Dallas Will Be Platform For Martial Law
- Obama is using police shootings and the Black Lives Matter movement to put the country into a military state.
- The “President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report,” suggests that the Obama administration should use federal lawsuits and threats federalize police forces.
- The Obama administration has already sued 30 police jurisdictions.
What better platform to catapult Obama's agenda of federalizing state and local police forces than the increased hated from Police. It's almost as if the Black Lives Matter movement fell right into the lap of our President.
When he was asked about the Dallas shooting at his press event in Poland he took the time to say, “I want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference.”
The actions that President Obama was referring to were based on the recommendations of the panel he picked after the 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri. Obama said that the people on the panel suggested: “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias.” Obama went on to say, “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias.”
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The panels official report was titled, “President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report,” it was published in May of last year.
The report, in a nutshell, highly recommends that the federal government should federalize police forces with training and practices. How would the federal government do this you ask? By the use of lawsuits of course. The report goes on to say that the government should do this by using federal lawsuits and threats to cut federal aid. Because blackmail and federal threats always get people to listen. Deputies from the Obama administration have already sued more than 30 police jurisdictions, forcing them to accept federalizing police forces. Basically, Obama is trying to slowly turn all police forces into one national police system, just like what he did with Obamacare.
Many people have denounced President Obama for his public talks against the violence of police officers on the black community. Many say that it is him who triggered the disaster that happened in Dallas.
Whatever the case may be, Obama is just gonna turn this into a military state and fix the problem for us.