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It’s All Down Hill For Hillary
With Hillary Clinton's landslide victory in New York State on Tuesday, she has all but guaranteed her path to the DNC nomination. Not that it was ever really close. The old socialist Bernie Sanders gave her a good run, not to mention giving the Republican Party plenty of ammunition to use against her in the general. So what now?
Not much will change really. Hillary is still forced to go through the motions of running a campaign and Sander won’t simply drop out over night, though he will become less and less present in the media.
Hillary Clinton will get to coast and rest while the primary runs its course and this is where troubles start to show. She can rest up and attempt to fix any of the massive, MASSIVE, “PR” issues that have been plaguing her from the beginning. While she does damage control she is also free to turn her attention to the Republican candidates and take shots at them. Essentially giving her a jump start on the general election fight.
Meanwhile, the Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are forced to keep fighting it out and exposing more dirt on each other that Hillary can use against the eventual winner. The winner will also be so tired of debating and campaigning that by the time the real fight begins they will hardly be at their best.
This should concern you, Hillary in the White House is a seriously scary prospect that this nation should avoid at all cost. Unfortunately, there is no real path for either Trump or Cruz to stop early.
Trump still controls a commanding lead and has picked up some much-needed momentum with his crushing of Cruz in New York, but it is still anyone’s guess if he can get the much-needed delegate count and skip a brokered convention.
Cruz also won’t quit as he is sure that the RNC will pick him if he can keep Trump from winning outright. He’s not wrong, though he has joined Kasich in the anybody but Trump camp that has no outright shot of winning through voting.
History has shown us that the longer and messier a primary season, the more their opposition is favored. The Republican primary has been one of the messiest I can remember and we still have a long ways to go.
Let’s just hope the nation gets in the “anyone but Hillary camp” with us.
its not over until its over,trump is still here
Cruz and what’s his face is teaming up to try to beat TRUMP !! They are desperate !! Hahahaha .
Trump 2016 !
Trump is the only one who will throw the political elite off the gravy train. The establishment can’t control or buy him. This is why they attack him. Cruz has destroyed himself by letting the RINO’s play him like a fiddle. He has no money, so the donor class can control him. His wife works for Goldman Sachs.
We need to SHUT DOWN the Clinton Crime Machine
whatever the cost! The Clintons are criminals of the
first degree! They MUST BE STOPPED!
Vote Trump/2016 the only chance to save our country from tyrants, thieves, and liars, I think we’ve all had enough of that
HC is such a user of people and will walk on anyone she thinks will help her. Read about the WHouse when she was there with Slick Willy. We do not need her kind in America much less with the power to screw over the American citizens for personal agenda. She has to be VOTED OUT OF ANY OFFICE !!!!!
She is the modern day Jane Fonda..from Viet nam War REMEMBER
If Clinton gets it. Stick your head between your legs between your legs and kiss your ass good by. She is power hunger and a trader to this country.
She did NOT win !! She is not president material. Trump 2016 !!
I’m praying that the good lord will change some of the idiots minds who would vote for her- I’m counting on gods intervention. who knows she could go to meet her maker before it is too late.