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US Officials Warn Of Full Resurgence of Covid-19

What We Know About Covid-19 In the US
Officials have warned there is a “full resurgence” of Covid-19 in most major population centers. The country could see 92,000 more deaths in less than a month.
There have been more than 23 million confirmed Covid-19 cases in the US. There are 385,503 deaths recorded in Johns Hopkins University’s most recent data.
White House coronavirus task force reports from 10 January, said they were seeing a “full resurgence” of the virus. This is in “all metro areas” and advocated for “aggressive action”. The report suggest measures such as using a “well-fitting” masks. Also, enforcing “strict” social distancing” and more testing young adults.
The CDC made the prediction that there could be an increase of 90,000 deaths by February. This means that there could be up to 477,000 total coronavirus fatalities by 6 February, Forbes said of the data.
Not to mention the new strain that has appeared in Colorado.
It does not appear there will be relief anytime soon, with officials voicing concern that some strains are making the surge even worse. US efforts to vaccinate the population against coronavirus has lagged. This is due to low supplies and confusing eligibility requirements.
Federal authorities did not release all available doses of the vaccine to states. They kept about 50% in reserve so people could get their second jabs. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines need two doses.
Trump Administration
The Trump administration on Tuesday said that it would make coronavirus vaccines available to all states. They also urged officials to inoculate anyone aged 65 or older. The health secretary, Alex Azar, said the doses would be released according to states’ orders, to provide second doses, and then cover more initial vaccinations.
The policy shift presents a new set of potential problems. States who fall behind in administering the vaccine could lose doses to areas that move quicker. Azar also reports that in two weeks, doses would be “redirected” to states based upon their population of seniors.
Public health experts told the Guardian that they supported getting as many people the first dose. Some believe that it’s better to at least receive the first dose rather than none at all.