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Paul Ryan Is A Joke And Has To Go




  • The Republican National Committee has pledged its continued support.
  • Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at House Speaker Paul Ryan.
  • “Dems have always proven to be far more loyal to each other than the Republicans!”

Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at House Speaker Paul Ryan and others in the so-called Republican establishment for distancing themselves from his campaign over lewd comments he made about women in a decade-old tape.

With four weeks to go until Election Day, Trump fired off a blizzard of tweets Tuesday morning suggesting he doesn't need them — responding to Ryan telling House Republicans a day earlier he would no longer campaign with or defend Trump.

“Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty,” Trump wrote as he kicked off the series of tweets.

The Republican nominee went on to say that “the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to,” and that “Dems have always proven to be far more loyal to each other than the Republicans!”










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A Ryan spokesperson said in a statement: “Paul Ryan is focusing the next month on defeating Democrats, and all Republicans running for office should probably do the same.”

The tensions follow the release last week of a 2005 audiotape in which Trump can be heard bragging about having enough celebrity power to kiss and grope woman without their permission.
Trump repeatedly apologized over the weekend, including during his debate Sunday night with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. But aside from Ryan's comments, several GOP lawmakers defected from Trump in the wake of the footage.

Members on the call with Ryan described tense exchanges. The call lasted for about 45 minutes, before abruptly ending.

However, the Republican National Committee has pledged its continued support.

Some of the GOP’s most conservative lawmakers also continue to back Trump and chastise those who have abandoned him.

“We have to get on board. It’s all in or nothing,” Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, who was on Ryan's call, told Fox News on Tuesday.

He said 11 House members are with Ryan, whom Gohmert also lambasted for saying his focus is now on ensuring that Clinton doesn’t enter the White House with Democrats having taken control of the House, too.

“It’s not going to happen,” said Gohmert, arguing the Republicans now control the House and Senate but have not effectively stopped the Obama administration’s agenda.

Another House member on the call said outspoken California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher called Republican leaders “cowards.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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  • Steven V Trebus says:

    He is a worthless! He does not want to defeat the Democrats, the enemy.He wants Hillary to win.He has sold us, Republican voters, out.

  • Steve says:

    He’s an ass. Not thinking of the country or the party, only himself.

  • Tim gordon says:

    he does not support the candidate that the people chose.

  • Barry McMullan says:

    He is jealous and wants to be in charge and a poor loser from past actions. We need someone to fight ‘Bama and ‘illary not fold to their every whim. The actions of both clintons are far worse than the mouth of Trump!

  • Sanford Small says:

    Ryan is not looking out for the people!

  • N says:

    He should back Trump. I guess he wants a crook back in office to screw the American people. He is just as bad as the Clintons and a traitor to his Republican Party

  • bruce says:

    This past week I faxed two letters to his office asking for explanations for his weak GOP stance and got no reply-typical.

  • nina says:

    Paul Ryan is the TYPICAL politician: self-serving and obfuscating, if not outright lying.
    Donald Trump wants to better OUR lives.

  • Cheryl Masching says:

    I don’t like the fact that he has a problem with people on disability. I have health issues that prevent me from working. I have been fighting Social Security Disability for 41 months now. I

  • Mickie says:

    Paul Ryan is talking like a political lifer. If he was a true rebublican he would stand beside our choice for president. Or is he as well as other long term politicians worried that Trump will implicate them as being part of the problem in government

  • Paul says:

    He has caved in to the obama admin and has become the democratic parties whipping boy and needs to go!!!!!!!!

  • Wanda Crosby says:

    How can he turn his back on Mr Trump when not only was it years and years ago and he himself in years back may have done the same thing but never got caught! We as humans say things all the time that we regrets later, but Hitlery’s actions speak volumes louder than his locker room words!

  • Mary Ann says:

    He is a traitor to the republican party.

  • Gerald says:

    Paul Ryan is the Speaker of the House and a main force in the GOP. He should get the all of the Republican high ups in Washington including himself and rally for DJT and support him in his run for the Whitehouse, if he cannot do that then he needs to resign and join the democrats and that lying crooked stealing bunch with the Clintons and then we will have 4 more years worse than we have now!! Do your job Ryan or get out!!!

  • Gary says:

    He’s just another rino who along with all the other spinless establishment gop have created Donald J Trump who actually has a pair! The gop has turned it’s back on all of us true conservatives & were on the verge of extinction. Donald J Trump is saving the gop. Thank you Paul Ryan your don!. GO DONALD!!

  • Stephen P. DuPont II says:

    I’ve always felt that Paul Ryan was a soft conservative that leaned a little more towards the middle that the right.

  • James Albee says:

    Trump is an absolute train wreck that is not even waiting to happen. I have not heard anyone stating a good reason to vote for him (Just reasons to vote against Clinton). Ryan is trying to protect what is left of the GOP to be able to thwart the inevitable (and yes, I use the word inevitable) election of Clinton over this buffoon.

  • Charles Burrell says:

    We need to get rid of all the RINO’s

  • Paul says:

    I don’t even know how he got where he is ,, It’s like he walked up and just took over,,, He is supposed to defend and help, the people not himself,,,His words mean nothing a traitor ,, should be supporting Trump ,, he should be after Hillary and Obama ,, put him on the front line he’ll desert

  • Roselynn Fagan says:

    The recent action of Paul Ryan choosing not to support Trump is utterly unacceptable & disgraceful!! By not supporting Trump he stands in aiding Killary to get elected & we cannot let that happen as it will destroy America as we know it & bring our Country to its knees !! I will continue to support, stand behind & vote for Trump in this election & any Republican who’s chosen to not do the same , Will Not now nor anytime down the line have my support or my vote PERIOD ! I jumped in board as a Republican to support Trump & defeat Hillary but once this election is over I think it’s best to switch back to Independent as as the idiots like Ryan have proven they don’t support the people nor care about what the people want

  • Andre Deglas says:

    Once again he is creating a huge issue that splits the party by no longer supporting Trump who will now go of the deep end with his unchecked remarksetc.. which will ensure the defeat of the Republicans not only for the W.H. but also in Congress where they lose the Senate and possibly the House allowing that evil women to have total control in finishing off the country for good

  • james allen wyatt, jr. says:


  • Ken Duncan says:

    Without unity we Republicans will fall. Our country is in grave danger and we need to rise as a unit, one mission, one goal, one purpose.
    Mr. Ryan, did you notice the word one? We only have one candidate. Get on the elephant or fall off on YOUR donkey.

  • Vicki Mathiesen says:

    Ryan and his other RINOS are the reason that Trump is such a force. Ryan, in his lack of support for Trump shows his true colors, his choice is for Hillary to win so he can maintain the “good old boy” gravy train system. Otherwise he would be 100% for Trump. The prospect of Hillary as President terrifies any GOOD American and will do anything to support Trump.

  • Amy says:

    He’s a Republican he should back Trump 100% no matter what that was a long time ago what has Hillary done and look what she is gotten away with come on now don’t be crooked any longer we the people I want Trump

  • He is part of the Republican RINO establishment that is let the Liberal Obama get their way for the past eight years just like John Boehner.

  • Herman says:


  • lisamains says:

    He is a Clinton lover don,t give damn about my country He thinks he is god I will never vote for a Rep ever again It,s Trump or the Devil I take Trump any time P R is apiece of slime I,am pissed off !!!!!!!!!

  • walter says:

    he is a big p i will never vote for him or any one that is like him he can not tell the truth an wants hillary to get in god help us if she dose

  • Robert Welt says:

    Paul Ryan has turned out to be another establishment flunky who has no more intention of fulfilling his oath to defend this country and our constitutional rights. As an elected representative he has volunteered to serve this nation and his constituents representing their needs and requests as a public servant. It is time for He and all the other treasoness establishment elitists to go. Our founding fathers would have impeached the lot of them years ago.

  • Robert Nelson says:

    Paul Ryan does not seem to know if he is a Republican or a Democrat. I am a Wisconsinite but not from his district so the embarrassment is not as severe

  • Norma Herfurth says:

    He is a turn coat

  • Name says:

    He obviously opposes all true American values

  • Anthony LoGiudice says:

    He has done nothing to stop the problems in DC

  • Donald Mitchell says:

    Ryan, like Boehner before him and McConnell in the Senate, seems convinced that the best strategy for Republicans is to forget their base as soon as they are elected and do everything they can to assist the Democommies in enacting their unAmerican agenda. They’ve probably cost their own party the Senate and (at least) a significant number of House seats with this behavior. While there a (very) few good conservatives in the Republican Party, this “leadership” group has made “Republican” a dirty word in many households.

  • Donna Davis says:

    No one is perfect. Trump has apologized. We need to support the Republican platform and if that means voting for Trump then so be it. If Paul Ryan does not support Trump then he is supporting Hillary. Since he supports Hillary, he must go.

  • Pauline says:

    United we stand. Divided we fall!!

  • Lenora says:

    He is in politics for the MONEY. He has chickened out on TRUMP one time to many. He has proven himself to be unreliable,dishonest and unfit to be speaker. He should be fired. Hope fires him asap!

  • Carolyn says:

    The Republican establishment has never supported Trump. “WE THE PEOPLE” elected Mr. Trump. All the old heads that have been in office have let Obama do whatever he wants to do. The guys that had the power to hold Obama’s feet to the fire have done nothing. You career politicians have forgotten “We The People”. So yes get on board the Trump train!

  • Kathy says:

    I am more than ever convinced that Paul Ryan and the special elites are bought up by left and this was all planned. If you remember they were fighting aloud about Trump until they were getting slammed by us so they re-schemed and went to plan B which is parting their ways with Trump but still thinking that we are dumb enough to think that what Trump said 11 years ago and even not a big deal I personally have heard from women that you would never think would say things far far worse than what Trump said. If this is all that they can come up with then I feel for them when the terrorist begin to fight even more on our own soil and keep threatening to wipe off the face of the earth all white people, what race are they and even what race is Hillary? hum!!!!!!

  • Butch Scott says:

    While I don’t believe in everything Trump says or stands for, I know I don’t believe or trust Paul Ryan and his motives to stay elected and entitled.

  • Genevieve says:

    He is only in it for his own career in politics and not for his party or the candidate who represents the party. He has sabotaged Trump for President. HE IS PART OF THE ESTABLISHMENT WHO WANTS THINGS NOT TO CHANGE. OH MY GOSH! TRUMP/PENCE VOTE NOV 8, 2016!!!!!!!!!

  • Michael says:

    Speaker Paul Ryan get in line save this great nation you when your life will vote for Hillary Clinton and cross party lines get out of public life we don’t need you anymore we need people that believe in this country in the Constitution of the United States we need to bring it back and we need to bring it back now

  • Luther Johnson says:

    Ryan is only concerned about his political career. One may not agree with everything Trump says, past or present, but he speaks for most of us. Maybe Ryan truly is a RINO.

  • Joe says:

    He is basically a coward and career politician who has nothing to show for his tenure in office. Time is past due for him to go with the rest of his cronies. Ask him what he said 11 years ago.

  • Barry says:

    Because after he took the place of the Drunken Wino it was proven that he and the drunk pocked $2.300,000 to get TPP pushed through. So in my eyes he is just as corrupt as HILIARY

  • mick says:

    he is a dem at heart and want to mainain statis quo god damn traitor



  • John Grychak says:

    I knew from the gitgo, that Paul Ryan, would be a disaster as Speaker. This guy is a Democrat at heart, and should not be allowed to continue in this office, or any other government position. OUST THE SOB. HE’S A TRAITOR, not only to the GOP, but to the the people of America. Get his butt out ASAP!

  • David says:

    Yielding to a very unimportant yet unfortunate issue and thereby ignore the true issues is repugnant to me. His position is divisive and plays to the elites who are running the country. He has abandoned Conservatives at his expense.

  • John says:

    Any one in the Republican Party that doesn’t vote for TRUMP IS A TRAITOR TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. We voted for the one who gave us what we the people want. Why must you divide the party mare than it is.

  • Gregg Vandenberg says:

    He jumps ship …. And I think he wants Hillary to win.

  • Dan Cloer says:

    Paul Ryan is WORSE than Boehner. He epitomizes the last 15 years of traitorous Republican Leadership. HE MUST GO. Recall Ryan.

  • Michael says:

    I didn’t trust him from the beginning and commented numerous times that Louie Gohmert would be a great choice. I am sick and tired of the single party mentality going on in DC. It’s time for a cleaning up of our government and following the Constitution.

  • Larry Anderson says:

    Ryan has not unified the Republican Party!

  • Gary Haag says:

    He is part of the establishment and will do anything to help them hold onto their power over the U.S. citizens. He is a snake in the grass, and cannot be trusted. I think he is worse than Boehner.

  • Louis says:

    He is weak and has no balls.

  • Mike says:

    Works for Hillary

  • john twigg says:

    He has no stability and is like a one size fits all! When things don’t go his way or if the bribe is better elsewhere that’s where your find the BOY!

  • Susan Dix says:

    He loves to stir up drama in whatever issue suits his political agenda at the moment. One minute, he supports Donald Trump, the next minute he is “outraged” at him. These turn coats should have honored their pledges in the first place!! Just Democrates in sheep’s clothing.

  • Matt says:

    Paul Ryan is doing everything he can to destroy this nation and he doesn’t want Trump to stop him.

  • Thomas says:

    Paul Ryan
    What can I say ?
    Just look at this pathetic looking thing!
    To listen to him is even more pathetic!
    I like to look and listen to someone that makes me feel confident and secure within myself
    Ryan doesnt address or fill that need

  • Lewis says:

    Because he is a self made S o b who needs to go

  • Al White says:

    He could have stopped a TRILLION + obama spending bill, he could have put a stop to baby killing, he is obama’s most favored Republican (actually RINO). He needs to join the DNC…he will be much more comfortable there. He is doing nothing but dividing what’s left of the RNC.

  • Steve Beeson says:

    He’s a Gutless, Spineless COWARD! Out for himself and his cronies Not for the American People!

  • Jill Moncilovich PhD says:

    Paul Ryan is now and always has been a RINO! He goes the way the wind blows with absolutely NO convictions based on the Constitution. He is out to save his own skin and bank account and the American Citizens be damned.

  • DK Mitchell says:

    He signed a pledge to support who ever the Rep party picked. If H C gets elected I will be blaming HIM and the Rep party for loosing the election. His word or handshake doesn’t mean anything !!! I surely don’t want him as a House Leader.

  • Mr.Pres.Vincent J.Stanley says:

    The Ds& the Rs don’t work for Americans the owners of the U.S.of America not servants

  • Lori says:

    Paul Ryan is a slimy scumbag. He needs to be sent to cat Island in Japan and left there.

  • Lori says:

    Paul Ryan is the poorest excuse for a human being I’ve ever seen. The best place to send Paul Ryan is Cat Island in Japan and leave him there. He’ll fit right in.

  • Jerry says:

    He is a Republican and he needs to back the Republican Party and the person running for president in that party. He seems to be one of those people that thinks he is better.

  • Lori says:

    Paul Ryan, Jebby Bush, Boehner, , Flake , De Blazio and the rest need to be exiled to Cat Island in Japan ! They ‘ll fit right in,, Get my drift LoL !!!

  • Jack Freese says:

    He would make a good democrat he’s trying to ruin the party.

  • Hazel Barnes says:

    He has done absolutely nothing for congress. He is a republican in name only. Republicans must stand together or shut their mouth and say nothing.

  • BILL says:


  • charlie says:

    He should not be allowed to return VOTE against him.

  • arthur says:

    he is interested in himself and the money and benefits he gets ! he and his associates in the party DO NOT stand up for WE THE PEOPLE !!!

  • Guys says:

    It’s funny, that I was thinking the same thing yesterday. It’s time for Ryan to go!
    Look at His history since Speaker. He does more (in my opinion) for the Democratic Party than for ANY Republican.

  • Walter Caracciolo says:

    Tired of all the illegals getting benefits that we can’t get. Tired of all the refugee coming with being vetted. Tired of the politicians not doing their job. We need term limits. Not career politician.

  • Gerald Woods says:

    We need to get rid of the “Good Ole Boys Club”!! They need to be in the Demorats Party not the GOP!!

  • Joe Bruster says:

    We gave them the majority and got Bonier out of the speakers seat. Then put Ryan as leader and all he has done is give oduma everything he wants. Our national debt 20 trillion, Ryan and Mc Cain have yet to use their influence to bring justice for Americans on Bengazi or the E mail Bleaching by clinton not to mention the IRS corruption by lois lerner !!!! These Republicans just want hillary to win so they can just continue “business as usual” just like the rest of the dems. SCREW RYAN

  • Charles Mozingo says:

    We thought Boehner was bad, we just didn’t know how bad Ryan is. He has been giving OVOMIT everything he wants, he votes the way he wants him to.

  • Charles Mozingo says:

    We thought Boehner was bad, we just didn’t know how bad Ryan is. He has been giving OVOMIT everything he wants, he votes the way he wants him to.

  • Ernest Martin says:

    A career politician that is as self-centered as Ryan should not hold any position of power to fulfill his desires . He’s basically a conceited arrogant ass .

  • james van hoosier says:

    If this rat does not back Trump,Trump WILL NOT WIN AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST. Having a majority in the Senate wont matter.supreme court will be Democrat

  • Tom Jenny says:

    It is unbelievable how reactionary these people and him are to “locker room talking”. Get a life really.

  • Carol Sabo-Berrian says:

    He does not support Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate.

  • Dave mack says:

    Rino Ryan is a spineless gutless rino that has no place being speaker! He has no leadership skills and this is why the demos want him back. He is even worse than boehner was. The demos have Ryan in their power, he must go!


    we all need to band together to defeat Hilary or our country will be lost. my family first came here in 1650 fought for our country in ALL WARS for freedom we can’t just give it away

  • RuthBradley says:

    Paul Ryan behaves as a RINO – he is NOT behaving as a loyal Republican. In my opinion, he is not viable in his current position, and is not working on behalf of my better interests as well as that of all other citizens who wish our country to be operated by the terms of our Constitution. He should bow out and be gone!

  • Cheri Galbraith says:

    I did already
    He is not a unifyer n is disloyal. He and everyone like him should be voted out or ousted out of office. What a shame to themselves not to stabd with Trump. Have they never had a lewd thought? Every man alive have had lewd thoughts and have regretts. Donald apoligized and i think he shiuld be forgiven. So ryan and others like him are so willing to believe the worst that they would jeopardize a whole nation by putting Hilary in office? Now thats an atrocity! Shameful and will be regrettful should she win, when she further destroys our country. Will the cost of pride be worth a whole nation sinking like the Titanic? Who will recover it when the Constitution is changed or our Christian rights are outlawed or our guns are conficated or capitalism is destroyed and our military is deminished? Who will regrett then? Ryan and other disloyals know what Hilary is about and for pride sake would choose her over Trump. What a complete failure for these disloyal men in their public offuce. We have been a laughing stock of tge world because of them. They should be replaced by men who will be loyal

  • WARREN ASING says:


  • Dave says:

    Rino Ryan should be removed from his job as soon as possible and the rule change to stop his removal that he is trying to implement has to be scuttled now! That’s actions may have costs us the Senate + pres.+house already!



  • David says:

    Mainly, he needs to go because he DOESN’T believe in small government, strong states, the Constitution as the supreme law, and of coarse the sovereignty of our nation. And all of that BEFORE the fact that he refuses to support the individual the Republican people chose to represent them in the white house.

  • Barney says:

    – Going on enemy Clinton News Network CNN to declare he wasn’t ready to endorse Trump.
    – Constantly criticizing Trump throughout the election process.
    – Unendorsing Trump and refusing to campaign with him.
    – Ryan’s policies are contrary to what Trump and Republicans want: Ryan supports TPP, open borders, etc, etc.

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