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I’m An American And Im Pissed




  • I hate that career criminals are given light sentences and extra chances because society is to blame for their actions.
  • I'm tired of foreign nationals coming into our country to kill our citizens.
  • More people than ever are drawing disability, welfare and WIC checks, even though they can work.
  • I doubt that Donald Trump will be able to solve many of these problems, if any, but I do know Clinton will only exacerbate them.

I won't be voting for Hillary Clinton in November because I'm tired.

I'm tired of foreign nationals coming into our country to kill our citizens. Others receive benefits such as Social Security they aren't entitled to get. I'm tired of having to choose my every word carefully to avoid being called intolerant or a racist, even though I am neither.

I'm weary of citizens who will never contribute anything to society other than crime and anarchy complaining when they are dealt with harshly by law enforcement. I'm fed up with telemarketers, scam artists, computer hackers and overseas call centers manned by people who can't speak English.

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I'm unhappy with professional athletes making more money in a year than I'll make in a lifetime complaining and disrespecting my flag and country, knowing full well their lifestyle would be vastly different if they didn't live here. I'm asked to join the NRA at least once a month, but their stance on automatic weapons, registering all guns and large capacity clips makes me mad. I'm upset that all choices of television programs feature inane and contrived situations or 85 IQ butt-shakers who masquerade as entertainers.

It makes me angry that the Supreme Court has decided the Constitution should be interpreted so that one half of 1 percent of the population is allowed to whimsically decide which sex they are to the detriment of the other 99 1/2 percent. (Actually, the court has taken it upon themselves to do that with every issue and it would be a travesty if Clinton were allowed to appoint another such idiot to the court.) I find it egregious that our national debt has grown through the ceiling, while there are many countries who owe us money we aren't trying to collect.

More people than ever are drawing disability, welfare and WIC checks, even though they can work, and absentee parents fail to support their children without repercussions. I hate that career criminals are given light sentences and extra chances because society is to blame for their actions. It's unfair that large businesses and the rich don't pay their share of taxes. It's tiresome to face recrimination for wars we ended that were started by others and to be blamed for injustices that were forced on ethnic groups by 4 percent of the population, of which no ancestor of mine was a part of. The only people who should be hopping mad are Native Americans, yet we hear nothing from them.

Revisionist history is maddening, especially when myths and less than half truths are perpetuated in our schools. We pay homage to crooks and liars, knowing nothing of their true nature. I've had it with young people's foul language and disrespect for our peace and sanctity, even though prior generations' struggles gave them the freedoms they enjoy.
I doubt that Donald Trump will be able to solve many of these problems, if any, but I do know Clinton will only exacerbate them. Trump may put us in a war, but at least we will go down fighting, not cowered in a corner whimpering, as we are taken over from within. I've always admired the pluck and determination of those in the shootout in the movie “The Outlaw Josey Wales,” and I'm prepared to join them in the battle, this one against political correctness and oppression from those lacking common sense and decency. I'm tired of it.



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  • Reyes orozco says:

    Tired of the environment laws that bring business down, attack on the second amendment,jobs leaving the USA,people coming from other countries and bring there laws and they what us to follow them case an point Muslim with there sharia laws and offended by bacon and the have the nerve to tell us u can’t sell that…. remember upon came here to got to follow USA laws. And also curruption…etc,ect

  • Steven V Trebus says:

    We know what we will get with Hillary. I don’t want what she wants. Trump is who we need to be President.

  • agostino says:

    too many wars and the increase of public debit.the government must print the money,no residence to allah people

  • Name says:

    We are a country where citizen think they have a right to handouts! Something for nothing! There was a time I needed assistance! I could hardly wait til I could stand on my own but that is not the case anymore! We have brought our children to be thankless, Godless and self observed.

  • Dave says:

    Because hillary clinton is getting away with murder, literally! She must be defeated, PERIOD!

  • Cliff says:

    I was badly injured on the job and FOUGHT for 10 long years to get anything. I was sent to State Doctor after State doctor, not to help, but to THREATEN me. YET, I have witnessed people that are able to work sit on their butts and receive FULL benefits without so much as an “examination” YES I AM Pissed! NOW I have heard that “refugees” are being “resettled into our area with NO “vetting” whatsoever. The “business people” are THRILLED, because they want to hire them and won’t have to pay these people as much as their “regular” employees. Look for more “layoffs” of LEGAL Americans!

  • Alfred weiss says:

    I’m tired of the elites in Washington doing what they want to do. I’m tired political BS and PC

  • Denise says:

    I was always taught that hard work and perseverance will get you anything you want. If you work for something you will appreciate it, if you don’t work for it you will expect it and want more and more. I am tired of people that want everything handed to them for free. Nothing is free, someone has to pay, people that work pay for people that sit home and collect WIC, welfare, food stamps, and every other free thing that the Government hands out. And if they wait long enough the Government will think of more things to give away for free. People in this Country have to wake up and stand up for what this Country was built on. PERIOD. Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired. Go Trump!!!!!!!!!!

  • Richard says:

    It is easy to figure it out.

  • Paul Cox says:

    I’m a middle class, employed, white heterosexual man…i’m tired of being made to feel like the problem…listen to hillary he will tell you. We need to start a reality check soon before its too late.

  • Helen Tritt says:


  • Mary Ann says:

    The whole government is corrupt . You work for we the people not the crooks.

  • Stephan Volkle says:

    Paul Ryan is a piece of human waste. I think he’s been bought by the dems an is going to make sure the bitch gets elected

  • Richard Moore says:

    our once proud country is going to hell in a hand basket! Worst choices for a President ever. Hillary the facist/communist or Trump. If you love America it comes down to Trump!

  • eileen says:

    I’m sick of my country being embarrassed by the president. I’m sick that country my father and uncles fought for is being ripped apart by hypocrites for their personal power and gain.I’m sick that a lying thief like HRC is even allowed to run for president and that we have have been so degraded that people will support and vote for her.If you had asked me a year ago if I was going to support Trump I would have laughed . Now I pray! All you need to think is Supreme Court!

  • FAITH says:


  • Paul Whelan says:

    We need term limits, a safe 2nd amendment, politicians that care about us, who work FOR us, protected borders, welfare TO work, money out of politics, a SCOTUS that adheres to the Constitution….

  • Kenny Mathes says:

    I was raised that you had to work for a living

  • Joyce Camidge says:

    The democrats are trying to destroy our Constitution and make America part of a one world nation. They are destroying our freedoms. They MUST be stopped.

  • Donald H. Ort says:

    I too have thoughts to share about the upcoming election, to wit:

    1) Hillary Clinton will be elected president.

    This will be largely due to the actions of Republican
    “establishment” defectors, who have behaved like female high school
    students (i. e., Carrie) who were not invited to the prom and who have
    taken out their rage by ruining the prom for those with a date!!!

    2) The Republican party will NEVER ELECT ANOTHER PRESIDENT!!! ( THIS

    3) Having a female president will further drive our middle east foes,
    who treat women worse than their animals, into the belief that the USA
    is completely devoid of the fighting spirit of “male warriors”.

    4) NATO will completely collapse as a deterrent to aggression from
    Russia and others. This will be caused by:

    a) Turkey withdrawing from NATO and signing a non-aggression
    pact with ISIS, after requiring the US to withdraw ALL MILITARY

    b) The strongest members of NATO (Germany, France, UK, etc.) will
    be so embroiled with internal conflicts between citizens and Muslim
    immigrants, that they will be unable to fulfill their NATO commitments.

    5) There will be a total world-wide economic collapse due to
    uncertainty and a breakdown of law and order in the middle east and in

    6) Iran will develop a nuclear arsenal and threaten Israel, perhaps even
    being in a position to conduct a nuclear first strike.

    7) Russia, who will view the US as a total non-entity with Hillary as
    its president, will renew its aggression against European countries.

    8) North Korea will also become extremely aggressive, perhaps to the
    extent of launching a nuclear attack against South Korea and perhaps the
    US Pacific coast.

    9) China will join the pack becoming even more aggressive in the South
    China Sea area.

  • Pat says:

    Great summary! As a proud American, I’m for being “politically UNcorrect” and facing the issues square on instead of glossing over.

  • laura pierce says:

    If we can’t take care of our own people, we have no business taking more refugees into our country who will only drain our already $22 trillion debt!!! Career politicians (dirty) need to go – this pay to play scheme must end. Obama has ruined this great nation and I want it back.

  • William says:

    We need the government to start followind the “rule of law.”

  • Jim Gregory says:

    I was a Democrat for 51 years and I could not understand why things were going so bad. I taught History and Government and I still didn’t put it together. I was beaten and jailed in the 60s but I thought it was just racism. I didn’t know what I was looking at but now I can see the Corruption and it is so deep it includes Democrats, Republicans, Media and more, too many and too much money to fight it.
    At 76 years old, I came to the right conclusion way too late. I have had a good life. If the only choice I have left is to die with a Glock in each hand then so be it.

  • Donald H. Ort says:

    Predictions Update:

    A) Hillary will win, but will not serve out a full term due to health problems.

    B) Kaine will prove to be even more unresponsive than Obama and hence encourage our enemies to intensify their provocations.

    C) Russia is already behaving as if Hillary had won the election; In today’s Star Ledger it was stated that “a Russian defense official said that the military is
    is considering a possible return to its Soviet-era bases in Cuba and Vietnam”

  • Michael Guin says:

    Teaching people that this country, its flag, and founding documents are evil scares the hell out of me!

  • Howard Bethany says:

    I am so tired of all of the Liberal sheep out there today!! We are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

  • Richard says:

    We have been watching the destruction of America like frogs in warm water. We the people built this great nation and it sickens me to see this happen on our watch. Now we are 20 trillion in debt and we are leaving all of this crap on our kids and grand kids.

  • tanna says:

    Trump has the right answers. Stop coddling career criminals just look around other countries don’t coddle them. It is time for people to take responsibility for their actions.
    The everything is free line is about to break. Someone has to pay the bill. We few can’t support the world. Privileges and responsibility go hand in hand. You want to eat then work. You want a better life then do something CONSTRUCTIVE to change it. Do some research to make it better. Hand outs don’t build a better life. Give a man a fish he will eat for the day. Teach a man to fish and he will survive.

  • Gary Dufour says:

    I’m pissed about illegals being here at all, Border patrols not being allowed to stop them & send them right back. I’m pissed about the illegals & all the damn freeloaders collecting benefite that NON OF THEM HAVE A RIGHT TO! THEY are MY TAX DOLLARS!!!

  • Eva says:

    I’m sick of all the illegals and refugees getting more money than the American citizens of the United States!!! We have our own kids going hungry and living on the streets. No bed to call their own. I’m sick of the American Vets that are living on the streets. Nothing to eat. Digging thru garbage bins to find food! I’m sick of the elderly having to make a choice of their medicine or eating!!! WHEN are we going to start taking care of our own???????

  • Vicki Mathiesen says:

    The dismantling of American history ,values, morals, patriotism is methodical and rotting the country from the inside out. We have figured it out and found someone, Trump, who will be our champion to fight for what we believe.

  • Jim Gregory, I’ve got your back MOLON LABE!

  • Lois Aukofer says:

    We’re not even given a fair chance, merely pawns in leaders we disagree with passionately.

  • davidgordon says:

    Obama, is destroying America,wth allthe did espect other countrys give us nowevery, country use to respect us Obama destroyed that are armed forces is at a very low point while china, Russia north korea get more powerful,and Hillary the crook is going to follow suit.we wont know usa when her 4 yrs is up

  • Kenneth Gulliford says:

    Because hil-LIAR-y gets off with nothing. And I don’t know which end of her the crap is coming out of. People believe her. To make illegals citizens to vote for her. I HATE this person very much!!!!!!!

    • Linda says:

      Make sure you call everyone you know to vote in November for Trump if you want to see our country saved. Otherwise, we are done for and finished.

  • Tom says:

    Americans are the most generous people in the World; not only with our financial help but with the blood of America’s best. In return we are scorned and attacked. It is way past time to put America First. No more foreign aid until their is no more poverty in America. No more immigration until all Americans that can work have a job. No more propping up NATO until Europe pays its share and no more American blood spilled on foreign lands until every Western Nation commits its share of financial support and military support…Period!

  • Wyndle Bates says:

    The government has been transformed into a socialist entity run by special interest like George Soros. Obama is trying his best to seed our government and the country with Muslims as fast as he can before he leaves office, some of whom are going to be radical.
    Already some cities have no go areas and more calls for Sharia law are being heard, some banks are already doing business under their laws.
    Our borders are wide open and we have no idea who is entering this country, recently over forty Afghan soldiers her for training have disappeared without a trace.
    All the immigrants crossing into this country unchecked are lowering wages and sending health care cost through the roof.
    Yes I am mad and ready for a change but Hillary Rodham Clinton and her gang are pathological liars and will say anything to get elected. She is for open borders and one world economy and control, this is why they want to take the guns away so those who do not want this cannot resist.
    The only way we are going to stop this is putting Donald Trump in the White House, he is not perfect but we are not electing him to be politically correct. We need a business man with the guts to tell the Washington insiders where they can get off the bus. 🙂

  • lola says:




  • JD Carpanzano says:

    Because this is not the America as envisioned by the Founding Fathers nor the one I grew up in.

  • Lenora says:

    I’m damned mad our politicians are so greedy and let our country get in this MESS in the first place. Have NO faith or trust in either party
    anymore! Time to clean house and start fresh. GO Trump/Pence!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Don Ost says:

    Paul Ryan may do a good job with our country, however his mouth will be his downfall. My mother always told me — If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Paul Ryan is hurting the GOP’S chances to get into the White House.

  • Constance Flick says:

    We were an independent, innovative, strong people. They have brainwashed our youths to the point that they have a group mentality, no individual thought process. Not even getting close to the quality of life they will have with our trade agreements and open borders. “They” are trying to make us another 3rd world country.

  • Ann says:

    everything about our system now is wrong. need to fire all washinton & elect,really elect good (GOD) people

  • Mitchell Baldwin says:

    The Republican Establishment is as bad as the Democrats. They have stopped nothing on Obama’s agenda to transform American. They have no guts, no balls and no brains. I am fed up with them. If Trump loses, I will become an Independent. I hope another party will be started because the Republican Party will no longer exist as we know it.

  • Jerilynn Sweeney says:

    As Dr. Carson stated this political correctness is BAD because it HIDES THE TRUTH!!!!!~!

  • Kenneth R. Morrison says:

    The people in question are takers. Their like animals feed them and they keep coming back for more. These represent the height of lazy…they will take a shit in bed and kick it out with their feet. Don’t get me started…

  • Judith York says:

    I totally agree am tired of polical correctness. There is more than one way to threaten our country and the worse is to not care. We need to tighten our borders,strenthen our military take care of vets and work for building up our own country……….

  • DC says:

    I’m sick of Hilary Clinton’s lieing and there corrupt Criminal empire that they have made on the backs of all us selling us out to foreign country’s for prophet with absolutely no regard for the law and thinking they are above because of there criminal power they have created with there Clinton foundation,, they have our FBI and and attorney general in there pocket our government has gotten so corrupt under these liberal socialist bastards !! Im sick of the leftest new media as they promote there socialist agenda with there one sided spin on every thing , its the same dam thing Hitler did to his people !! he who controls the media controls the people !! don’t tell the truth tell them what you want them to here and I’m sick and tired of it !!!! this is Gods country and and has been blessed by God and I’m sick of the liberals running God out and with that Gods blessing have stopped !!!!!! I’m sick and tired of brain dead liberals that cant think for them self’s and are to stupid to see all the crap and corruption that is been left behind in the wake of a liberal wave of sickness !! how in the hell can a corrupt bitch like Hillary Clinton even be standing in our political system !! when she should be in jail !!!!
    I’m sick of the spineless GOP and the gutless ass holes that are trying to make Trump lose because hes not one of there little click Trump was right its all rigged and all of us are being played by these career politicians how have forgot who put them there our government was set up to be for the people by the people !!! now these life time ass holes think its for them and the government , and it has taken a great man like Donald Trump to call out all these ass holes and there trying like hell to stop him !! and I will tell you all Trumps got’s balls and hes fighting them all to save America !!! from all these corrupt bastards that have hi jacked the government of the greatest Nation on the planet and got dammit !! its up top all of us every single one of us to stand tall with Trump the time is now and we can not let Trump stand and fight this fight by him self !! we owe it to him for calling out all these pricks and doing what hes doing taking them on so fuck the media fuck the corrupt liberal machine and fuck our own GOP and the spineless gutless ones that have turned there back on him vote then all out and lets all do what we can to help MR. Trump over come all these pricks !!! EVERYONE GET IN TO THE FIGHT !!!!! and start letting the Media know there all assholes !! The Clinton’s are like Herpes and who the hell wants that !!! lets all get behind Trump do what you can and lets help him make America great again !!! and to hell with all the assholes that have screw America and the world for that matter !! For God sake JUST LOOK AT THE WORLD AND OUR OWN NATION EVERYTHING IS SCREWED UP UNDER THESE LIBERAL ASSHOLES WHAT WAS ONCE RIGHT IS NOW WRONG AND WHAT WAS WRONG IS NOW RIGHT ITS ALL BACK WARDS FOR GOD SAKE !! LETS PUT AND END TO IT , AND GET THEM ALL THE HELL OUT !!! FUTURE GENERATIONS WILL THANK US TRUST ME !! Go Trump !!!

  • Janet Sorenson says:

    When I was growing we had so more freedom to be whatever we wanted to be. You didn’t have the EPA telling you not to clear your own land or cut down a diseased tree without paying big fine or have to a professional to do the job because “you might effect the environment or remove place for an animal to live. Homeowner’s have less and less rights. I am proud to be an American citizen. I do not remember all of the killings or the white against the world. We were all one. Now the news media tells me how I should think and instead of show a comment by someone they talk over them and give their interpretation of the speech instead as if I can not think for myself. I have cancel my cable TV. I have had enough!

  • Denise Marino says:

    We are American and yet illegals are living here free. They are here illegally so they are criminals. They get rewarded for this. They steal,rape and murder then go to a sanctuary city where they are safe. We have no safe place any more. Our country is in jeopardy of losing our rights and economy. We are in trouble. I was always proud to be American but am starting to become embarrassed. People here should come first.and now they don’t. It’s sad.

  • B Ziegenhorn says:

    I want someone to dispel Donald Trumps private conversation that exposed his Locker room language.
    He can start by stating about Hillary Clinton being First Lady in the White HOuse decorated her Christmas Tree with Condoms!!! That is disgusting for all to see.
    Not only Christmas Trees are a symbol of Christain Faith and Religious meanings.It is an total affont to all who believe in the Bible and Relgious Teachings…. I hope someone will break this news to combat Trump’s tape.

  • Rosalind says:

    I want my country back

    • chinkizkhan says:

      What country are you talking about? You white anglosaxsons have occupied this land and in the process of occupation you have slaughtered 6 millions so called Red Indians…aren’t you ashamed of yourself from what you are saying or rather claiming????

  • William Whalen says:

    We need to stand up for the laws of the USA . These days more and more people want everything free .


    I resent that muslims are given preferential treatment, schools are teaching islam, without teaching about other religions….resent the prez saying islam is why America is Great….he didn’t think we were great before….and the prospect of the Hate Speech Bill prohibiting “criticism” of islam…? what is that about? except preferentiality? and censoring….against the Constitution of the United States…

  • Norma says:

    Hilary can do all this evil stuff,say anything she wants too but Trump says one thing that offends and he is hanged she can kill,lie,still from the poor,give our money to foreign country’s bill can rape sexually abuse and they are ok what is wrong with this country? the bushes can desert us all high ranking republican can leave us like we don’t matter and it’s ok what is wrong with this

  • George says:

    If you have a complaint with the NRA about full auto guns,gun registration, and large capacity magazines you must be anti gun because the NRA is ok with full auto guns, they are against gun registration, and they are against banning large capacity magazines. Seeing as how the NRA is against Hillary and company-I would suggest supporting them or one more basic right will be stripped away. Good luck to the future and to all of us.

  • George says:

    I agree. I am pissed off too because this country is going to hell in a handbasket and too many people seem complacent about it.

  • ronald brown says:

    because iam sick of it to iam tired of our own president that isnt an american that hates americans and america destroying my country and every body just stands by and says oh well it isnt my problem well then whos problem is it ? well mine for one and iam willing to fight iam also tiered of americans dieing for a country that dosent care if thet live or die!! wake up

  • Susan Garrity says:

    Our country is being run by criminals and liars that are only interested in advancing their own agenda through treason and lies.
    IF Hillary steals the election life as we know it today is over. God help us.
    Congress is only interested in keeping their jobs and the he’ll with the constituents that put them there.

  • Patrick Frees says:

    The government is a MOFIA, traitors and treasonists

  • Henry Saltsman says:

    There are many issues that irk me, but there is one which rises to the top of them all. It is blatantly obvious that Clinton is a criminal. Everything she has done over the past 26 years, (and more so the last 8), has had deception, lies, dishonesty and manipulation written all over it. And now, since WikiLeaks has exposed her dealings with Russia concerning 20% of the American uranium reserves clearly demonstrates acts of treason by her and her shadows, not to mention all the American patriots she murdered by not responding to 600 requests for support in Benghazi, Libya.
    Why, oh why, is she not being prosecuted by the people of America?? This is absolutely astonishing!!! Lock this treasonous murderer up!!! Get her out of the public arena to avoid further deaths, and more Clinton Foundation deals!!!!! If she is not put away, that is the same as an endorsement of her activities, and I for one, DO NOT ENDORSE HER ACTIONS!!!

  • Doris says:

    I agree!

  • Terry says:

    Because my country is going to hell and if Hillary gets elected we are in deep shit all of our rights will be taken away.

  • Jewels says:

    I have this much to say today. Hardly anyone thinks they have to be accountable to God. It works this way folks. You cannot love money more than God. God is always first. This is the reason for all of the lies and corruption. We have all branches of the government with people telling lies on a daily bases. They have forgotten that they are accountable to God, and God has his eye upon them. They have a love of money and greed so great, they continue to lie to the population. Rather than tell the truth and obey God. Their greed for money and a pay check in this world, and the disobeying of God, has put this country at a great disadvantage and great separation and unrest. With ones obedience to God they would realize what a difference they really could make. As the saying goes Honesty Is The Best Policy. I believe that there are enough good citizens of our USA. We the people have been connecting the dots to all of this corruption and the lies they have been telling, they are not getting away with these lies. They are coming out and people are becoming aware of the injustice being inflicted upon them. These lies go through the whole government system. There is not one branch of government free from any of this corruption. You as a citizen need to use your good mind that God gave you. If you are in question of anything, it is up to you to do your own investigating, because the government is not going to tell you. If you think it is not a good idea to get a flu shot, then investigate your fear. There are many excellent websites available with honest references that you will know are telling you the truth. The public needs to get over being lazy and start to search out their own answers. Your doctor is not going to tell you, before taking any prescription drug , you need to find out everything about what you are putting into you body. Everything that goes into your body such as prescriptions drugs, are foreign substance, and can wreck all kinds of things to happen to your vital organs, and your immune system. All of these things are controlled by the government, and their lies that they do not want you to know. The big companies that the government is protecting at your health expense. The foods we eat. The chemicals we ingest. Products we all use everyday. Your toothpaste, deodorant, cleaning agents. The vaccines they give your children, the chemo, radiation, CT scans PET scans MRI’s,mammograms,PSA test and the list goes on.This government is not for the people, and the sooner you wake up and start to take this into your own hands,do your own research. You will be so surprised of your findings, sometimes shocking. May God be with you,and you find the truth over the lies.

  • Anthony says:

    The corruption of congress, obama and hilliary, et al, and our network news is the most corrupt in decades.

  • lola says:

    what gets me all pissed off are ILLEGAL ALIENS. All of them come here and expect Americans to fully support them and their 15 kids.

    • Mike Travis says:

      Lola, what PISSES me off is the fact that the TRAITORS in our government WANT them here and BRIBE them to come here using OUR tax dollars! The illegals are largely trying to make a better life for themselves (with the exception of the true criminals) and are willing to ignore our laws because they know our own government is protecting THEM rather then defending Americans.

  • Jack says:

    This nation is in shambles in every way. That is directly due to excessive liberalism and purposeful design. Think about it. Who benefits from Hillary and Obama’s support and financial aid? The U.S? Crooked Establishment thumbsuckin Lying, deceitful Republicans and Demokrats have delivered nothing but absolute failure year in and year out, and in the process put this country on a road to destruction. The coming election now provides an opportunity for completing that destructive goal. Nothing is more stupid than following the same failing practices and continuing with the same crooked, lying, deceiving people and expecting change for the better ??

  • Pam says:

    Eight years ago, our country was taken from us. America no longer belonged to the people. And now it’s not even recognizable from the great country it used to be. The one thing that scares me is-it may be too late to get her back.

    • Mike Travis says:

      Pam, as long as we retain our 2nd Amendment rights we have a CHANCE of restoring our Republic. But if we allow the traitors in BOTH parties to steal those rights, we will never restore our country as the traitors will be able to enslave us knowing we have no means to resist.

  • Gerald Woods says:

    I’m a patriot fighting for what our forefathers gave us!!

  • Jack J. Berry says:

    Yep, the politicians (mostly Democrats but a lot of Republicans too) are consumed w/ getting re-elected and appealing to everyone BUT the citizens who have lived & worked here all their lives.

  • tom & connie says:

    cause we are going down

  • tom & connie says:

    cause we are going down

  • Mike Travis says:

    I have watched the traitors in BOTH parties screw us for decades. Enough is enough! We are close to the point of losing our country forever, so if we don’t stand up soon, it may be too late. We need a full court press to take our country back NOW!

  • Mike Travis says:

    You are dead wrong on one point. The top 1% pay 40% of ALL taxes so what is “fair” about that? That comment makes me question whether I can trust you.

  • Tisha says:

    Need to cancel ALL welfare programs!!! Get them to work for their earnings!! GO back to hanging and gas chambers for the criminals!! Stop babying these people!!!

  • Charlie says:

    Enough is enough .

  • robert benton says:

    I’M pissed off because the illegals get more help than the people that were born here and I’M REALLY pissed that how the vets are treated we gave up some of our lives to protect this great country of ours we took a oath to protect our land with the best of our abillaty some of us gave our lives to fulfill that oath . I’M REALLY PISSED AT HOW THE FLAG IS BEING DISREPCTED SOME GOOD MEN GAVE HIER LIVES TO PROTECT IT

  • robert benton says:

    I’M pissed off because the illegals get more help than the people that were born here and I’M REALLY pissed that how the vets are treated we gave up some of our lives to protect this great country of ours we took a oath to protect our land with the best of our abillaty some of us gave our lives to fulfill that oath . I’M REALLY PISSED AT HOW THE FLAG IS BEING DISREPCTED SOME GOOD MEN GAVE HIER LIVES TO PROTECT IT

  • David Seitz says:

    America needs to recognize what made it great and go in that direction.

  • Walter Clawson says:


  • Tim Draheim says:

    I absolutely detest the fact that enormous amounts of freeloaders are living well off of the money I and the majority of honest, tax paying Americans worked hard for. It is is just not Right! Corrupt politicians that get away with Murder and crimes untold. Even the FBI and the DOJ are corrupt and untrustworthy.

  • Reinaldo Torrente says:

    I live in Florida, we are invaded by immigrants from different countries and are stealing us blind with Entitlements. They only speak ill of our country and laugh at us for handing out Medical, Food and even Cash assistance. Pathetic!!!

  • Michael says:

    Obama and Hillary are bringing in their army now. Obama and Hillary will do all they can to disarm honest Americans. Probably give their immigrant army our guns. Lock up Obama and Hillary.

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