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House Republican Wants To Retake the GOP

Illinois Republican Adam Kinzinger wants to retake the GOP from conspiracies and divisions. He wants to prove that a Republican base exists that doesn’t want anything to do with the drama. Specifically, he wants the party to move away from conspiracy theories and wild claims. In particular, he wants the GOP to move on from the era of former President Donald Trump.
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“This is no time for silence, not after the last month, not after the past few years. Someone needs to tell the truth. Someone needs to say what history needs to hear. So here I am. The Republican Party has lost its way. Today's Republican Party, it’s not the one I joined. The GOP I signed up for was built on a foundation of principle, and it was filled with hope. We believed a brighter future was just around the bend, and we fought tirelessly to get there,” Kinzinger added.
“The biggest danger right now is that we’ve become a party that dabbles — not just dabbles — we traffic in conspiracies and we traffic in lies,” Kirzinger said. He launched, a website about his new Political Action Committee. Kinzinger is one of ten House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump earlier this month. Also, the Illinois congressman is one of the most outspoken against Trump. In particular, he railed against the former president’s alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots. Despite the launch, Kinzinger did not inform GOP leaders about his PAC launch.
The PAC also mentioned the role of Representative Liz Cheney (WY) as a key leader of those who wants to distance themselves from Trump. In a video posted on the website, Kinzinger talked about taking back the GOP. “Republicans must say enough is enough. It’s time to unplug the outrage machine, reject the politics of personality, and cast aside the conspiracy theories and rage. It’s time to turn back from the edge of darkness and return to the ideals that have long been our guiding light.” Consequently, Kinzinger hopes that the party decides to adopt this new mindset at this point. “It’s now or never. The choice is ours. I’ve made mine, and I hope every Republican, and every American who shares our values, will choose to join me. Let’s take back our party,” he said.
Back Toward Hope
Kinzinger wants to retake the GOP and return to the days of hope, optimism, and truth. He outlined his challenges in keeping GOP voters that remain faithful to Trump. For example, he asked if Republicans are willing to lose the Proud Boys. In return, the party would get back Republicans who didn't want to vote for Trump.
Despite the general ideas, Kinzinger’s efforts remain in the early stages. He said that the movement’s progress can depend on supporters and involvement. In addition, he denied using the PAC to further his ambitions, even if others think the opposite.
Representative Kevin McCarthy
The country1st’s goal to retake the GOP pits Kinzinger against House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA). McCarthy is one of the senior Republican leaders who supports maintaining a big role for Trump. Given the former president’s populist policies and his mass following, McCarthy and company know Trump can help retake the House in 2022.
Kinzinger had harsh words for McCarthy, resumed support for Trump after criticizing him after the riots. “When you go from calling this an insurrection that the president bears the blame for to thanking Donald Trump for his commitment to winning back the majority, that’s a heck of a move in about three weeks,” he said.
Pivotal Republican Week
This week, Republicans will sit down to discuss their post-Trump strategy. Specifically, they will also assess if Cheney should remain as chair of the Republican conference. Like Kinzinger, Cheney was also vocal in calling for Trump’s impeachment. At the same time, Republicans also face a new firebrand, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA). Greene is gaining notoriety from previous posts supporting conspiracy theories and denying hot button topics such as school shootings and 9/11. Democrats already called for Greene’s removal from office, or at the least stripped of committee assignments.
Conservative Principles
The goal of the PAC is to say, “Let’s take a look at the last four years, how far we have come in a bad way,” Kinzinger said on the show “Meet the Press” by ABC. “How backward-looking we are, how much we peddle darkness and division. And that’s not the party I ever signed up for. And I think most Republicans didn’t sign up for that. It doesn’t mean we don’t need to fight back, you know, to defend what we believe, conservative principles. But when I ask people now what is a conservative principle, how many people think that conservative principles are things like just ‘build the wall’ and, you know, charge the Capitol and have an insurrection?” he added.
Watch The Hill video reporting on Representative Adam Kinzinger’s formation of a new political action committee (PAC) aimed at challenging the Republican Party’s acceptance of former President Trump:

Do you agree with Representative Kizinger for the need to take back the GOP? Do you agree that the party needs to dial down on the rhetoric? Or, do you think otherwise? Let us know what you think by sharing your thoughts below.

Kinzinger is just another RINO – totally ineffective and no different than the Dems. They can’t win and they don’t represent us.
Kinzinger , Chaney and the other 8 So called Republicans should all be voted out of office. We need to support and vote in true conservative men and women. Mitt Romney should be sent home as well
Rino who thinks he can win the 75 million people who voted for trump no chance in hell, nice try kinziinger you will never be president it’s a pipe dream of yours that will never come to fruition because you’re part of the swamp creatures we can’t stand.
The Republican Party left us years ago. We foolishly watched you disappoint us, and work against us.
Trump is a reliable Constitutionalist, who wasn’t afraid of the attacks you and tge left kept hitting him with.
HE was the problems choice. YOU wouldn’t accept our mandates and our votes. YOU allowed this massive take over, by the Democrat Liberals. YOU are responsible for the consequences of bankrupt, citizens , Flooding of illegals, drugs and sex traffickers through our borders. We need a party who fights fir us, not one who cowers for your own self interests .
who is this jackass in conservative sheep skin. He along with those who didn’t stand up fighting the demwits with all their lying ,along with all the BS they threw at President Trump who fought them off all alone, They all should all be standing tall in front of a firing sqd. including the demwits. Strip him of his title & send him packing
President Trump fought for all citizens not just the rich as all other presidents of the past. This jackass is blind, deaf and dumb ,may I add your right John Grubb ; Trump was and is a 100% Contitionalist as President should be.
Nope…wont happen. This cat is a RINO. We don’t want you either!! The days of RINOS are coming to an end. Either you stand for We the People or get out!!
Thats right! We can’t stand these type of politicians. Time for him to be voted out!! I can help do that.