The “hacktivist” group has just released their “Day Of Rage” plans to protest recent cop shootings. A video was released along with a list of cities...
Hell Hath No Fury Like Someone You Owe Money (Image: MGN) A group of guys have teamed up against this guy, who owes them money, by...
Trump and other political figures are making noise over the FBI's recommendation on the Hillary email investigation. Trump, Paul Ryan, and even Mike Huckabee went to...
Trump gave a 41-minute speech yesterday bashing his opponent Hillary Clinton, from his skyscraper in New York. A correspondent from NPR said that his speech was...
We Cannot Move Forward While The Government Keeps Us Dumb (Image: MGN) I must admit that I am outraged by the recent “censorship” of Omar Mateen's...
Diary Of A Mad Black President: Friday, June 17th 2016 ****THIS IS A SATIRE**** Dear Diary, Wazzup my G-Units! I know my Press Secretary J-Bird wants...
Hillary Clinton is no stranger to scandal or controversy. Her name has been spread around like the Swine Flu in 2009. It could just be the...
Obama using his office in the White House to get what he wants is nothing new. Yet, with this recent act of puppetry, may have reached...
He may not be as widely known as Muhammad Ali, but Kimbo Slice was just as important to the underground world of MMA. The 6'2″ 234...
We've all seen that little bar that pops down when you begin to type something in to the Google search engine. That is called Googles Automatic...