Texas Streets Still Running Red With Blue Blood
- Texas Streets Run Red With The Blood Of Men In Blue (Image: MGN)
- Sgt. Craig Hutchinson of the Travis County Sheriff's Department, a 32-year veteran, was murdered at his house in Round Rock, Texas.
- It was an apparent burglary, not a targeted attack towards police officers.
- Sgt. Hutchinson was planning on retiring in September.
- The Travis County Sheriff's Department has asked for the public's help in apprehending the perpetrator.
Sgt. Craig Hutchinson of the Travis County Sheriff's Department in Round Rock, Texas was off-duty in his home when he became the victim of a violent crime. Police officers have to constantly be on alert. However, your home should be your sanctuary, the place that you feel safe. Sgt. Hutchinson's home, unfortunately, became his death trap.
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It was 1:30 in the morning when Sgt. Hutchinson used his police radio to call in a report of people prowling behind his property. When officers arrived to investigate the claim, they found Hutchinson laying in his backyard. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.
The Sheriff of Travis County, Greg Hamilton, talked about the incident at a news conference. He wanted to clarify that the incident did not appear to be a direct targeting of a police officer, but an attempted burglary. He claimed there was evidence that the perpetrator(s) had tried to raid Hutchinson's shed. Investigators are on the lookout for an unknown number of suspects.
Apparently, Sgt. Hutchinson was a veteran on the job, working 32-years on the job. He had even served as the field training officer to the now appointed sheriff Greg Hamilton. Hamilton said that Hutchinson “taught me everything I know.”
Sgt. Hutchinson had been planning on retiring in September.
The Travis County Police Department is taking the incident very seriously. There has reportedly been a string of burglaries in that area and police are asking for public assistance to find the perpetrators of the attack.