates. The news of the ship’s capture by Moroccan pirates reached the U.S. in 1785:
    News of the Betsey’s capture reached the United States by February 1785. The American press received and expressed grossly exaggerated accounts both of the Betsey’s capture and of the general situation in the Mediterranean. Reports of multiple captures by Morocco and Algiers were detailed in several newspapers, while leading papers in Pennsylvania and Virginia reported that an American captain had discovered from an Englishman that as many as six American ships had been seized by the Moors and their crews sold into captivity. By the summer of 1785, the media exaggerations subsided as hard facts emerged. (London, Victory in Tripoli, pp. 27-28).
    The release of the crew was obtained by Spain’s foreign minister who was vitally interested in gaining control of the former British colonies:
    The situation was satisfactorily resolved with the friendly intervention of Spain’s foreign minister, conde de Floridablanca. Besides spreading goodwill, the minister was eager to resolve the Mississippi question in North America and hoped that his intercession would help to maintain cordial relations with the United States—a potentially valuable regional ally against the British. On July 9, 1785, the emperor of Morocco liberally agreed to release the Betsey, including her crew and her cargo, in exchange for America’s pledge to send a peace negotiator very soon to conclude a formal treaty. During the intervening months, the cargo and ship were lost, but Moroccan affability prevailed and restitution was made. (London, Victory in Tripoli, pp. 27-28).
    The very same year, Algeria declared war on the United States—the first nation to do so:
    A mere three months after the Betsey was seized, however, a far greater disaster befell the United States in Barbary. Two American ships and their combined crew of twenty-one men were captured and enslaved by Algerine pirates. The Boston schooner Maria (or Mary), commanded by Captain Isaac Stevens, was seized off Cape Saint Vincent, at the southern tip of Portugal, on July 24, and the Philadelphia ship Dauphin (or Dolphin), commanded by Captain Richard O’Brien, was seized off Cadiz, Spain, on July 30, 1785. But this time Spain was not coming to the rescue. (London, Victory in Tripoli, pp. 27-28).
    The first Barbary War started during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson. When Jefferson became President, the new nation possessed only 6 fighting ships. The Muslim pirates in the Barbary States saw a golden opportunity for extortion, blackmail, and the obtaining of slaves. They did not hesitate to descend like vultures on the defenseless merchant ships.
    While he was ambassador to France, Thomas Jefferson was frankly told that the Muslim creed commands them to make war upon all unbelievers:
    In May 1786, Thomas Jefferson, then the U.S. ambassador to France, and John Adams, then the U.S. ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the resident Tripolitan ambassador, to try to negotiate a peace treaty to protect the United States from the threat of Barbary piracy. These future U.S. presidents questioned the ambassador as to why his government was so hostile to the new American Republic even though America had done nothing to provoke any animosity of any sort. Ambassador Adja answered them, as they reported to the Continental Congress, “that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.” (London, Victory in Tripoli, pp. 23-24).
    Here are just 3 quotes from the “Holy” Koran that justifies killing those who do not convert to Islam:
    Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given as believe neither in God nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what God and His apostle have forbidden, and do not embrace the true Faith, until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. (Sura 9:29).

  • Mike says:

    Part 2, it’s a long read but history isn’t 144 characters:

    When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until War shall lay down her burdens. (Sura 47:1).
    They would have you disbelieve as they themselves have disbelieved, so that you may be all alike. Do not befriend them until they have fled their homes for the cause of God. If they desert you, seize them and put them to death wherever you find them. (Sura 4:87).
    At the time of President Jefferson the tribute was GOLD . . . now it’s PETRODOLLARS!!
    Commodore Stephen Decatur was a hero of the first Barbary War. All the European nations were filled with DREAD of the Barbary pirates. Only the bravest of men would go hand to hand with those religious fanatics.
    Commodore Stephen Decatur killed the captain of a Tripolitan gunboat in a hand-to-hand engagement at Tripoli, August 3, 1804. The wars with the Barbary pirates marked the first time the United States became involved militarily with the Muslim world.
    William Eaton led a small force of about 500 men across 500 miles of desert and attacked the fortress of Derna from the rear. The Muslims quickly surrendered and made a temporary peace with the United States.
    Starting out in Egypt, William Eaton led a small group of about 50 marines and 400 Muslim mercenaries on a 500 mile march through the desert. His final target was the city of Tripoli. After capturing Derna he received no naval support and had to abandon his plans. The town’s capture, and the threat of further advance on Tripoli, were strong influences toward peace, negotiated in June 1805 by Tobias Lear and Commodore John Rodgers with the Pasha of Tripoli.
    The Tripoli Monument is the oldest military monument in the U.S. It honors the fallen heroes of the First Barbary War: Captain Richard Somers, Lieutenant James Caldwell, James Decatur, Henry Wadsworth, Joseph Israel and John Dorsey. Originally known as the Naval Monument, it was carved of Carrara marble in Italy in 1806 and brought to the United States as ballast on board the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides).
    This monument commemorating the first Barbary War stood right in front of the U.S. Capitol building for almost 40 years. It was moved just before the Civil War began in 1861.
    The monument was first erected at the Washington Naval Yard on the Potomac in 1808. Then in 1831 it was moved to the west front of the U.S. Capital Building and placed within a fountain–where the US Grant Memorial stands today. Finally, it was moved to its present location at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, where it has stood for the last 149 years.
    Most of the people who were involved in the Barbary Wars met untimely deaths. One was the personal secretary to George Washington. Here are just 5 prominent people who suffered an early demise.
    Thomas Barclay (1728-1793). Personal representative of Washington to the Barbary States died suddenly in Lisbon aged 65 years.
    William Eaton (1764-1811)—the hero of the Battle of Derna died at the young age of 47.
    Stephen Decatur (1779-1820) was challenged to a duel and died at the young age of 41.
    John Paul Jones (1747-1792) died suddenly in Paris after receiving a commission from President Jefferson to fight the Barbary pirates. He was 45 years old.
    Tobias Lear (1762-1816) was the personal secretary of George Washington and President Jefferson’s envoy to Tripoli. His death at the young age of 54 was reported as a “suicide.”
    Obviously it was very hazardous to your health to represent the U.S. in a diplomatic or military capacity vis-à-vis the Barbary States.
    ASSASSIN comes from the Arabic HASHISHIYYUN!!
    The word assassin comes from the Arabic word hashishiyyan meaning hashish taker. The word was brought back to Europe by the Crusaders to describe a highly secretive Muslim sect who specialized in assassinating their enemies.
    Here is the dictionary definition of assassin:
    1. a murderer, esp. one who kills a politically prominent person for fanatical or monetary reasons.
    2. one of an order of Muslim fanatics, active in Persia and Syria from about 1090 to 1272, whose chief object was to assassinate Crusaders.
    One of the most infamous assassinations was that of President Lincoln. President Lincoln sought to end slavery in the U.S. and that put him on a collision course with the entire Muslim world.
    All of the slaves who were brought to the New World were originally sold to the Europeans by Arab slave traders in Africa.

    President Lincoln was not only fighting the Confederacy, but he was also at war with the entire Muslim world. England and France were also allied with the Confederacy.
    President Lincoln had a herculean task to perform in saving the Union. The South and the Muslim world stood to lose the most by the elimination of slavery. France and England were allies, with France having at least 30,000 troops in Mexico.
    Matías Romero—the Mexican representative in Washington City was constantly urging the President to declare war on France for stationing troops in Mexico.
    Thank the Triune God that President Lincoln outwitted them all and slavery was issued a deadly blow both in the South . . . and in the entire Muslim world!!
    The U.S. was free from the payment of tribute to Islam from 1815 to 1933
    The second and last Barbary War was fought in 1815. On June 20, Commodore Stephen Decatur left New York with a squadron of 10 ships.
    The squadron arrived off Algiers on June 28. The THREAT of using force was enough to force the Barbary States of Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli to sign peace treaties and promise never again to attack U.S. ships.
    Barbary piracy and extortion seemed to be ended for good.
    That is until 1933, when John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford starting paying tribute again in the form of PETRODOLLARS:
    The Standard Oil Company discovered oil in Saudi Arabia in 1933. Rockefeller ordered the oil wells closed in the United States and Saudi oil began flowing into this country.
    John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford were responsible for the air polluting gasoline engine.
    The electric car was abandoned, and billions of dollars (a devil in every dollar) began to flow to Saudi Arabia for the spread of the false religion of Islam around the world and in the United States.
    The Ford Motor Company was a subsidiary of the Standard Oil Company. Rockefeller oil billions began to flow to the corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia. The oil billions were used to CORRUPT the United States and open the door to the Islamic invasion.

  • leonard brunasso says:

    my dad had to learn english when he got to this country, so should the new arrivals.

  • Nicholas says:

    My great great grandfather came to America in the early 1800’s from Greece. He was not well educated but a sincerely hard working man. He had to learn English as he worked washing dishes. He learned slowly but surely until he was able to open up a small place for himself. That integrity and hard work was passed on from generation to generation. English is what made this country great, let me Rephrase that. English is was brought everyone one together under the banner of the American flag which made this country great. I myself also speak Greek, Italian and French. I learned those languages in Greek parochial school and high school. Now America has a cesspool of filthy immigrants that are here because of the free handouts and they do not care about our history or learning English. I mean what had ESL brought to students when it was implemented in the late 70’s,not a damn thing. Evening should be in English paperwork, jobs, schoolimg!!!!!!. If you come here you should be given 2 years to learn English,after that if you can’t take a motor vehicle test, fill out paperwork or need a translater then you need to boot these morons the hell out of America!!!!!

  • zane says:


  • Richard Lawrence says:

    DIversity is NOT an asset and definitely NOT OUR strength …

    Only by speaking English (or your immigration staus will be reversed – you will be deported – after 5 years!

    You have 10 years to demonstrate a fundamental grasp of speaking, reading and writing English and in the meantime, you are NOT eligible for ANY taxpayer assistance!

    NO welfare, housing grants, medical care, or education for your children until YOU meet the requirements … NO exceptions !!!

  • Mike says:

    To vote, one must be a citizen of the USA. To become a citizen one must learn English.
    If anyone requires translations to vote, they are not a USA citizen and should be arrested on the spot.
    Pass this on to EVERYONE! It’s the law.

  • Tamara says:

    I’m tired of all the racist and negative talk.

    I find it ironic that in 2016 , Democrats (or at least I am) are saying the 1970’s Nixon -era phrase:AMERICA, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT

  • Tamara says:

    I am tired of all the racist and negative talk.

    I find it ironic that in 2016, Democrats,( or at least I am) saying the 1970’s Nixon-era phrase: AMERICA, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT

  • Jeffrey Cahoon says:

    Because, this is still America! This is OUR COUNTRY! If you cannot, or will not, learn English, GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!!

  • Dolanfossil says:

    You left that sand pile you came from for a reason, now you want to make America just like that same sand pile. If you like that way of life, fine, just go back to where you you came from. I am a veteran who put my life on the line for the country I love. What have you done for America? I have no problem with anybody who wants to improve their lives. Immigration has made this country great but you integrate into our way of life, our language and become a productive member of our society, or get the HELL OUT!! My Oath of Enlistment has no expiration date, and I will defend My America with the last drop of blood in my veins.

  • keith guler says:

    It draws people together and brings unity to the people of that nation.

  • paul says:

    All my relatives came over in about 1820 except a native American an began learning English as soon as was possible as they embraced a new life. They all followed existing immigration laws and were happy to do so.

  • Linda Morgan says:

    This is America, if you want to live here then speak the american language.

  • Mike T says:

    First, ALL muslime animals must be deported by law under the Immigration and Naturalization Act.
    Next, all illegals must be deported for violating our immigration laws.
    Then ALL politicians, lawyers, and judges who intentionally created the conditions whereby illegals could come here, live here, work here, and get benefits here must be held personally liable for ALL crimes committed by ALL illegals. Those same traitors must then be charged under RICO statutes for their part in running the largest crime syndicate in the world, the US government, and forfeit ALL their assets.

    Of course we can ignore all this so long as you WANT to be a slave in what WAS your own country.

  • Travis White says:

    We have always spoken English. We should stop catering to foreigners. Other countries do not. You want to get by in a foreign country, you learn their language.

  • Camille Gilliam says:

    We can’t talk to them to help them, or understand them if they are working at a place where we go to buy what we need.

  • Camille says:

    It is too hard to help them if they can’t understand us and to also too hard if they are working in a retail place that we go to, because we can’t understand them if we need help.

  • Ellen Schoenfeld says:

    It’s a sign of respect and gratitude. If they don’t respect us, and are not grateful to be here, then GO HOME!!!!!

  • Kenneth Madison says:

    English was the language at the end of The Revolutionary War and has been our spoken tongue since. The immigrants of past years chose to learn English as a sign of wanting to be a part of this new country. So, learn it or leave!

  • Rosalie Kelly says:

    IF you came to our America to be one of us,then speak our English or leave.MANY OF YOU ARE ALREADY TAKING FOOD FROM OUR MOUTHS and have health ins. and getting room and board,plus money,so speak English when you are among us.Nothing worse than going to a store,butting in ahead of people making out you can not read that 12 item sign.BE an American or stay out or go home to where ever you came from.

  • Edward says:

    If you want to be here then you speak English so I know what the hell you are talking about. It is disrespectful.

  • Linda Collum says:

    It’s a disgrace to go somewhere and hear people from other countries speaking their native languages. If we went to their country and only spoke English they would consider us rude, I don’t have a problem with them Spain, France or any place they’re running from.

  • Meledie says:

    This country has been speaking english since the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock. We were doing just fine speaking and reading english. That is, UNTIL the Mexicans started sneaking across the border to stay and the bleeding heart liberals catered to them and had everything prined the two languages. This opened up Pandora’s box, leaving the country in a precarious situation with having to add yet other languages. This non-mandatory english has left those refusing to learn English in potentially dangerous situations in that if they’re injured and taken to a hospital, they EXPECT a translator to be available for them. This is foolish and we have the so-called “progressives” to thank for having this evolve into a huge mess!

    Now ask me how I REALLY feel!

  • Bruce says:

    We are the only nation that does not have its own language. When our country was founded, immigrants made sure they learned our language . With so many languages, we are a divided people. If we are to be one nation under God, we need to be a one language nation. And with a common language , Millions of dollars would be saved by our governments.

  • Dana Siekawitch says:

    our country is being run by a bunch of baboons English is a big part of our heritage and if you dont want to learn it then go back to where you came if you go to another country they don’t bend over for you you have to learn how they speak

  • Dennis Gerner says:

    You need to speak English in order to assimilate like our ancestors.

  • Martha says:

    We speak English in our country. If they wish to be a part OF our country, they need to learn the language!

  • L.R. Dagna says:

    We’ll always try to assist those who visit here and are not conversant in English. However, if someone intends to live here, then it is imperative that they make the effort to adapt to the U.S. lifestyle and learn to speak English. Not only will this ease their assimilation into our culture, but it will demonstrate the requisite respect for being a part of the American experience, our history, laws, and spirit.

  • Dale Patterson says:

    If someone comes to the USA wanting to be an American then they will want to learn English. However, anyone that comes here not wanting to learn to speak English, just wants a job making American wages, live in “their own enclave” that follows their traditional (read Shea) laws, follows their traditions from home (read gangs, polygamy, cock fighting, etc.), and then DEMAND special treatment socially, politically, and while being held in the criminal justice system. Then they should go back home because they don’t really want to be here . . . they don’t even want to talk to us.

  • Micheal says:

    If you were to move to – let’s say Poland – you are going to have to learn to speak Polish, or you aren’t going to have an easy time of getting your point across. Speaking the language of the country you have moved to at home, will increase your ability to learn that language. It really irritates me to listen to a bunch of Mexicans speaking Mexican in public; making no effort to learn English!!!!

  • carol says:

    a common language unites us

  • John Minich says:

    English is the de facto language of the U.S. and is the mandatory international communication language at sea and for aviation. I have lived in the Netherlands and learning Dutch is both very helpful and a proper courtesy.

  • Dan says:

    Language is the adhesive that holds a culture together. If folks do not want to assimilate into the culture and language of their adopted country, they will only further dilute our culture; and we, as a country, should not allow that to happen.

  • Phil Boeing says:

    Our language is English. If you want to live here and be American you will speak English and obey American laws and regulations. Period. No exceptions.

  • Oscar Pena says:

    what has happened to the America I used to know. I remember going to town and all I heard was English. Now when I go to town I hear all kinds of different languages. Even Caucasians speaking in different languages. If Clinton is elected, our language will deminish completely. She wants open boarders. America as we know it, will be no more.

  • Mickey says:

    A country cannot survive without a national language. What made our country great was immigrants always assimilated. Today they do not assimilate, one way is language.

  • nancy shannon says:

    This is America learn our language..

  • James Keegan says:

    English needs to be our National language-PERIOD!!!

  • Sandra Butterfield says:

    This is our country and the LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH if a person comes to this country to stay and live they need to speak ENGLISH like everyone else to fit in and become AMERICANS


    My Mother’s parents came U.S.A from Italy learned English.. And would not let any other language but American English be spoken in there home or by any of there family! In America talk ENGLISH!!

  • Randolph Chin-Quee says:

    I agree with all the people that commented and I also agree that anyone wanting to migrate here needs to speak, read and write in the English language and they also need to be able to spell the words correctly to write it on paper. This is a test that they have to do to become a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. As a new citizen you also have to take an oath to defend the USA from enemies foreign or domestic, it also means that if a citizen from where you were born is here and an enemy of the USA committing terrorism on citizens here you give an oath to protect all citizens from being killed by that person or persons. If you cannot agree to this then you do not belong here, you need to go back home.

  • Greg Nunz says:

    Both sets of grandparents had to learn English; one pair spoke French and the other German which they did AT HOME. But to live and progress here they found English mandatory. No cultural group should come here and try to force their language and WORSE, their judicial system down our throats (which, of course, one particular group wants to do).

  • Daniel Dorking says:

    I was stationed in Germany during 1986-1989. We had to take a Head start class to learn the basic language. I believe that when you live in another country that you should respect the language and culture of the native people.

  • Ernie White says:

    Where I work we have a lot of workers who do not speak English. In an emergency We would not be able to tell them what or where to go to be safe.

  • Rickey Newman says:

    English is our common national language.

  • Julia says:

    If I moved to France, Japan, or any other country, I would have to learn their language to get through every day. If people want to move to the USA and take advantage of our freedoms andbour social welfare system, they need to speak our language. We should not have to cater to them and learn their language.

  • Le Johnson says:

    Our American English language is our common bond, uniting us together. It has no racial, financial, gender, religious, age, etc boundaries. Some groups may generate colloquialisms, and these may tend to “label” them, but overall we can all communicate with one another. Our country (government at all levels, etc) wastes millions of dollars printing materials in a variety of non-English languages. These dollars could be better spent in helping educate our own citizens as well as others who are diligently willing to assimilate.

  • George says:

    It is the national language of America.

  • ds williamson says:

    Learn English and do all the other recommended laws for being in USA

  • Pam says:

    This country was founded by English speaking people. It is our “native” language. If you come to live in this country you must obey the laws, honor our customs, and speak the language. If you don’t like it, leave!

  • James Fralick says:

    Welcome to America – now learn English!

  • Karen Hurren says:

    Our great country can’t function as well when everything has to be done in 5 different languages. I am assuming that all of these NEW CITIZENS???? came to America because they loved our country and all of the privileges that Americans have… well, the old saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”… so “When in America, do as the Americans do” and that includes speaking ENGLISH!!!! One language is one of the main reasons America is GREAT!

  • Gayle says:

    I know that if I was to live in another country that it would be at my advantage if I was to learn their language. I would expect to learn it if I were to survive there. I would not expect that country to learn my language. It’s only common sense.

  • David Scott says:

    When our nation was living under the Articles of Confederation, a vote was taken to choose our national language. English was chosen over German by only 1 vote. The German immigrants were not bad sports like the Devilcrats today. They submitted to the majority instead of insisting upon a tyranny of the minority like the Devilcrats do.

  • Marvin R. Wright says:

    if I moved to another country I’d have enough sense and respect to learn THEIR language!

  • David Seale says:

    Our country was founded with ENGLISH AS OUR LANGUAGE!!!!!! If you don’t want to speak our language go back to where you came from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Stephanie says:

    We are loosing our country and values faster every day. Immigrants need learn English and our way of life or not come to the USA.

  • James Lane says:

    This is OUR country! People who come here need to work within our system, which includes the English language. We shouldn’t have to work to understand them. If they want to use our country to benefit and profit, they should do so as an English-speaking person.

  • Wayne Buck says:

    It use to be: you had to speak,read and write in English before you could become a U.S. citizen. Now all you have to know,is who to pay-off to be a citizen. As for those two in Iran ! What the hell are they doing in a country that hates Americans ???

  • georgejharting says:


  • Kai says:

    Our goodness as a country is proving to be our undoing

  • Doris says:

    They should adopt American language and ways or LEAVE. They try to change out country to what they came out of.

  • John Wirts says:

    America was a melting pot, people came from all over the world, my ancestors came from Germany and Norway. They angilcanizes their names and learned english! That braught us together as Americans. Now everyone has translators paid for by the Americans, there is no common language, or work ethic. the “refugees” ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS bring in deseases, when my ancestors came over they had to be healthy, and self supporting! If you went on the public dole you were deported! Let these people support themselves, learn the language and become productive citizens or show them the gate back where they came from!

  • Andrea Kay says:

    Because my ancestor learned, why shouldn’t everyone learn. We will still be divided. Besides, I’m tired of “push 1 for english”.

  • Jim Kasten says:

    Whatever country one is in, the local language that is spoken should be the one everyone adheres to. It”s good to learn other languages so that when you travel there you can speak their language. That means if you migrant to the US than you better learn to speak English, the language spoken at the time the Constitution was created.

  • Kenneth Gulliford says:

    One reason:We aren’t going to learn 20 other languages. Everyone before had to learn it, so learn it or leave. English is learned all around the world. I know many foreigners that learned this language. Enough!!!!!!!

  • William Barber says:

    Many different languages are spoken, here as well as other areas of the globe, however, if you do not have a ‘national language’, the problem of communication is aggravated and no one is actually served by the resulting confusion. We have ‘immigrants’ and descendants of immigrants in our Church, and each speaks English and they say that they too believe everyone should be able to speak English … so why is there so much furor over the subject. It should be part of becoming an citizen of the country to learn the language spoken in the country. I could never understand why someone in France would be required to learn English to speak to me, … or Germany, or anywhere for that matter. If I desire to go to that country and become ‘part’ of that country, then I should make the effort to learn the language and ‘fit in’. Thanks for your time and patience.

  • Smith says:

    This is not England. We are not English. We fought a revolution to create a new reality. Just as English evolved from French and Saxon, the American language should evolve from its many natives and participants, naturally.

  • Jackie Dukes-Strey says:

    Almost every other nation has an “official national language” & immigrants are expected to learn that language. They do NOT print everything in dozens of different languages & I don’t think America should either. Declare English as the national language & immigrants must learn it or have someone to interpret for them. Teach it in early elementary school & then everything else in English.

  • marilyn says:

    It is not fair to ones before came in and had to go by our laws. I could write a lot more about this bad situation.

  • A country is only a country if it has language, borders and culture, without it, we have no country. Anybody that wants to come legally is welcome, as long as they assimilate to our country and they don’t take any taxpayer benefits or American’s jobs. If you don’t want to assimilate, learn our language, follow our laws, then stay in your own DAMN country!!!!!!

  • Arnulfo G. Tibus, Jr. says:

    When one immigrates to a country of his choice, it simply means that it’s his CHOICE to leave his country of birth. In this new environment, it is incumbent for him to assimilate and blend sincerely with his new home – culturally, socially and in the other aspects of a new, lovelier kind of life. It is not for his new home to mesh with him. It is expected of him to behave with decorum and respect the laws of his new home, be grateful for being given a beautiful chance to improve his lot. And loyalty to this new home is a must.

  • Balaji says:

    At the point when one moves to a nation of his decision, it essentially implies that it’s his CHOICE to leave his nation of birth. Right now, it is officeholder for him to absorb and mix earnestly with his new home – socially, socially and in different parts of another, lovelier sort of life. It isn’t for his new home to work with him.

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