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Election 2016

Trump Destroys Cruz With ‘New York Values’



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It seems like Cruz might have gotten a little too confident after his victory in Wisconsin. The presidential candidate started his campaigning in New York on Wednesday and was welcomed with “boos” and shouting protestors telling him to “get out.” He even had a scheduled visit at a charter school cancelled after the students protested to their principle.

New York is a state made up of immigrants and the latest plans and policies that both Cruz and Trump are campaigning on, are the source of the hostility. Even so, Trump had a different kind of welcome. Although some were still outraged by Trumps immigration policies, he turned Cruz's failure into his own victory, speaking of New York values. Trump continuously harped on the “hatred” that Cruz has for New York and about Cruz's past mocking comments of “New York Values.”

New York being Trumps hometown, he quickly connected with the “values” and people of the state and used it to his advantage. 

Less than one hundred people came to a meet and greet at a restaurant for Ted Cruz, whereas thousands gathered to see Trump.

Cruz is now not only losing to Trump in New York primary battle, but he is dead last behind John Kasich. 

Although so far they have only campaigned in the Bronx, it could be possible for Cruz to catch up in more Republican areas like Long Island, or Upstate New York.

New York is typically a difficult state for Republican candidates, yet Trump has said that his focus is in “locking down the state.” “I love these people. These are my people.” Trump said to cheers.

It seems as if the race is far from over, Cruz still claims that Wisconsin was a turning point for the race, but Trump is eager to get back what he lost in New York and California. A scheduled trip to California has been confirmed for the upcoming June 7 California primary. California will prove to be the real deciding point for this GOP race. Although Cruz had the upper hand in Wisconsin because of a few fumbles from Trumps campaigning party, Trump now has the upper hand in New York. Cruz and Trump are gonna have to go head to head in California if either one wants to solidify the lead.

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