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Trump Suing Brad Raffensperger Over Leaked Audio Call

News of President Donald Trump suing Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State, surfaced hours after the media release of a leaked audio conversation between the two men. A recorded phone conversation between Trump, Raffensperger, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and State counsel Ryan Germany, is now making its way into court.
RELATED: Trump Demands Georgia Gov. Kemp to Resign
“Confidential Settlement Discussion”
According to Georgia Republican Party chairman David Shafer, the President plans to sue Raffensperger. He tweeted: “President @realDonaldTrump has filed two lawsuits – federal and state – against @GaSecofState. The telephone conference call @GaSecofState secretly recorded was a ‘confidential settlement discussion' of that litigation, which is still pending.”
He called the recording “mind-boggling” and said the leak came from Raffensperger and his lawyers. Media outlets that posted the audio call have not disclosed where the audio originated. The Washington Post first broke the news about the phone conversation on Sunday.
Georgia is a one-party consent state when it comes to recording conversations. At least one party needs to give consent before a person can record a private conversation. For videos, Georgia requires all parties involved in the video must give their consent.
“The People of Georgia Are Angry”
In a phone recording released to the media Sunday, Trump appeared to ask Raffensperger to find 11,780 votes he believed were stolen from him. The call was made on Saturday and included White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Raffensperger’s lawyer, Ryan Germany.
During the hour-long call, President Trump wanted Raffensperger to look into the election results yet again, strongly insisting that he won the elections in Georgia. Trump told Raffensperger that given the results, “The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry. And there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, um, that you've recalculated.” Trump added that he just wants to “find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”
Trump believed that Georgia made a mistake during the elections, which he claims “no way I lost Georgia.” He suggested Raffensperger acknowledge the mistake and overturn the results, this will solve the problem. “Flipping the state is a great testament to our country; it’s a testament that they can admit to a mistake. A lot of people think it wasn’t a mistake, it was much more criminal than that. But it’s a big problem in Georgia and it’s not a problem that’s going away.
Hundreds of Thousands of Votes
The President also claimed that they won by “hundreds of thousands of votes,” and that Raffensperger should “be careful of political corruption” in places like Fulton County. The Republicans alluded to alleged voter irregularities in the county. They accused voting machine systems provider manufacturer Dominion of “moving fast to get rid of their machinery.” Dominion denies involvement in all allegations of voting fraud.
In the audio call, Raffensperger repeatedly challenged Trump’s allegations, insisting he possessed the wrong data. Raffensperger and his office's general counsel, Ryan Germany, reiterated that President-elect Joe Biden won the state by more than 12,700 votes out of 5 million votes cast. “The people of Georgia know that this was a scam, and because of what you’ve done to the president, a lot of people aren’t going out to vote [in the Tuesday runoff elections],” the President said, “A lot of Republicans are going to vote negative because they hate what you did to the president.” “Everyone’s going to look very good if the truth comes out,” he added. “And the real truth is I won by 400,000 votes at least. That’s the real truth.” Then, he also suggested that his party mate Raffensperger faces criminal consequences if he didn’t act on the request.
“He Has No Clue”
The president himself referenced the call in his tweets Sunday morning. He said Raffensperger refused to look into the corruption happening before his eyes. “I spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger yesterday about Fulton County and voter fraud in Georgia. He was unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the ‘ballots under table’ scam, ballot destruction, out of state ‘voters’, dead voters, and more. He has no clue!” the president said on social media. Then, he also called out the governor, Brian Kemp, also a Republican, for not intervening. “The Governor, @BrianKempGA, and his puppet Lt. Governor, @GeoffDuncanGA, have done less than nothing,” Trump tweeted.
During the phone call, Trump admonished Raffensperger for ignoring the reports of voter fraud in Atlanta. He called him “a child” and “either “dishonest or incompetent” for not acting on his complaint. Also, Trump berated and called himself a “schmuck” for endorsing Kemp.
Watch and listen to the CNBC full audio call of President Trump’s conversation with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger last Saturday:

Do you agree with President Trump suing Brad Raffensperger for allegedly leaking a confidential call? Given Georgia’s one-party consent law on audio, do you think this will prosper? Let us know what you think about this, and about the conversation between the two men as well. Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

This was a innocent conversation and it was privately discussed . But unknown to our President they recorded it and released it to the media . That’s wrong definitely wrong .I hope the President wins and he sues the pants off those who recorded this without the President’s permission !!!!!President Trump won this election hands down . I hope God prevails and he punishes those that are corrupt PERIOD!
All politicians are dirty. An honest person cannot be in politics.
John Lippincott there is some that have been honest in politics and still might honest even today
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. These politicians have too much power and are still afraid of Trump.
You sound as sick as Trump!
Funny, you’d never hear a private conversation with Clinton or Obama on the news now would you.
What’s this world come to when you can’t even trust your own family. Disgusting.
You can darned right bet that NO conversation could be recorded with Clinton and Obama. President Trump has every right to sue the person who leaked it. Goes to show you that the Georgia politicians are still as crooked as they go, including this call and the Presidential election votes. I’m so sorry that I as a Georgia voter can’t trust our election officials. Remove the leaker Ratburger and see how he likes being shown as the sneak that he is. Oust him and Kemp.
Everyone from Supreme Court on down is more afraid of the clintons obama antifa BLM and dems then they are of trump! They also ignore the evidence and refuse to hear the cases! Your comments are correct of not hearing comments from recordings of Clinton and Obama unfortunately we have two systems in the USA now snd there is no such thing as fair justice anymore!
It should be out. The people need to see the real Trump for the loser and Bullie he really is.
The president called the SOS, not the other way around. This was a threatening phone call, in which the President did the threatening. This is worse than Watergate, and we know what the results of that was! So you think the SOS should be prosecuted for not agreeing to aid and abet voter fraud? Make that sound right, I dare you!😡😢 🙏☮️🇺🇸🌎
Just goes to show that trump and his cronies are a bunch of losers.You lost the election,you idiots that keep trying to overturn the election are the problem.He lost now it’s time for trump to face criminal charges for him and his corrupt family.
you must be the democarps #1 witness!
the one they always use as their prime
“witness” to alllllll the “bad” things
he has done with in evidence.
You Clinton Obama Biden communist bastards all need to be put in Alcatraz with one another and stay there to rot them feed your sorry asses to the sharks!! They probably wouldn’t even want to eat y’all!!! Y’all had better swap news channels and see what’s really going on in the world! Y’all don’t have a clue! You might get a chance to see in the next 4 yrs then we can send these fake news reporters to the island with y’all! Trump gave some of the Republicans a shot in the spine to get the jelly stiff!! Got a long way to go but we are headed in the right direction!!! MAGA Trump
I don’t know why you want to sue him? should be thanking him
for showing what a corrupt lying POS he and all the others are!
“500 dead voters? naw there was only 2, shredding your votes?
naw they were shredding years old votes.
Yea Stevie, except all the criminal activity and corruption
evidence points straight to Joe and his family.
regardless if HE IS THE PRESIDENT or not privacy is privacy.
It depends on who did the recording. Georgia is a one-party consent state for audio recordings, i.e., one of the people in the recording had to give their consent to record. I don’t particularly appreciate that it was released to the press, which is clearly meant to influence the court of public opinion. With so much apparent evidence of wrongdoing, is it so hard to step up and prove it, one way or another? I haven’t lost confidence in our voting system – I’ve lost respect for the politicians.
if Trump isn’t able to clean up the fraud and corruption, then you Biden supporters will get what u wanted. Communism, open borders, lack of privacy, corruption, and a godless nation. We will have to suffer for your lack of knowledge. Hope u enjoyed the kool-aid
The dumbing down of Americans has been in process for decades this is proof.
All you Trumpsters crying and whining give me a address and I’ll send a care package of Dipper’s and a baby bottle to you. 😅😅💩
The time for talk and working through these issues in the courts of evil men is nearly over! The next steps America takes are what I fear the most, yet if history shows us anything, its that human nature repeats itself over and over again. Therefore, considering our own past and that of world history (the continuing struggle against communism) only one method of fighting this sort of evil and corruption remains! The sad thing is that, this time it’s on our OWN soil… what a shame, what a shame!!!
Trump always does things “because it is the right thing to do” Finally a President that does things to help the people and the Country. The individual has to decide just what kind of Country they want to live in. 60 years I have heard about politicians being corrupt and now you have someone trying to fix the problem as with anyone trying to do the right thing the vultures will try and destroy you. all the Trump haters are calling all those people testifying “LIARS” ?? Do not see thousands lining up to leave this country that they hate so much, do you? I admire the people coming forth and standing up for their country it takes great courage.
As a life-long GA Republican that helped put both Kemp & Raffensperger in office in 2018, I will work TWICE AS HARD AND LONG to get them thrown the HELL OUT !!!
I agree with Shirley. It’s just another attempt to make the president look bad and discourage the citizens of Georgia from voting. Why wouldn’t Raffensperger want to release the information if he really wants to know the truth? It’s probably because he’s afraid of the truth that President Trump WON THE ELECTION!
About time the public knows that no one is above the law. Even POTUS
What I hear is Trump trying to get to the truth!, He repeatedly explained situations that were statistically impossible for a Biden win, he challenged the false hood, The way they responded to Trump proved they knew they were recording not to admit the cheating that what is going on. Transparency is needed. and Stacey Abrahms is definitely hiding the truth.
It is a shame that trump has no sense of justice and remorse. EVERYTHING he does either has to degrade, hurt and make a person feel guilty. He really should be considered another Benedict Arnold and he held accountable he acting and being a traitor towards the United States of America. HE NOT GOD and he thinks he is then he never should have been elected as a President of the USA BUT should have been placed in a looney farm. The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES is for everyone to respect those laws that were indoctrinated in our social living. He personally have nothing good to say about trump because he only proved what kind of person he is an un-american, lying and cheating individual who only thinks about himself. Maybe he should also be accountable for GENOCIDE for every individual that has died because of the Covbid.
It is a shame that trump has no sense of justice and remorse. EVERYTHING he does either has to degrade, hurt and make a person feel guilty. He really should be considered another Benedict Arnold and he held accountable he acting and being a traitor towards the United States of America. HE NOT GOD and he thinks he is then he never should have been elected as a President of the USA BUT should have been placed in a looney farm. The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES is for everyone to respect those laws that were indoctrinated in our social living. He personally have nothing good to say about trump because he only proved what kind of person he is an un-american, lying and cheating individual who only thinks about himself. Maybe he should also be accountable for GENOCIDE for every individual that has died because of the Covid.
It is a shame that trump has no sense of justice and remorse. EVERYTHING he does either has to degrade, hurt and make a person feel guilty. He really should be considered another Benedict Arnold and he held accountable he acting and being a traitor towards the United States of America. HE NOT GOD and he thinks he is then he never should have been elected as a President of the USA BUT should have been placed in a looney farm. The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES is for everyone to respect those laws that were indoctrinated in our social living. I personally have nothing good to say about trump because he only proved what kind of person he is an un-american, lying and cheating individual who only thinks about himself. Maybe he should also be accountable for GENOCIDE for every individual that has died because of the Covid.
If president Trump wanted this to be broadcast he would have given permission. this to me is a crime that should be reported and taken care of.
President Trump is just trying to protect us, the voters, who know Georgia has committed Fraud in this election. If he for quits fighting for America, China will move right in and take over America with the Blessing of Biden and that Stacey and the Governor and Secretary of State of Georgia. They sold us out and our President gave them a chance to clean up the illegal voter roles of Georgia.
God Bless our great President Trump and give him 4 more years, God Bless America and keep us free.
Really! All you Trumpers still don’t get it. Still drinking the Koolaid Trump dishes out. All you would have been followers of Hitler and Jim Jones if you could. You really can’t except the truth, just like Orange Head! Sad. Never had a President act like this Idiot. What a Baby. Definately, not a man that would except the truth, HE LOST THE ELECTION, FAIR AND SQUARE!!!
Interesting president Trump haters – were you also bashing him while your savings increased, more employment of people of color, businesses coming back to America, protecting our borders from criminals, drugs and children stolen to enter illegally. Now you’ll need to change your vocabulary according to Pelosi’s PC, guess Webster will need to rewrite it’s whose drinking the Biden poison koolade?