SURVEY: 93% of Voters Want to Keep Employer-Provided Health Insurance Coverage Tax Free

Today, the Alliance to Fight the 40|Don't Tax My Health Care, a broad-based coalition committed to repealing the 40% tax on employer-provided health benefits, released the results of a new survey by Public Opinion Strategies that finds 93 percent of voters want to keep employer-provided health care coverage tax free— highlighting the broad support for and need for Congress to fully repeal the 40 percent “Cadillac Tax.”
“The clock is ticking for American workers and their families,” said James A. Klein, president of the American Benefits Council. “With congressional leadership negotiating an end-of the-year package right now, the big question is: will Congress eliminate the burdensome ‘Cadillac Tax' that is driving up out-of-pocket costs on 178 million Americans?”
Support for repealing the “Cadillac Tax” has never been stronger. Last week, more than 1,100 organizations representing nonprofits, patient advocacy groups, multinational corporations and small businesses and Labor organizations signed a letter urging Congress to repeal the “Cadillac Tax.” With a 419 to 6 vote in the House to repeal the ‘Cadillac Tax,' 63 cosponsors in the Senate, and 93 percent of voters who want to keep employer-provided health care coverage tax-free, the message is clear: the time is now to repeal the “Cadillac Tax.”
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Voters are worried about rising health care costs and they want Congress to keep employer-provided health insurance coverage tax free. A recent poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies found that:
- 93 percent of voters flat out reject the idea of taxing employer-provided health insurance plans.
- By a 2 to 1 margin, voters would be more likely to back a member of Congress who votes to repeal the “Cadillac Tax.”
- Two-thirds of Americans would support their member of Congress voting to immediately repeal the “Cadillac Tax.”
- Two-thirds of Americans worry about being able to pay for their/their family's health care expenses.
- Two-thirds of Americans worry rising costs may cause them to skip/delay treatment— while 50 percent indicate having already done so.
The Alliance to Fight the 40 | Don't Tax My Health Care is a broad-based coalition comprised of private sector businesses, local governments, patient advocates, organizations representing both large and small employers, unions, consumer groups and other stakeholders that support employer-provided health coverage. This coverage is the backbone of our health care system and protects more than 178 million Americans. The Alliance seeks to repeal the 40 percent “Cadillac Tax” on health benefits and to prevent increased income taxes on workers, families and retirees who rely on employer-provided health coverage. The Alliance is committed to ensuring that employer-provided coverage remains an effective and affordable option for working Americans and their families. Follow us on Twitter @FightThe40
Contact: Tara Bradshaw
(202) 441-8255