ISIS Has Selected Their Next Target, Police Have Been Warned
- ISIS Has Selected Their Next Target, Police Have Been Warned (Image: MGN)
- Paris and Belgium officials have been warned about an impending attack by ISIS.
- The information has not yet been verified.
- ISIS has threatened to attack them during their European Championship Soccer tournament this month.
- Belgium is taking this seriously, and keeping large civilian areas under surveillance.
Small groups of extremists have left Syria, supposedly heading to Paris and Belgium, with plans to stage new attacks. Authorities have been warned yet have not raised threat levels at this time, as they are trying to determine the credibility of the information.
You would think that after the rising amount of attacks across the world, they would take the information more seriously.
Apparently, it was Belgium that warned Paris. A note from Belgium intelligence forces was sent to Paris's law enforcement as well as anti-terrorism agencies.
French authorities say they are remaining “very cautious” although they do not know how to handle the information. They have come forward and admitted that they receive similar notes on a routine basis. It has quickly turned into the “Boy Who Cried Wolf.” You can't keep the entire city of Paris in a constant state of panic or fear. So they are trying to gather as much information as possible before an action is taken.
Belgium is also remaining cautious. The information is supposedly from a single intelligence source and has not been confirmed by other sources.
Paris and Belgium have been in a high level of alert since the attacks last year that left 162 people dead between them both. ISIS has also threatened attacks during the European Championship Soccer tournament that is happening this month.
However, Belgium said they are taking the threat as if it is serious, probable, and possible.
The Belgium paper said that terrorist, coming by boat from Turkey and Greece, are most likely targeting malls, fast food chains, and police. The locations are already under surveillance.
The only debate that is being tossed around by the law enforcement officers is that the information hasn't been verified. No offense Belgium, but I don't think we have the luxury of waiting for information to be verified.