Black Lives Matter
NFL 2021 Season To Feature Black National Anthem
The NFL 2021 Season is getting ready to open this September 9th featuring the Black National Anthem. This will play a major part in the next season’s in-game programs and activities. The centerpiece is the playing of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” before the start of every game.
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Previously, the Black national anthem was played before the start of Week 1 games during the 2020 NFL season. On Wednesday, Front Office Sports reported that the NFL plans to make “Lift Every Voice and Sing” a “prominent part of big-league events.”
In support of its black players, the NFL allowed the painting of social justice phrases like “End Racism” at the back of teams’ end zones. In addition, the league allowed players to honor victims of systemic racism and police violence last year. Reportedly, the NFL plans on raising the ante for the messaging for the upcoming season.
The National Anthem
Meanwhile, the “Star-Spangled Banner” gets played usually before the start of early-season games or some primetime games. In addition, the Super Bowl and the NFL Draft also play the US national anthem. Last year, however, the league played “Lift Every Voice and Sing” before Super Bowl LV and the April draft.
Then, the National Football League decided to play “Lift Every Voice and Sing” before Week 1 games last year. This happened during the midst of a summer of racial unrest across major urban areas across the United States. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell acknowledged the Black Lives Matter movement as well.
‘Black Lives Matter'
“We, at the National Football League, believe Black lives matter. I personally protest with you and want to be part of the much-needed change in this country,” Goodell said during last year’s video.
“Without Black players, there would be no National Football League and the protests around the country are emblematic of the centuries of silence, inequality, and oppression of Black players, coaches, fans, and staff. We are listening, I am listening, and I will be reaching out to players who have raised their voices and others on how we can improve and go forward for a better and more united NFL family,” he added.
The Black National Anthem is the NFL's 10-year, $250 million pledge to fight racism. In addition, the league will promote social justice through various league merchandise. This includes signages, player helmet decals, and Public Service Announcements.
Watch the Black and White Sports video reporting that the NFL will go fully woke again with kneeling, Social Justice Messages, and the Black National Anthem!
Do you support the playing of the Black National Anthem during NFL games? Why or why not?
Let us know what you think about “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. Share your comments in the comments section below.
They won’t play our real National Anthem because it’s too “divisive”, yet a song that is now for one race and not others will be featured? I’m officially done with NFL. Racists….
This has got to be the dumbest thing the NFL has done. I won’t be watching.
Should ONLY be one National Anthem! Star-Spangled Banner”
We have ONE National Anthem. The NFL is going to drive the Masses away from watching these games. Over the last couple years they have stopped showing the national anthem on their telecasts so we can’t see the people kneeling. They are at their jobs and their employers should be able to demand rules like sending for the National Anthem. Most NFL players are being paid Millions of dollars to play a damn game. There is time and place to protest, it’s not at work.
The NFL is dead to me! Good riddance to trash!
Whit people beware-this one will not watch or support the NFL .
I’m sorry but there is only one national anthem in the USA, if we were playing another country I would say to play their’s as well.
The NFL has gone complete woke and racist. This is the same as saying the Star-Bangled Banner is a white anthem. How can singling out one race by color not be racist?
I am glad that I did not renew my season tickets which I had for 45 years. Without the other races there would be no NFL! Who buys the tickets and actually supports the NFL?
Well bye, bye.
There is only ONE national anthem period and it is for ALL RACES. So now your playing another song and calling it a “black” national anthem? Pathetic to once again single out 1 race. This could not put a bigger divide in our country and segregate once again. Also allowing BLM written on helmets or names,pictures,phrases ect of criminals on helmets is ok as long as they are black but not white criminals? Goodell you and your thinking is pathetic. Stop segregation in football. We AMERICANS of every race DO NOT want it. How can we be one country if everything is separated by color? To me that sounds like segregation.
If this should happen, Can we kneel or turn our backs to this god forsaken Song? God will punish anyone who would do something like this. The minority dictating to the majority. This is sad. I also believe there will be rioting and fighting in the stadiums if this should happen.
This would be a sad day. There is only one national anthem for this Republic. Blacks need to get over the history of slavery (165 years ago) and quit whining like 3rd graders. They need to be schooled about slavery instead of being told by some race batter. Learn for yourself.
I will never watch another game in my life. If you think that song is Racist you need to pack you bags and move to another country.
Nope. Done with NFL. Switching to soccer. This country is going to hell in a hand basket. If blacks cannot be Americans like the rest of us, they should go back to their Motherland. They have no idea how lucky they are to live here.
I am not a football fan at all but if I were I would never watch it again. This is such bullcrap!! Why are all the sports getting more and more stupid. Heck I gave up baseball because of the choices the MLB made.
The America has always been a melting pot. So what about the Polish,Italian, Irish, Greeks, Russians, Spanish, Germans, and all others l have not listed.? What about their national Anthem? All these people adopted this country! The United States of
America was adopted by all these people, with one flag and one National Anthem. Those that feel the need recognize something else can leave. People want equality, well them them work hard recognize others be respectful of the U.S.A.ND ALL ITS PEOPLE or leave. I really don’t care about the NFL or any other institution that will not respect this country. BE AMERCANS OR LEAVE,
If it wasn’t for the suffering of their forefathers as slaves in America blacks wouldn’t have the opportunities they have today. Why, because Africa would be home.
I’ve been done with the NFL and NBA.
Against racism by being the biggest racist of all.
I highly agree with all the comments made especially about the blacks needing to be educated in their slavery history. Destroying statues,etc. Which was a representation of a black issue won! Will others be allowed to have on their uniforms all lives matter,Asian lives matter,Mexican lives matter,etc.??
The more they take, the more they want. So on and so on. WATCH OUT
I am 85 years old. When do men who are privileged to enjoy their job making millions of dollars get to make a decision disrespecting our National Anthem and want their own? WILL YOU STAND OR KNEEL???? You are a terrible example for the youth of the USA. IMAGINE WHAT GOES THROUGH THEIR MINDS? I HAVE A GRANDSON WHO IS AN ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACH FOR A COLLEGE WHO IS ONLY 25. THAT COLLEGE WOULD NOT ALLOW OR TOLLERATE SUCH CONDUCT. SHAME ON YOU. I have a favorite quarterback so it will be difficult not to watch him play because he stands for the flag and kneels for the cross. GOD BLESS HIM.
PLAY FOOTBALL YOU JERKS. Hey, if you don’t respect your country, LEAVE. You will not be missed. I WILL NEVER WATCH FOOTBALL AGAIN. YOU ARE NOT WORTH ME GIVING UP A DAY OF MY LIFE to watch a bunch of ungrateful VERY RICH men run around a football field when they can not even STAND UP while USA NATIONAL ANTHEM is being played. Can’t imagine being your PARENT. WOW!!! What a disappointment or maybe they do not care either. Where is the COACH? YOUR FANNY WOULD BE KICKED OFF THE FIELD. YOU GUYS MUST BE AWFULLY UNHAPPY PEOPLE.
So I guess that NFL is all black?No white people should go to there games or watch them or are welcome to watch them.Wonderful.Let BLM and ANTIFA support them.
This is the death knell of the NFL . RIP
Think I’ll take a knee on the new song.
Here is how to really hurt then. Boycott their sponsors and write letters or send emails to them informing them tat you are boycotting them and why so that they will know why their sales have dropped. No business can survive the loss of 60 to 90 percent of it’s market.The sponsors will put an end to this.
Purely racist! Only when we become color blind and quit talking race will be past all this crap!
One more example of the NFL supporting racial divisivness in our society. No better than the schools who advocate CRT – racism which benefits only the race hustlers. I may have to give up watching my beloved Browns along with the ret of the NFL
Now they are being racist towards all other races. This is The United States of America!!! I do believe there is racist police and citizens but there are plenty of black people that hate whites just because well they are racist! I think every person with common sense should boycott until they stop this nonsense. Oh by the way EVERY LIFE MATTERS!!!
I believe America has already paid for Slavery they didn’t start, Black Tribes in Africa started Slavery, by capturing their enemies, who were black tribes and selling their own people The European, Almost a Quarter million white people, or more gave their lives to stop Slavery, debt paid, Black people it’s time to grow up if your one who thinks you need to separate And permote Racism division, and politics in Sports, Football was always a fun and wonderful sport, but yous BLM politics have totally ruined sports, as usual. Black people are getting their way on this matter or they will riot and burn stadiums, until they get their un-American cry baby ways. I won’t watch a sport catering to Division and Racism in America. May you have a slow death NFL, NBA,BASEBALL And any other Racial job or sport.
A few Starbucks in my area tried being more “woke” after the backlash of asking two black males to leave who were loitering. Those Starbucks are now empty buildings, because people are already sick of the BLM coddling
to all BLM members, this is America, GOD BLESS AMERICA, if you don’t like it LEAVE. and the sooner the better
Black Lives Don’t Matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Black Women have the highest percentage in Abortions !!!!!! Predominantly Black Neighborhoods have the highest percentage of deaths and crime………… The Black Baby in the Womb Matters to me ….. The Black Children killed by Drug infested Black Thugs Matter to me. But Unfortunately The Black population wants to look the other way and Blame The Police!!!!! NFL no other National Anthem should’ be played Unless playing another Country. Period!!!!!!!!!
Close down this so called sport and let all the over paid crybabies go out and get a real job (if they can find one) and this will result in people saving millions because they will not have to pay the obnoxious ticket prices and the overpriced refreshments.
These actions are a great example of GREEDY IDIOTS and complete disregard for the people of AMERICA. Wake up you suckers of AMERICA and tell these POS to go to hell.
I will no longer watch these traitors play, if they won’t respect this country let them go to China or somewhere they won’t be disrespecting the USA.
I will be taking a knee to pray to God that this divisive nonsense comes to an end. Whites and blacks worked together to end slavery. Blacks and whites worked together to end segregation. Now they want to throw it all away. God created us equal, let us follow the dream of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King and quit dividing people by the color of their skin and unite through a quality character.
I quite watching NFL when nothing was done about that bozo from San Fran….cant even remember his name, but he took a knee for national anthem… what was that 7 or 8 years ago….. have not will not watch NFL…have stopped watching NBA and last year quit MLB…. I have lots of free time now…. watch cooking shows only
Indoctrination of football fans is the wrong direction. Losing me as a super fan. I guess it is only time until college and pro football will be behind us. TV watching will also suffer. Dumb Dumb decision.
There would not be black football players in the NFL if not for the freedoms this nation stands on and has provided for all.
All you Libs, Black or White. Go to North Africa and play our National Anthem instead of theirs and see what happens to you. I’ll say By By to you now. Stupidity isn’t against the Law. Americans shouldn’t give in to these Libs.
All you Libs, Black or White. Go to North Africa and play our National Anthem instead of theirs and see what happens to you. I’ll say By By to you now. Stupidity isn’t against the Law. Americans shouldn’t give in to these Libs.
So done!! Good bye NFL and NBA!! One National Anthem Goodell!! I believe it’s being allowed because the rich owners and sponsors don’t want to lose their profits. Oh and the black history month should actually teach something not just let black peoples walk around with a chip on their shoulder. But I guess it’s easier to let them steal and riot. Thugs and ex-cons are allowed to play and make millions then cry that they and their race are oppressed!! Come on!!
black people need to start speaking up against the black lives matter people , they are causing a division in our country between the blacks and the whites just like the KKK tried to do , they want to destroy our country and maybe start a civil war , and besides all that they are racist and terrorist and should be shut down . and we have only one national anthem , so lets keep it that way ! and english is the only language we should be speaking in this country , know it or GET OUT !
I suffered through all of the roller coaster rides and let downs of the Minnesota Vikings for 50 years. Never once did I consider stopping my support for them.
This nonsense started last season and it was a very easy decision. It was like putting a dagger through my heart, but why would I watch a sport that treated my nation this way. They left me no alternative. After a few weeks it became very easy. I’m sure it will be even easier this season. I just can’t support them. Marxist tools that they are.
I have stopped watching the nfl 2 years ago because of the racist policy they have put in place.This just cements my conviction.
There is only ONE National Anthem…the Star Spangled Banner!!!
Can’t wait to see the national felon league disappear. Maybe they can survive with only the racist burn loot murder fans watching. They can pretend all they want, ratings are plummeting and this could be the end. Thank God! I do worry about all of those unemployed losers being out on the streets though.can’t wait until all pro sports are gone. It would be great to see all of the youth leagues playing in the stadiums.
I think Roger should take a long look in the looking glass and decide just who he is and what country he lives in . How many players would it take to have their own jingle bell song .
If they are so proud of their heritage why not call for the AFRICAN ANTHEM oh just maybe they don’t know the words and do they even have one ‘
This is AMERICA one country one people .
I agree with Terry! He is right on. God Bless all American and all people behind it. Never Never Give Up! Learned well in the Marine Corps!
Semper Fi
Court C Conkwright.
I can’t wait for the ratings for the coming season. Can we all sing HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!!
One national anthem for EVERYONE. If the NFL moves forward with it, count me out. I won’t watch another game or spend another dime on the NFL.
How do we divide people more than having a black national anthem why can’t we have the real natural anthem and that be for everybody..
It seems to me that all the team Owners, Coaches and Managers in the NFL, NBA and MLB have lost sight of the facts. The players black, white, tan and yellow are all paid grand amounts of money to play the game. The team generates this cash from TV and attendance. It appears to me that the tail is wagging the dog. With out the fans and viewers these people would have to go out get a job. I am sure that these Fans and viewers are grass roots American’s and feel the way I do, if you kneel you better be praying and if you turn your back on the flag you should be forced to leave the field without pay.
NFL = Niggers fucking losers
My wife is a Green Bay Packer owner. We did our best to watch every game. But when Colin Kaperdick started his kneeling, we stopped watching all NFL games. Really thought we would miss it, but we haven’t. Professional football players are entertainers. They forgot that, and so did the NFL. Bringing politics and race into the game spoiled it for us. Might as well keep the cardboard cutouts of fans instead of real people, because a lot of fans will NOT be coming back. As a USAF retired officer, I deplore the things that are happening in the NFL and the DoD. We are one country, with one national anthem. I will stand to attention and salute, but only for the real national anthem. God Bless the USA.
I will not be watching any games
OK There go my season tickets, glad I hadn’t paid to renew them yet
I agree Black Lives Matter, but so do all LIVES matter, not just one (Black Lives)
Haven’t watched NFL, NBA or MLB since they started taking a knee which is a disgrace to our American Flag and the honor guard of military patriots who defended the over-paid egotists.
Watch the NFL ratings deservedly plummet again.
My husband and I have been NFL season pass holders for years we will no longer be for the fact that we do not feel respected with the knee bending, back turning BLM crap and don’t want our children exposed to such we will use our money for better things
Owners and big corps that sponsor these games had better wise up and get a spine or they are going to lose big time.
Players as well.
If they don’t stand up to the demands and emotional blackmail they will lose the BIG game.
Pandering and happy wishes do not work.
A wishbone is no substitute for a backbone.
“Without Black players, there would be no National Football League and the protests around the country are emblematic of the centuries of silence, inequality, and oppression of Black players, coaches, fans, and staff.”
Now THAT’S racism…with a happy face on it.
Goodell represents everything that’s wrong with sports entertainment business in the media.
Let them start there own league,NO body will WATCH..
Whatever happened with not dividing this country but yet the NFL is doing exactly that. Shame on them. They need to stick to sports and stay out of politics as do the players and coaches.
NFL…….Not For Listening.
BLM is a DECLARED Marxist organization, so the NFL is Commie by association.
Take your league and your Marexist friends and stick them all up your marxist *****.
No surprise here. With the entitled black players literally running the NFL now and the spineless clueless !d!ot Goodell “in charge” things will only become more anti-American woke in a sport built and filled with a lot of kids that this country actually paid for including most of their housing, food, clothing and education while growing up. I stopped watching the NFL a few years back and if I need a good football fix I’ll find a local Friday night high school game to go watch.
Let them all go since they are SO oppressed especially at making outrageous money to play a sport. Don’t get me wrong they work hard to staying fit.
Stop crying and play football, most of these players aren’t qualified to work at Walmart
I agree with all the comments that this is bullshit! This is just making our great nation more divisive. I hope 40 to 50% of the fans stop watching, I know I will. I stopped watching the nba, then mlb, and now nfl. SO SAD!!!
This is WRONG, there is only on National Anthem!!! You are catering to 13.4% of the population. i
If the Blacks don’t like it let them go somewhere ware the play what ever they like.
I will never ever go to or watch a NFL game again. I am(was) a 10 year Browns Season ticket holder
My hope is, The NFL goes under!!
BOOO!!!. Next they will be playing it at every sporting event. Real Americans should bouycott these events. Or at least kneel when it is played!!!
Black and White we are all Americans, We have one national anthem and as a Marine and Korean vet I only saw Marine buddies of all colors, black and white all one, i see a lot of vets and we all have the same love for our buddies Black , white ,yellow, all colors, I want to add one more thing ,I don”t think Martin Luther King would condone this radical, racist, unpatriotic idea, NFL, National Fools League. I stand up foor America and all Americans, what you are doing is divisive and we need to all believe in kindness.