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Trump Calls Out Biden for Soft Stance on ANTIFA

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden refused to condemn ANTIFA at Monday’s presidential debate, but President Trump isn’t ready to drop the issue.
On Wednesday, the president urged Biden to clarify his stance on the radical left-wing terror group. “Joe Biden has to say something about Antifa. It’s not a philosophy,” Trump told reporters ahead of his departure for a campaign rally in Duluth, Minnesota. “These are people that hit people over the head with baseball bats. He’s got to come out and he’s got to be strong, and he’s got to condemn Antifa. And it’s very important that he does that.”
Trump’s comments alluded to Biden’s weak-handed response to President Trump’s challenge at Monday’s debate. The president asked Biden to condemn ANTIFA’s terrorist activities. To this, Biden replied, ”Antifa is an idea, not an organization, not militias, that’s what his FBI director said.”
Biden was referencing comments made by FBI Director Chris Wray earlier this month during testimony to U.S. lawmakers. Wray said ANTIFA is an idealogy, not an organization. However, Wray also went on to say ANTIFA is a “real thing” and the FBI is working on “any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would describe as violent anarchist extremists,” including ANTIFA.
The President Responds
…And I look at them as a bunch of well funded ANARCHISTS & THUGS who are protected because the Comey/Mueller inspired FBI is simply unable, or unwilling, to find their funding source, and allows them to get away with “murder”. LAW & ORDER!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 18, 2020
Trump took to Twitter shortly after to dispute the FBI director’s testimony. “And I look at them [ANTIFA] as a bunch of well-funded ANARCHISTS & THUGS who are protected because the Comey/Mueller inspired FBI is simply unable, or unwilling, to find their funding source, and allows them to get away with ‘murder'. LAW & ORDER!”
President Trump raised the ANTIFA issue after debate moderator Chris Wallace questioned him about his relationship with the white supremacist groups and far-right organizations like the Proud Boys. Trump agreed to condemn hate groups and said, “They have to stand down … Whatever group you’re talking about, let law enforcement do their work.”
However, Trump pointed out that the right isn’t responsible for most of the violence and upheaval plaguing U.S. cities. “I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem, this is a left-wing,” he said. After Biden dodged the question by citing the FBI director, Trump warned his opponent. “Antifa is a dangerous radical group,” he said. “And you ought to be careful of them, they’ll overthrow you.”
Biden has been hesitant to publicly condemn the group during his campaign, staying in line with the Democrat’s far-left pandering. In fact, typing ‘’ into your browser will send you directly to Joe Biden’s website. The domain has been registered with NameCheap since 2002. However, it may have changed hands in August. The registrant’s name remains protected and unlisted. However, the connection to the Biden campaign nonetheless stays interesting.
Officials' View of ANTIFA

Photo by oinonio/Flickr
Other law enforcement officials disagree with the FBI’s view of ANTIFA. In June, Bernard Kerik, a former NYPD commissioner, told The Epoch Times that ANTIFA “100 percent exploited these protests,” adding that the group’s network websites controlled and dictated the timing and location of most protests. “It’s in 40 different states and 60 cities; it would be impossible for somebody outside of Antifa to fund this,” Kerik said. “It’s a radical, leftist, socialist attempt at revolution.”
Attorney General William Barr says he has seen evidence of ANTIFA instigators flying across the country to participate in protests. “I’ve talked to every police chief in every city where there has been major violence and they all have identified Antifa as the ramrod for the violence,” Barr told reporters from CNN during an interview. “They are flying around the country. We know people who are flying around the country. We know where they’re going.”
Even FBI Director Wray admitted in his testimony that the group is a threat, although the hard-left Democrats don’t tend to acknowledge that segment of his testimony. “Antifa is a real thing. It is not a fiction. Now, we have seen organized tactical activity at both the local and regional level. We have seen Antifa adherents coalescing and working together in what I would describe as small groups and nodes,” Wray told Congress.
A Desperate Attempt
It’s hard to believe the Democratic presidential candidate would hesitate to condemn a terrorist group, but the party has already demonstrated it will do anything to defeat President Trump. If that means pandering to a group of violent communist revolutionaries, so be it.
Joe Biden’s campaign didn’t immediately respond to requests for comments.
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