Trump Backers Loud and Proud
Sep. 28–More than 100 people and a monkey turned out Saturday for a pro-President Donald Trump, pro-America rally at the Vigo County Courthouse in Terre Haute.
Waving American, Trump 2020 and thin blue line flags along U.S. 41, rallygoers spent much of the afternoon belting out the occasional “four more years” or “U-S-A” chant and cheering as passing cars offered affirming honks of their horns.
Those in attendance were resolute in their support of the president and many expressed no doubt in his worthiness to serve another term as commander in chief.
“I back Trump because he's not a part of the swamp,” said New Goshen resident Judy Dugger. “I'm 69-years-old and I've never backed a president like I do Donald J. Trump.”
Along with crediting Trump for ushering in record economic growth, Dugger said his seemingly unbridled love for this country is refreshing.
“That's why Trump is so strong and why we love him, because he supports the flag,” Dugger said. “He loves the American people.”
Bringing together folks like Dugger and the many others who share her passion for President Trump, was Blake Monroe's goal in planning the rally.
An Indiana State University student studying safety management and political science, Monroe, a Sullivan native, said he felt his views and beliefs were being oppressed by liberal schoolmates.
“I get a lot of discrimination for being a Trump supporter, a lot of hate for being a Trump supporter,” Monroe said. “And so I was like, ‘I'm tired of it, man, let's show 'em a show of support and we'll be all right.”
Monroe said he never thought so many people would take interest in the event.
He said Saturday's support shows there are many still willing to stand up for what he calls conservative beliefs and values.
“I added a major — which was American political science — because conservative beliefs are being pushed to the edge every day,” Monroe said. “I just came to the point where I was like, ‘Man, my beliefs are being threatened.'
“So, I had to do something.”
A crowd favorite as they drove past the crowd in a Hummer decked out in various Trump 2020 adornments, Lester, Dee and Tina Hines, along with Linda Roberts and Aaron Orman said they are all in on giving President Trump four more years to carry forward his platform.
“He's doing more for us everyday people than anyone ever has; especially the senior citizens and the veterans,” Linda Roberts said.
“He's the best man for the job,” chimed in Lester Hines, talking through a rubber Trump mask.
Dee Hines said she believes Trump's reelection, “is a matter of life as we know it.”
Lester echoed the sentiment, saying, “If our country changes the whole world will change with it, too. We've got to keep us on the straight and narrow, and wherever we go the rest of the world will, too.”
Along with Lester's mask and the group's shirts and hats, they brought with them a “Trump-loving” monkey named Zoey.
When not clinging to Dee or Tina Hines, Zoey could be found waving an appropriately sized Trump 2020 flag.
Reporter Alex Modesitt can be reached at 812-231-4232 or at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @TribStarAlex.
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