US News
Trump Supporters March Through NYC with “World’s Biggest Trump Flag”; Chant “Four More Years”

Supporters of President Trump marched by Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and through Times Square in New York City with what is described as the “world’s biggest Trump flag.”
The 75-foot-by-50-foot flag had the words: “Trump: Law and Order.” The crowd chanted “Four more years,” “Whose streets? Our streets,” and the Pledge of Allegiance as they marched, reported The Daily Mail.
Meanwhile, The Sun reported that the project saw Trump supporters completely cover the Black Lives Matter mural outside the president's former home.
Trump's son, Eric, thanked the supporters via Twitter: “We love all of you so much! If I was there today (I’m campaigning in Michigan and Minnesota) I would come down and give you all a big hug!”
Many of those present also wore “Make America Great Again” caps and “Trump 2020” shirts, but only a few wore face masks despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
When the group reached Times Square, they played “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra.
Videos of the demonstration have been posted on a Facebook group titled “OperationFlagDrop.” The group has almost 140,000 members.
According to The Sun, cops responded to an incident in Washington Square Park earlier that day. Meanwhile, “where a smaller Trump 2020 flag was removed from the park's famous archway, as campaign paraphernalia is not allowed on public structures.”
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