1. Women’s Complaints Must Be Heard, Without Prejudice, and Be Thorough, Investigated:
Workplace harassment, especially, sexual, must not be accepted, and/ or, acceptable. However, when Senator Al Franken's so-called, offenses, led-to, resignation, and others, remained, we witness, evidence, the system, is broken!
We are present, witnessing, several accusers, coming forward, with some accusations, of harassment, against, New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, and some politicians, immediately, calling for his resignation, and/ or, removal.
While, these charges, are serious, without proof, they become, some sort of, He said, she said! Political posturing, by certain politicians, some, with some, possible, political agenda, should not dictate, the course of action.
Instead, we should demand, a full investigation, and allow, the accused, the right, to face his accusers, and respond, officially, to any, and all accusations!
2. Both, Accuser, and Accused Must Be Treated, Fairly:
Our judicial system, is, supposedly, based – on, the concept of due process, and, individuals, being considered, innocent, until proven, guilty!
The so-called, – Too, movement, in many ways, is essential, in order to treat women, fairly, and provide them, freedom, safety, and personal security.
However, unless/ until, the accused is given the right, to defend himself, without prejudice, and/ or, prejudgment, a basic, American principle, and right, is, endangered!
3. Review, Based on Merits, Not Politics:
Every accusation should be examined, and considered, thoroughly, but, any decision, should be based on proof/ evidence, and merits, instead of politics, and/ or, automatically, assuming, either party (female, or male/ accused or accuser), is, correct!
4. Avoid the Rush – To – Judgment:
Instead of rushing – to – judgment, everyone must be given the right to defend, himself, and due process!
5. The Dangers of Political Correctness (PC):
We exist, today, in a system, often, focused, on avoiding, any potential, of offending, anyone, for any reason!
While, certain actions/ rhetoric, are certainly, concerning, we often, witness, an overabundance of Political Correctness (PC), potentially, at the risk, of common sense, and realistic, perspective!
Accusers, and accused, both, deserve, specific, thorough, protections, or we become, little – better, than a lynch mob! Defend the concept of due process, and individuals, being innocent until proven, guilty!