The Ex-House speaker John Boehner made it clear his feelings about Ted Cruz yesterday. He claimed that Ted Cruz was “Lucifer in the flesh” and a...
Ted Cruz has confirmed that Carly Fiorina will be his running mate if he wins the nomination. Cruz is trying to draw attention to his campaign...
Politically Wrong With Parker Wong ****This Is A Work Of Satire: But All Quotes Are Real**** We have had countless presidential elections and yet, for some...
Cruz announced that Hillary Clinton has picked Donald Trump as her Vice President. Cruz believes they are a perfect fit saying they are, “the flip...
Late last night it seems that Hillary's Super PAC shot a coordinated attack at three major Bernie fan pages on Facebook, causing them to be reported...
David Brock, who once ruined Anita Hill’s life, to get Clarence Thomas the Supreme Court nomination, is now teaming up with Hillary to spew hate on...
Politico founder is suggesting a new political party with Mark Zuckerberg as the front-runner. Ideally, would like Michael Bloomberg to fund the party with the money...
A Hillary Super PAC admitted to spending $1 million to alter “attacks” on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram. So far they have already “addressed” over 5,000...
Politically Wrong With Parker Wong ****This Is A Work Of Satire: But All Quotes Are Real**** The President of the United States is one of the...
Ted Cruz and Hannity got into a heated debate about the delegate process yesterday. “It’s not a process question it’s an integrity of the election question,”...