Trump Attorney Rips the Media During Interview

Trump attorney Michael Van Der Veen rips the media while giving an interview. During an interview with CBS News’ Lana Zak Saturday, Van der Veen said that Zak remains “bloodthirsty for ratings,” along with other media. Later, he tore off his microphone and left the interview. This happened after the acquittal of former President Trump in the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate, Trump’s attorney Michael van der Veen blasted the media, saying,
RELATED: Trump’s Impeachment Case Gets New Lawyers
“Yes We Did”
Before leaving, Van der Veen said that the impeachment managers failed to convict Trump. “'I'm speaking about the House manager's failure to prove their case. That's what I'm talking about, they weren't able to prove their case,' van der Veen asserted toward the end of a 10-minute tense interview.
Zak responded by saying Van der Veen and other Trump legal team members won the acquittal. The attorney replied yes, they did. “And if you would like to continue to talk about this conversation we can continue to do that. ‘But for me to ask a question to clarify for our viewers what you're talking about is a fair question,” Zak said.
Doctored Evidence
The conversation started heating up when Zak brought up the issue of doctored evidence. Earlier, Van der Veen said earlier that Democrats did not deny that they presented doctored evidence when shown a tweet that incorrectly displayed a blue verification checkmark. Van der Veen said the original date of the tweet is 2020 and not 2021 as presented. He also said that there were other ‘selective editing' instances in the evidence tapes that put their client, former President Donald Trump, in a bad light.
Van der Veen then asked Zak if the doctored evidence, no matter how small, was not enough for her. He continued by saying it's OK to doctor a ‘little bit' of evidence, and then went on to rant about the media. “The media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country. You are bloodthirsty for rating, and as such you are asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern,” he continued.
“Your coverage is so slanted it's got to stop. You guys have to stop and start reporting more as PBS does rather than a TV news show that doesn't have any journalistic integrity at all. I'm tired of the biased media on both sides – left and right. What this country wants, what this country needs is this country to come together. To take the left and the right and find a middle ground,” Van der Veen continued.
Van Der Veen’s Home Vandalized
Last Friday, vandals broke the windows of his Philadelphia home and spray-painted “TRAITOR” in red paint on his driveway. A red arrow pointed from the words to his house. The lawyer later admitted that he may have paid a high price for successfully defending Trump. Even tho vandals attacked his home, he said he'd rather not go into that. “To answer your question, my entire family, my business, my law firm are under siege right now. I don’t really want to go into that, though,” he told Fox News. Instead, he would rather talk about the merits of the impeachment case.
“The thing is, you guys don’t know me. I’m not a controversial guy. I’m not politically minded so to speak. I’m a trial lawyer and I represent people’s interests in court,” van der Veen explained. He went on to say he felt bad things got too personal. “And I’m disappointed that this is the result of just me doing my job,” he noted.
Watch the CBS News interview where Trump Attorney Michael Van Der Veer rips off his mic and calls out media:

Do you agree with Trump Attorney Mike Van der Veen that the media is to blame for what’s going in America? If slanted, which direction do they go? Let us know what you think by sharing your comments below.

Just look at the websites of the Democrat Party, the labor unions and the Communist Party USA, they’re all the same, commies, and the lamestream media is in bed with all of them.
IT was not just the Media that caused this in the insurrection,This was the cause of the hate that the Liberals have for Trump.,although Trump has said a lot of things which he never should have said,but he did not tell his supporters to crash the Capital building. .The Republican Party must find a new leader,yes he can take part in Rally’s.Mr. Trump done some good things in his 4 years but his bully principles must go in order to be a great leader,The question can both parties,not as long they have this hate and evil between them.but the American people can and they will without the Disagreements that both parties have With .each other. ,the American people have prove that can unite and not have the Congress do it for them. Why let the future of our country be decided by a selected group,the American have went through a lot ,we shall survive and to bathe great country that we have always been. God Bless America ::
The liberals media has gotten sooo very bad in the last several years. Iam so surprised that there has not been more law suits against them, for many of their lies that they seem to get away with, and all the while spew there hate! The today’s liberal media reminds me of a tabloid magazine, that you would see at the checkout in grocery store check out line!