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YouTube Bans Anti-Vaxxers, ‘Misleading’ Vaccine Videos



Anti-mask, anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine protesters stage a demonstration in Trafalgar Square | YouTube Bans Anti-Vaxxers, ‘Misleading’ Vaccine Videos | featured

Social video platform YouTube is on a mission to remove anti-vaxxers from its millions of content creators. YouTube will remove all content with misleading or inaccurate information about all vaccines.

They’re expanding the ban to cover not just COVID-19 vaccines. It will ban content that falsely claims vaccines are dangerous. Similar bans apply to videos that claim inaccurate side effects.

YouTube will also ban videos that wrongly say that vaccines don't work. Finally, any videos listing false ingredients in vaccines will also face bans.

RELATED: DeSantis Rightfully Attacks YouTube For Pandemic Video Removal

Medical Misinformation

In a blog post, YouTube announced changes in its community guidelines. It already placed a ban on sharing medical misinformation. The ban will now extend to cover misinformation over “currently administered” vaccines.

It added that the World Health Organization already certified current vaccines. The organization endorsed these vaccines as safe and effective. 

YouTube already removes content containing false claims about the COVID-19 vaccine. This is already covered under its COVID-19 misinformation policy. However, this new adjustment in policy now covers vaccines apart from COVID-19.  

YouTube To Deny Platform To Anti-vaxxers

“We've steadily seen false claims about the coronavirus vaccines spill over into misinformation about vaccines in general, and we're now at a point where it's more important than ever to expand the work we started with COVID-19 to other vaccines,”  Google added. Search engine giant Google owns YouTube. It bought the fledgling company in 2006 for $1.65 billion. 

By now the video platform already bans videos that say vaccines are neither safe nor effective. It will also remove any videos that will claim that vaccines can cause complications such as cancer or infertility. Also, Google will specifically target videos that inaccurately list ingredients found in today’s vaccine. It will also remove any videos that allege vaccines contain components that serve to rack individuals who take the shot. 

Exceptions To Creators With Personal Experiences

Despite the severe ban rules, Google will grant certain exceptions to the vaccine misinformation ban, Users who will share content related to their personal experiences with vaccines are okay to post videos.

However, Google will subject these videos to community guidelines. The creator should also avoid encouraging viewers to practice “vaccine hesitancy.”   

As the new rules take effect, YouTube began cleaning up the site by removing famous anti-vaxxers. The company started deleting channels from prominent anti-vaxxers such as Joseph Mercola, Erin Elizabeth, Sherri Tenpenny, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Children's Health Defense organization.

Enforcement WIll Take Time

Even if the new policy already took effect, Youtube clarified that it will take time for employees to remove all suspect videos. It said that given the spread of vaccine information, it will take a while before the company can eradicate the offending videos. 

As a result, many vaccine deniers will likely jump to other video platforms to continue their crusade. Conspiracy theorists have already flocked to new apps and sites such as Rumble.

Right-wing advocates are enjoying the availability plus the anonymity the new apps provide. However, many anti-vaxxer videos and tons of misinformation still quietly reside in YoutTube’s servers all over the globe. 

Watch the NBC News video reporting that YouTube is banning Anti-COVID vaccine videos after misinformation spreads to vaccines in general:

What do you think of YouTube’s decision to ban anti-vaxxers from its platform?

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Do you agree with YouTube’s decision to ban anti-vaxxers or videos that feature vaccine misinformation? Do you think the video platform company will stop at that once the pandemic ends?

Tell us what you think. Share your comments in the comments section below.

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  • Elaine says:

    Who actually decides WHAT is misinformation?? Especially since it is painfully obvious that these pharma agencies and politics has deliberately mislead and covered up information.

  • deerflyguy says:

    My niece’s husband received the Physer vaccine last March – 6 months ago. He is 50 years old and just yesterday he was confirmed to have Covid! If that isn’t proof that the vaccine doesn’t work then I don’t know what is?

  • Brad Schenck says:

    Hopefully Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci don’t have a YouTube account YouTube would have to cancel them as well. Because they’re full of it as well and you can take that two ways.

  • Homer Sipsome says:

    Fauci on Covid 1. 2019: “Eating and liviving healthy lives is the best presription, no mask. Covid isn’t tht strong, you’ll recover easily” 2. 2020 “Wear a mask, get vaccinated, don’t leave home. The vaxx is highly effective, all will get back to normal soon if we all do this.” 3. 2021: “Double-mask, the vaxx doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid.
    In reponse to Phizer study showing antibody strength in un-vaxxed Covid survivors being 27 times higher than vaxxed people, “that’s interesting, we’ll have to look into that.” Either the man is no expert, or he’s a great deceiver. I vote the latter.

  • Paul Davies says:

    The clear testimony from doctors and Scientists throughout the Western World is that they are threatened with de-registration and loss of employment if they raise concerns over the vaccines. Harmful side effects are ruthlessly suppressed, as is the truth about the successful drug trials that are 96%effective against Covid – unlike the “vaccines”. This is about Control, not Science.

  • Marvin Sehn says:

    How in the hell does youtube know what is right or wrong. They only have opinions. And what about all the other crap on the platform.

  • Huapakechi says:

    Does the sovietization of media bring concern to anyone?

  • Bill R Medlin says:

    Ban utube !

  • 2WarAbnVet says:

    That means they’ll have to ban all information coming from WHO, the CDC, and the White House.

  • Joe says:

    If you can get Covid after a have been vaccinated and you can pass along Covid after vaccination what difference does it make if your vaccinated or not?!

  • Petra says:

    Why is this news article calling people anti-vaxxers? I hate abhor that title. It’s the low and putting people in a negative light simply because they care about what they put in their bodies. I guess I’ll have to learn to live with yet another platform.

  • Anne Glentzer says:

    soon comes the swastkas

  • Sam says:

    Why do they allow anyone to call it a vaccine? Google/youtube is judt the modern day gestapo. What they call misinformation is actually facts deom the c d c. Guess what? If people stopped usong google, and youtube and twitter would go away. Unfortunately society is too stupid. Ive never used any social media and I won’t. Thanks to the rest of you for aiding the ushering in of communism.

  • ceesga1 says:

    Stop pointing the fingers to the people that want to have the choice on what to put or not in their bodies. It has become a “problem” only cuz that Biden decided to distract the blaming away from the real problem, which is Faucci and the CDC and Bill Gates and Pharma. Fact is that we are in this mess because Faucci was sleeping with the enemy and they created the virus purposely as a weapon of mass destruction. And of course Bill Gates with his vaccines and his ideas of depopulation were ready to jump in. CDC worked hard to give miss-information to the public on how to handle the virus along with Faucci. The midia and the Social media have been working along with the CDC miss leading people about the entire thing from day one why? cuz they work with the FBI, another set of mafia and together they worked hard to band all the honest professionals and scientist that were trying to speak the truth about this virus and how to handle it. If you are going to band the anti vax people, youtube is also working with all the other mafia criminals mentioned above. Biden should be focusing on going after Facucci instead of the “antivax” people and comments that are exclusively none other that people expressing their right to speak their mind and defend their rights to decide what they want in their bodies. Youtube are you playing a game or you are that stupid and sheeply that you forgot the meaning of what anti vaxer is?

  • Chisel says:

    Cant remember anything from nazi germany, papers, where’s your papers!? Stupid ass sheep, get in line, put this star on your sleeve and get on the train! Have you idiots not learned anything? You deserve the treatment you get. Stand up and think for yourselves

  • ceesga1 says:

    I feel for you yutube cuz if you are going to ban the righteous people, to be equal you are going to need to do the same with the ones that make up lies and really work hard on a campaigns to miss-inform people (those are the real bad ones, example, CDC, faucci…)Or are you just informing us that you have decided to join the group that is against the people too while pretending to be righteous?

  • ceesga1 says:

    let me guess!… so now Youtube is going to decide what is true or not, what is miss info on vax based on who’s truth? who? from the CDC? get your head out of your ass Mr. Sundar Pichai, Google CEO!! OWNER OF YOUTUBE.

  • Susan says:

    It was only a matter of time. Enough pressure/threats must have finally been put on them. Those who control communication/media have only to unabashedly label something they don’t like as “misinformation” or “conspiracy theory”, and that’s that. It must be so. For all the sane people left out there, you better get tapped into the new uncensored sources. And for Heaven’s sake!… store up some food and supplies, start growing a few vegys in a window box, make all the SELF-sufficient preps you can so you won’t feel FORCED to get jabbed, use a vax passport, be herded like sheep, and feel trapped to be part of the great evil machine! If you don’t take steps to prepare and protect yourself – well, what do you expect? someone is going to come along and make it all better so you can go on living your uninterrupted life? Cudos to those wise enough to be looking ahead.

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