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Oklahoma National Guard Refuses Vaccine Mandate

The Oklahoma National Guard said that it will defy the Pentagon's vaccine mandate. It said that it won’t require any of its members to undergo COVID-19 vaccination.
This is in direct opposition to an earlier August 9 order by the Pentagon. It required all members of the US military to complete vaccinations for COVID.
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Oklahoma National Guard Members Not Required To Vaccinate Against COVID-19
New Adjutant General Thomas Mancino issued an order last Thursday. He said that the Oklahoma National Guard won’t require members without federal mobilization to get COVID-19 vaccines.
The leadership will not take any negative administrative or legal action against Oklahoma guardsmen who refused to get vaccines. However, Oklahoma's command will continue to process federal vaccine waivers in accordance with the Department of Defense policy.
Republican Governor Kevin Stitt recently appointed Mancino to replace Adjutant General Michael Thompson, who served as the state’s top Guardsmen since 2017. In contrast with Mancino, Thompson supported vaccination for a majority of their members.
‘This is Not Anti-Vaccine’
“This policy is not anti-vaccine. I and the Governor are both vaccinated,” Mancino said in a statement published on Saturday. “I encourage all our Oklahoma Guard Members to get vaccinated if they choose to do so.
We want to educate and inform our Soldiers and Airmen so that they can make an informed decision regarding the DoD Vaccine Mandate.”
Mancino explained that under Title 32, Congress established a dual framework for the National Guard. The state will receive federal funding for the Guardsmen.
In return, troops need to be made available to the federal government when called to active duty by the sitting President.
Under Title 32, the Oklahoma National Guard takes orders from the Governor. However, when mobilized by the President under Title 10, the Oklahoma National Guard will take their orders from the US President.
Title 32 Says Oklahoma National Guard To Follow The Governor
“Failing to follow the Governor’s lawful orders while on Title 32 would be both illegal, unethical, and against our sworn oaths. Nothing in this order prevents anyone from taking the vaccine,” Mancino said.
“Also, nothing in his order eliminates the Federal Requirement. The Governor is hoping for Federal Relief from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and in the interim has granted state relief from this requirement.”
Earlier, Stitt issued an executive order that opposed Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal contractors. “Vaccines work and are effective, but they should not be mandated by any government to free citizens,” he said.
Earlier this month, Stitt had also asked Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to suspend a vaccine mandate for Oklahoma National Guard members.
He noted that 800 soldiers, or 10% of the guard, have yet to take their COVID-19 vaccines or have no intention to do so.
For The Department of Defense’s Decisions
“The Governor’s request is with Secretary Austin for decision,” Mancino added. In addition, he said that the National Guard Bureau indicated it will review the state’s position.
“The proper venue for the resolution of these issues is the Governor’s office, Congress, and the Federal Executive branch. Not the court of public opinion in the press or on social media,” Mancino said.
Mancino overruled Thompson’s previous orders, which included penalties for Guardsmen who refuse vaccinations.
This includes the inability to mobilize or receive training at federal military installations. He noted that Stitt’s order prevented the Oklahoma Military Department from requiring state employees to vaccinate or to show proof.
Watch the KFOR Oklahoma’s News 4 video reporting that Oklahoma National Guard does about-face on vaccine mandate:

Do you agree with the Oklahoma National Guard leadership’s stance on handling the coronavirus?
Tell us what you think about their circumvention of the federal vaccine mandate issued by the Pentagon. Share your comments below.

We’re not a totalitarian country. Vac mandates by decree are unconstitutional. Do we have freedom, or are we slaves?
Every Child that went to school since 1955 has received the polio vaccine.I agree &
sympathize with those whom for religious grounds or illness are unvaccinated.The majority of the others r just moronic imbeciles.
It’s honestly pretty easy and could be so easily resolved if the poser in office AKA Brandon, would just follow the Constitution?!
All the totalitarianism is really starting to make even the not so conspiracy folks wake the heck up and ask “WHY?” This is over the top over reach on a virus that’s on its way to being endemic? Further, “vaccinations” don’t require 3+ “boosters” in the same freaking year???? Nope never! What I’m the heck are they so eager to pump in us???
It is a personal choice to take any type of medication or vaccine. However, when you have a job where you come in conctac with people all the time, you have a higher risk of catching and passing on illnesses. We are back to the old issue that, if you knew you had HIV and continued to have unprotected sex, were you liable for passing it on and causing someone to be sick and die? Where do you personal choices end if they can affect others?
Ponu, calling people names shows you’re the moron. Almost 150 million people have immunity, naturally. Amd, don’t try to normalize this. It’s not a vaccine, not even close. It’s the dirtiest “vaccine” ever created. With intent. Go ahead and take it. I don’t care. But no one HAS to take it. Can’t wait to hear how that turns out for you! P.S. everything and everyone vaccinated since 2000 for coronavirus, dead in 3 years.
Leave Brandon out of it and tell it like it is :
Amen, heart breaker!
Its a free country..dont mandate the vax….on anyone..
Aren’t the lawmakers are exempt? If so why aren’t the rest of the government employees? And then everyone else for that matter?
Wrong. I never got ANY vaccinations except the one (DPT – Diphtheria,Pertussis and Typhoid booster) a doctor snuck behind my mother’s back while she was in the restroom and gave me without her permission. My parents should have sued but they never had enough money to hire a lawyer.
My parents refused ALL vaccinations for me. It had nothing to do with religious or moral grounds. It had to do with the fact that even THEN they saw what the vaccines were doing which was exacerbating the problem. They knew that the human body was being invaded and compromised with especially the polio vaccine. Consequently I never got the SV40 contamination. Never got the small pox shot either, but passed with flying colors when the local health dept. workers came to the school to check on student’s scars. Even then I saw the lie in the woman’s face as she tallied me down as “ok”. I learned then that it was all about the numbers.
To this day I do not vaccinate, no flu shots, nothing. I am 73 so I’ve watched this play out for many decades.
Vaccines have ravaged the human immune system and have cause most of the children’s current problems. They have also made a mint for the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance industry. People have been deceived for decades but they will never admit it to themselves.