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Mainstream Media Afraid Of Responsible Gun Owners



Why Liberals Don't Want You To Know About This Nightclub Shooting, see more at:
Why Liberals Don't Want You To Know About This Nightclub Shooting (Image: MGN)
  • A nightclub shooting, that has not made it to the news, was stopped by a man who had a concealed carry permit.
  • Jody Ray Thompson, 32, pulled a gun out and shot three people outside of a nightclub.
  • A man with a concealed carry permit pulled out his gun and shot Thompson in the leg.
  • Officers have not released the man's name but said that he cooperated and will not be facing charges.

Another night club shooting happened in Lyman, South Carolina, early Sunday morning.

Police officers said that a shooter, Jody Ray Thompson, was out front of the Playoffz nightclub in Lyman, South Carolina when he pulled out a gun and began firing into the crowd. He ended up hitting three people.

Police told WHNS-TV that Thompson was about to hit a fourth person. Who was that fourth person? A concealed carry permit holder. Officers said that the man pulled out his gun, in self-defense, and shot back at Thompson hitting him in the leg.

The concealed carry permit holder has not been named, but it is said that he cooperated with police and will not be facing any charges.

Thompson, who is 32, was charged with four counts of attempted murder, possession of a deadly weapon, and the unlawful carrying of a weapon.

Officials have come out and said that the three people who were shot in the incident are safe and that the wounds were not life threatening.


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  • Ron says:

    Me thinks they do protest TOO MUCH!

  • alfred says:

    They are all in the same nest as the people
    in Washington from top to bottom.

  • DustyFae says:

    I think Corporate Media will lie to the people because they want their pay check more then telling truth, may be they are afraid of their sponsors killing them if they did report truth

  • Lloyd king says:

    It is the same diatribe. To disarm America is there plan. They are to admit that gun free zones may good targets for the idoit who wants to murder. By the 90+ shooting are Muslim (Islam) people. News media would have to agree permit holders are the solution not the problem. If the law bidding gun holder
    is disarmed only the governent and criminals will guns I do not trust either and I do not want to be a sheep to be slaughtered by either of the two.

  • John says:

    They spout the Libs playbook, if they took time to become educated they might have a positive view. You can’t teach stupid!!!!!!!

  • Mark says:

    The media in large part is corrupt for only one party and that party’s positions.

  • cbanalyst says:

    The stupid media is succeeding in their plot to make guns abhorrent to the general public. If they do finally remove guns from the ordinary citizens, the mayhem to follow, due to only criminals having guns, will be disastrous. The deviousness of the media, coupled with the ignorance of the average person, will cause incalculable harm to our great nation.

  • C Allen says:

    The existance of responsible gun owners goes against their gun (people) control agenda.

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