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Weekly Unemployment Claims Fall Below 1 Million But the MSM Wants to Talk About Trump’s Hair



Group of People that Lost Job During the Coronavirus Pandemic Situation | Weekly Unemployment Claims Fall Below 1 Million But the MSM Wants to Talk About Trump’s Hair | Featured

With the Presidential election only 82 days away, the Mainstream Media (MSM) is working overtime in their smear campaign of President Trump. After taking every opportunity to criticize his weekend executive actions – made in lieu of Congress’s ability to reach a compromise and bring relief to struggling Americans – they are now deliberately ignoring the impressive economic recovery, and instead focusing on Trump’s efforts to change showerhead restrictions.

Because after all, what do the American people care about most? Whether there are jobs and people can feed their families, or if their President wants perfect hair?

The Department of Energy has “proposed changing the definition of a showerhead to allow increased water flow, following complaints from President Donald Trump about his hair routine.” This story is being reported as a “Top Story” on every major news outlet from BBC to CNN to The Guardian, accompanied by photos of Donald Trump touching his hair. Snarky headlines and comments from “experts” indicate that our President is entirely self-absorbed and concerned with non-issues as the country faces real issues like gun control, a pandemic, and flailing economy.

But how exactly is that flailing economy, the one that CNN said only a few weeks ago would take years to recover, and in fact, millions of jobs will never return? Well, since you asked – unemployment claims fell below 1 million last week, for the first time since March.

Economists had expected 1.186 million new claims for the week ending August 8; instead, 963,000 workers sought aid last week. This is the second consecutive week that claims dropped from a steady 1.4 million each week earlier in the summer.

New claims had peaked at 6.867 million in late March. A total of 28.3 million people were receiving unemployment checks at the end of July.

The decrease in new unemployment claims likely stems from the expiration of the $600 federal unemployment boost that was issued by Congress in March. The overly-generous $600 expired on July 31. It was reported that 6 out of 7 unemployed workers were earning more on unemployment than they were when they were working.

Despite increases in COVID-19 cases across the country, businesses are rebounding and new jobs are being created. The government reported last week that the economy created 1.763 million jobs in July after adding a record 4.791 million jobs in June. It has regained 9.3 million of the 22 million jobs lost between February and April, when non-essential businesses were closed to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

Instead of celebrating lower unemployment and the creation of new jobs, the MSM is issuing dire warnings: “It is also possible that recent declines in continuing claims filings in regular state programs are related to people exhausting eligibility rather than improvement in the labor market,” said Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in New York. “We have seen filings for the programs that could kick in once other eligibility is exhausted, jump lately.”

As Reuters reminds us, “While the loss of the [$600] supplement might have helped to push weekly jobless claims down, economists estimate it will reduce household income by roughly $75 billion per month, which will weigh on consumer spending and cause struggling companies to lay off workers. A government-funded program offering businesses loans to help with wages has also lapsed.”

Because what our country needs is more Americans relying on government redistribution of wealth. Not new jobs.

The MSM would like to again remind you that President Trump is more concerned about his “perfect” hair and is trailing in the polls against Joe Biden. Election day is November 3.

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