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NBC Poll: 22% Of GOP Voters Say Biden Didn’t Win 2020 Polls



Pro Trump supporters at Stop the Steal rally holding signs against the media declaring Joe Biden President elect | NBC Poll: 22% Of GOP Voters Say Biden Didn’t Win 2020 Polls | featured

According to an NBC Poll, 22% of Republican voters still believe that President Biden didn’t legitimately win. In addition, many GOP voters still doubt that their votes will get counted accurately.

This is the results of an NBC Meet the Press poll released November 1. 

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GOP Voters Not Confident of Getting Accurate Vote Count

Trump supporters gather in Nevada's state capital for the, "Stop the Steal | nbc poll

66% of GOP-registered voters expressed a lack of confidence about accurate vote counts. This number went down from 85% in a similar NBC poll conducted last October 2020.

In addition, 29% of Republican voters said they are not confident in getting their vote accurately counted in the future. This is an increase from 11% who believed the same thing a year ago. 

Meanwhile, Democrats remain steady in their belief in accurate vote counting. 89% of Democrats say they have no problems believing their votes will count.

This is in contrast with Republicans' confidence. GOP voters’s confidence over voting results dramatically fell after former President Donald Trump’s loss in last year’s elections. Trump has continually gone on rallies and public events decrying that Democrats stole the elections from him. 

Independents Also Getting Doubtful On Vote Count

In last year’s NBC poll, 84% of Republicans said they were confident in the vote count. This is at par with the Democrat’s confidence.

This year, only 41% of Republicans share that view. In addition, 50% casted doubt on getting their votes counted accurately. 

In last year’s NBC poll, 84% of Republicans said they were confident in the vote count. This is at par with the Democrat’s confidence.

This year, only 41% of Republicans share that view. In addition, 50% expressed doubts that their votes will have an accurate count. 

Only 22% of GOP Voters Believe Biden Legitimately Elected

Only 22% of Republicans agreed that Biden won the elections fair and square. In addition, 71% of independents and 93% of Democrats agreed that Biden's election victory was legitimate.

In total, 58% of American adults agreed that Biden legitimately won the elections. Meanwhile on average, 38% of voters insist that Biden did not legitimately win. 

Most other demographic groups also shared the same sentiment. Only 35% of rural voters, 42% of whites without a college degree, and 21% of unvaccinated Americans support the notion that Biden won the elections. 

2000 Presidential Elections Also Shared Similar Vote Results

The public’s trust in the legitimacy of the elections also came under fire during the 2000 presidential elections. The results of the election needed a Supreme Court decision in order to resolve and proclaim the winner. 

George W. Bush won a hotly contested vote in 2000 against Democrat candidate Al Gore. From Bush’s inauguration in January 2001 to November, the number of Americans who supported the elections’ legitimacy went up from 55% to 58%. 

Meanwhile, those who believe the opposite dropped from 39% to 35%. During that period, around 90% of GOP voters said that Bush's election was legitimate. In contrast, Democrats who said the same grew from 20% to 32% by November.

Watch the NBC news video reporting that latest polls show NBC News Poll: Biden Job Approval Falls:

Do you think the next elections will count votes accurately?

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What do you think about the accuracy of the NBC Poll about forthcoming election results? Do you agree or disagree that the election results in 2020 weren’t legitimate? Or, do you think that it’s time to move on?

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  • BBA says:

    This is an NBC poll so you know the numbers are padded for Biden. I do not know one Republican voter who feels that Biden actually won the 2020 election. It takes a complete moron,……or Democrat socialist to think that this election was legit. My question is with all of the illegal activity being exposed in the voter fraud cases around the country where in the hell is our GOP politicians on this? I’m not hearing a thing about any of it from sellout traitors like Graham, Bell, Grassley and others??????????? Funny thing is they allowed for all kind of bogus bs attacks on Trump but will not left a finger at real corruption? Time to vote EVERY one of them out!!!

  • Branden Oconnell says:

    Who’s the snowflake now 😂🤣 pathetic bunch of cucks🤣😂

  • art says:

    I can’t believe Joe is failing maybe he’s not giving enough money away

  • Steve says:

    Vote tampering/fraud needs to be treated as the major crime that it is. Won’t take more than 15-20 hangings for treason and sedition to clean up the “after-hours delivery” scam (Oh no-Biden’s down by 105,000 votes: no worries, I just found these cartons under the table here, that should put him up by 15,000). 3 years for individual vote fraud sounds reasonable. 5 years and up for those buying votes.

  • Mark Hiatt says:

    If Biden won, that just proves this country is fully of dumb asses !! America wake up!

  • Mike says:

    BBA nailed it!! I couldn’t agree more, the fact that the gop is allowing this insanity disgusts me! Last year I was crazy they said when I predicted everything happening right now, it’s common sense Jesus Christ people wake up!! Defund the police? Stupid at its best, let’s ruin our society and laws and when someone kicks in your door to rob, rape pillage and kill your family. You don’t have to worry you soon you won’t be able to defend yourself when they take away our 2nd amendment right, but that’s OK because the social worker Bochum and save the day. That’s the dream world a good portion of the country is in. No the first responders who are heroes last year risk their life for us are all zeros now murderers because we don’t follow science anymore. Wake up before it’s too late people you can’t be this blind!! Having to see you this for well over a year and a lot more then I’m not gonna type because the smart people already know it and the dumb people probably can’t read it. Because they want the free life, why anyone or how anyone could ever want to live that way and let the government have full control of your life in every aspect. That’s why I didn’t take a stimulus check I don’t need free money I work for mine through the whole coronavirus. I was raised by a single mother that’s what the system is for and she works her self off of it it’s not for life wake up

  • Marilin says:

    Brandon, you are still the snowflake.

  • JR says:

    Brandon is a snowflake exponentially.

  • Neal Masteller says:

    The article, in itself, is contradictory. The headline ststes “22% of Republican voters believe Biden didn’t win, according to the NBC poll”. This figure is unfathomable. In the body of the articla, a sub-heading states “Only 22% of Republican voters believe Biden won fairly”. This figure is somewhat easier to believe, although it still sounds high. The article also reiterates the narrative that “Trump falsely claims the election was stolen”. HOW MUCH MORE EVIDENCE IS NEEDED, WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE ARIZONA AUDIT, THE INVESTIGATION IN RACINE COUNTY WISCONSIN, THE TESTIMONY AND VIDEO EVIDENCE FROM GEORGIA AND INVESTIGATIONS CURRENTLY UNDERWAY IN PENNSYLVANIA? OF COURSE DEMOCRAT VOTERS BELIEVE THEIR VOTES WILL COUNT. MANY WILL BE COUNTED MULTIPLE TIMES!

  • Neal Masteller says:

    The article, in itself, is contradictory. The headline states “22% of Republican voters believe Biden didn’t win, according to the NBC poll”. This figure is unfathomable. In the body of the article, a sub-heading states “Only 22% of Republican voters believe Biden won fairly”. This figure is somewhat easier to believe, although it still sounds high. The article also reiterates the narrative that “Trump falsely claims the election was stolen”. HOW MUCH MORE EVIDENCE IS NEEDED, WITH THE FINDINGS OF THE ARIZONA AUDIT, THE INVESTIGATION IN RACINE COUNTY WISCONSIN, THE TESTIMONY AND VIDEO EVIDENCE FROM GEORGIA AND INVESTIGATIONS CURRENTLY UNDERWAY IN PENNSYLVANIA? OF COURSE DEMOCRAT VOTERS BELIEVE THEIR VOTES WILL COUNT. MANY WILL BE COUNTED MULTIPLE TIMES!

  • The professor says:

    Not only did he win illegally he is not there mentally or physically …. he has been propped up by outsiders and his wife Jill should wake the hell up …. Jill Biden you look like a sensible woman take your husband by the hand and say it’s time to go to the farm in Delaware …. Pamela (Kamala) Will take over and of course impeachment proceedings will start …. Jill Biden you must have half a brain please take him to Delaware it’s over…it’s over you wraked in enough money…Hunter will be next he’s going to prison just save some money and put it aside for his bail money your husband is falling asleep at a major conference with many delegates and he’s falling asleep.. your husband is falling asleep at a major conference with many delegates and he’s falling asleep ….and I know it doesn’t have anything to do with having sex but Jill please get him to resign you guys are wealthy enough you’ll survive think of the country think of America….otherwise you are going to rot in hell with him!!!

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