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[PTSD] Did Donald Trump Lose The Military Vote?



Donald Trump made yet another misstep when it came to veterans on Monday, a group that he has already turned off in the past. When asked a question about the suicide epidemic among veterans and as president if he would bring faith-based initiatives to combat PTSD, suicide, and other related mental health issues of returning soldiers, Trump gave a response that was less than supportive of PTSD.

“When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of people in this room have seen many times over and you're strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can't handle it.”

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I don't mind calling out Donald Trump when he puts his foot in his mouth. If he is to be our president then it is our duty to be critical of the man on a level that is greater than a blanket better than Hillary statement. With that in mind, Donald Trump has made multiple slights against service men and women and veterans while running for president and in my honest opinion I don't think he really holds them in high regards.

HOWEVER … This statement was not the hateful comment that the left has made it out to be. They have blown this up and misquoted it into something it is not. This was Donald Trump trying to show support for PTSD and veterans who are struggling with mental health issues. He was trying to relate to the men and women in the room. He just did so in a very badly. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

I will never judge a veteran for how they choose to vote and Donald Trump has definitely done a lot to lose their votes in the past. Let us know what you think.

P.S. This is how Vice President Joe Biden reacted to the statement and put his spin on it.

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