Trump Reached Out To The Losers “With Open Arms”

Trump didn't wait long to reach out to the delegates of the “loser of the Democratic party”, Bernie Sanders. Campaigning is a business. With delegates, now up for grabs, Trump made a wise move to swiftly align himself with the delegates that share his disapproval of Hillary.
On Tuesday, while in New York, Trump spoke out to Sanders supporters by saying; ““To all of those Bernie Sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates, we welcome you with open arms. And by the way, the terrible trade deals that Bernie was so vehemently against — and he’s right on that — will be taken care of far better than anyone ever thought possible, and that’s what I do.”
It has come down to a singular battle of Republican versus Democrat, and this year's presidential election may just be the most anticipated one in history. Hillary and Trump are putting on their Gladiator armor and are stepping into the arena, only one will emerge bloodied and victorious.
This is the most exciting part of the presidential election. We now know who they are and what it is they want to accomplish if they are elected the next president. Yet now, they have to convince us they can actually do it.
Imagine two magicians on a stage, both describing a breathtaking trick that is sure to leave you in awe and wonder. The theater is packed, people have picked their favorite magician quietly to themselves, and as the lights dim the tricks begin. It's not the trick that get's the applause, it's the magician that gets it. That principle is the same for the Presidential election.
Trump and Hillary are magicians trying to win the acceptance of the audience. If Trump can get the backing of Bernie supporters Hillary will have a mountain of opposition waiting in her path.