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Trump-Obama Feud Heats Up Over Flynn Fallout

A reenergized White House is going after the Obama administration for its role in the controversial investigation into former Trump-era National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
Last week, the Justice Department dropped its case against Flynn. This happened more than two years after he pled guilty to lying to the FBI during their investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. This decision came just weeks after incriminating documents revealed that FBI agents had political motivations for pursuing the case. The Justice Department said that continuing its investigation into Flynn would “not serve the interests of justice.”
It was a major victory for President Trump, who was highly critical of the FBI’s collusion investigation. Trump and other Republicans say the FBI’s attempts to railroad Flynn constitute clear evidence of a Democrat-led plot to remove him from office. On Sunday, Trump tweeted, “OBAMAGATE!” implying that the former president orchestrated the failed investigation.
In a statement to reporters, Trump said the Obama administration targeted Flynn. The former administration allegedly did this “in order to take down a president,” according to Trump. The president portrayed the attempted frame-job as an unprecedented assault on democracy. “What they’ve done is a disgrace and I hope a big price is going to be paid. A big price should be paid,” he said. “There’s never been anything like this in the history of our country. What they did, what the Obama administration did, is unprecedented. It’s never happened.”
One of Flynn’s lawyers, Ms. Sidney Powell, spoke with Fox News on Sunday. She said that the FBI did everything they could to conceal their investigation and entrap Flynn. She told interviewers that the FBI agents investigating Flynn attended a meeting that included President Obama, then-FBI Director John Comey, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former CIA Director John Brennan at the White House in January of 2017. The former administration “orchestrated and set up” the Flynn investigation “within the FBI, Clapper, Brennan,” Powell also claimed. He said it happened during “the Oval Office meeting that day with President Obama.”
When asked if she believed the scandal reached as high as President Obama, Powell said, “Absolutely.”
Even a reporter from Bloomberg, a notoriously left-leaning media outlet, expressed shock at the political motivations behind the Flynn case. After reviewing transcripts from House Intelligence Committee interviews, Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake felt strongly that ulterior motives exist behind the FBI investigation. “It’s now clear why every Republican on [Rep. Adam Schiff’s] committee in 2019 called for his resignation,” Lake wrote. “He knew the closed-door witnesses didn’t support his innuendo and fakery on Russia collusion,” he then added. President Trump retweeted Lake’s message on his Twitter feed.
The evidence piles up against the Obama administration’s failed frame job. Additionally, Obama and the rest of the Democrats have been playing political defense. He told an assembly of supporters last Friday that there is “is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.”
Despite Obama’s claims to the contrary, it’s common practice to dismiss charges on grounds of prosecutorial misconduct. One would think that Obama would be aware of that well-known legal tidbit. After all, he was a former civil rights attorney and constitutional law professor.
The Democrats will continue to do everything in their power to paint the Flynn acquittal as a miscarriage of justice. However, mounting evidence indicates that the entire investigation was a flagrant abuse of power from an outgoing administration. The said administration seems to want to undermine the democratic process. It tried to do so by using insider politics to remove a lawfully-elected U.S. president.
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