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Hillary Clinton Finds Email Scandal Hilarious



Faced with the question of going to prison for a very long time, Hillary Clinton erupted with laughter. This idea was clearly the funniest thing that Hillary had ever heard. If only Matt Lauer has followed it up with a question about the four dead Americans in Benghazi and we would have seen her rolling on the floor in laughter, unable to continue the interview.

I'm glad that the left has put their support behind a woman who has no basic understanding of encryption and views the mismanagement of U.S. secrets a joke. Experts are now reasonably sure that Clinton's private email servers were infiltrated and read by other countries, such as China and Russia, and the exposure put U.S. soldiers at risk. And that's just what we know so far, with more turning up every week.

However, Hillary doesn't care about any of that. She is calm and confident that her Washington cronies will protect and shield her from the big bad truth that refuses to go away. It's all one big joke to her.

As Secretary of State for only a few short years, she managed to lose over 30,000 emails worth of state secrets and kill at least four Americans. What do you think she could do with four years in the Oval Office?

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  • j.Schott says:

    The FBI is going to put forth conclusive evidence Hillary Clinton is guilty of MANY miscarriages of top secret documents which will force her to withdraw from the Democrat nomination.

  • adder says:

    She’s so guilty it’s a wonder her nose hasn’t grown from D.C. to Poughkeepsie.

    There’s a parade of dead bodies reaching from the grave hole to pull her down.

  • Martha Tucker says:

    Why should she be worried about anything. She and Bill can get away with anything they so desire.She is another Obama deal. She will do anything to get her hands on money and power. Like I have said time and time again the senators and congress men need to have a plank on their backside. The speaker of the house needs to put a plank on his backside too. He is no better than Boehner.He is a diehard Obama fan.I guess after the election it will be no better. Those pepole will cave in at the least drop of a hat.

  • MICHAEL says:


  • BOB JOHNSON says:


  • Bud says:

    She is a liar and the same views as Obama. I agree she is weak and you will find that out if D T is the Rep Ft runner for sure.

  • Rhonda Mallett says:

    Everything about her and Bill is utterly disgraceful! I don’t understand why ANY of it was tolerated during the nineties!!!!!

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