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NJ Hospital System Fires 6 Unvaccinated Senior Workers

RWJBarnabas Health, a New Jersey hospital system, fired six senior workers for refusing to get COVID-19 vaccines. The Garden State's largest private employer confirmed it parted ways with the employees. It cited “an ethical and professional responsibility to protect our patients and ensure a safe, COVID-19-free environment.”
RELATED: Hannity, Fox News Hosts Urge Americans To Get Vaccinated
Senior Workers Fired For Not Getting Vaccines
The firing of the senior workers comes as New Jersey and the rest of the country face another wave of cases as a resurgent virus continues to infect Americans. According to a company spokesman, RWJBarnabas will require mandatory “vaccination for all staff and physicians and will be announcing our plans in the coming days”.
Specifically, this covers more than 35,000 people, including 9,000 physicians and 1,000 residents and interns. The NJ hospital system operates 15 hospitals and a number of medical centers across New Jersey.
No Jab, No Job
Last May, RWJBarnabas announced it will require all senior workers and supervisory staff and above to get a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of June. The spokesman confirmed that the vast majority of the employees already completed their vaccinations.
In fact, by July 14, RJWBarnabas reported that 2,979 employees complied, which means a 99.7% completion rate. It turned out that six employees refused the vaccine. Consequently, the company decided to fire the six workers.
RWJBarnabas became the first New Jersey health system to require vaccinations as a condition for continued employment. As a result, other local health systems are scrambling to implement the same policy.
Last week, Hackensack Meridian Health gave its 35,000 employees a November 15 deadline to get their COVID-19 vaccines. This entails inoculating workers in 17 hospitals and 500 other medical facilities across the state. In addition, employees of Virtua Health, South Jersey's largest health system, have a September 15 deadline to do the same.
Houston Methodist Set The Bar
RJWBarnabas’ actions echo that of Houston Methodist, a Texas hospital system that let go more than 150 workers for refusing to get vaccinated. After a court ruled that the Texas hospital system can mandate vaccinations for its workers, about 150 workers resigned or were given the boot.
The system, which operates a medical center and six community hospitals, was the first in the US to set a deadline for vaccination for all its employees. Many of the 25,000 employees complied.
In a statement, Houston Methodist hailed the court decision. “It is legal for health care institutions to mandate vaccines, as we have done with the flu vaccine since 2009,” the company said.
It also pointed out that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission stated that employers can require COVID-19 vaccines. Since Houston Methodist made its announcement, more than 40 hospitals or medical centers across the country followed suit.
Watch the NJ Spotlight News reporting that RWJBarnabas fires employees for not getting COVID vaccine:

Do you agree with the medical systems’ policy of requiring vaccinations for its workers? Or do you think this is another case of overextending authority by healthcare companies?
Let us know what you think about the RJWBarnabas case. Share your thoughts below.

I hope they sue the crap out of them for interfering with personal health issues that’s bs to do that
In the long run these people will still be alive and well.Better off looken for a better job than be dead.These hospitals will all close up because there will be nobody left alive to run them.
I believe people have the right to make their own informed decision. The problem is two fold. This so called vaccine has not had proper studies done so no one knows what effect it is going to have down the line. Secondly we are not being given all the facts about the side effects or what is in the jab. How can you make an informed decision under those circumstances? The FDA has already stated they have no intention on approving the so called vaccine because it is not a vaccine.
It’s just amazing at the number of people who were fed bullsh*t lies about the vaccine and thinking it’s some sort of government conspiracy who don’t have any issue being in that 97% bracket of people who will die. I’ll be damned if I let covid take me out and I won’t be begging for the vaccine from my deathbed. Stop being a rebel and go get vaccinated. Even I want you to live and I don’t even know you.
Getting the jab is risky, with rare but devastating consequences possible. The long-term effects of the juice are unknown, but with the possibility of being infected and transmitting wuflu AFTER the jab being well known, I’ll risk catching a virus with a minuscule fatality rate and symptoms ranging from a mild temperature rise to pneumonia.
Hell, the greater number of those infected did not know they had the disease.
When the gov. starts testing illegals at the border then I would consider the legalities of employers mandating their workers. Until the gov. decides to test the almost million of illegals that have poured into this country and released into the interior without testing or vaccination then the gov. can shove it.
JACKSON MERRILL: Wrong! Less than 3% of people who contract covid die from it… The 97% you speak of are those who will live, and most will experience very little symptoms when they contract covid. People like you are responsible for a big part of the misinformation being spread, and that is a heinous crime. For Shame!
I have very bad reactions to all vaccines Have almost died from them. Started wearing a mask we before covid And haven’t had the or a cold in more than 10 years. They can keep thier vaccines Will not take ut. Had myself tested for covid And I am negative.
The Poll should have given the choice of “No One Can Force People to Take a NON-PROVEN, Experimental Injection”. That is the most important factor here.
The key word in the entire article is “senior”. They weren’t 28 year old young nurses, these were “old” folks with no doubt, many long years of service. The refusal to get the biomedical implant is the best excuse the company could come up with that wouldn’t be challenged by a room full of lawyers claiming age discrimination – which is exactly what this is all about! You can’t fire them because of their age, but as a private company you can fire them for refusing to get jabbed. Watch for more of that now that New Jerkey has set the precedence……
As the deaths rise from vaxx recipients now reaching an epic tally, far more than used to cause a vaxx to be banned. Why, Why is it so important to administer an experimental drug that even the inventers do not know the extended adverse effects. It is becomming to be like playing russian roulet with a fully loaded gun. The Bible states that in the end days things will be horribel and it sealms that is what is happining now, right is villified and crimes are being defended and overlooked. Make sure you are rlight with God because it looks like He about to pour out His wrath on non believers.
This is Communism called Socialism. It is imprisionment and control at work and everywhere else!
How about the lack of faith in this country???
The Bible says God is our healer. God says He is our healer. It’s cited many times throughout the Bible. God healed the sick, blind, paralyzed, insane etc many times throughout the Bible. Why then is it ok to think man knows better, can do better than God? Through this whole mess God has been buried, forgotten, disregarded. I seriously think Earth has gone to Hell. Satan must be celebrating.
I’m a nurse in a surgery center. I’m a nurse of 28 years and I’ve worked ICU, ER and was a medic early on. I have seen miracles. So it is sooo discouraging to hear my colleagues swept up in the panic frenzy. People even if you don’t have the strongest of beliefs, the proof in in writing in the Bible. Just read and try to dispute it.
got this from a letter that the Louisiana attorney general sent to LSU when it was trying to mandate vaccines for all students & staff. The CDC Or FDA sight, i dont remember which because its been a month or so, has a rule that you cant force anyone to take something that only has emergency use authorization & that is all any of these so called vaccines have.
We had the same bullshit anti vaccine comments regarding the flu vaccine. Your employer can fire you at will you don’t own the job.The point is to immunize employees to protect their patients who may be vulnerable to illness because of their comorbidities.The business of hospitals is medical care not ball bearings.
Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. Why don’t you take a few minutes and do some research. First, this is one of thr deadliest, dirtiest “vaccines” (gene therapy) to ever exist. Chemicals from fertilizers, etc. Secondly, the three players making this poison are repeat, REPEAT, serial felons. With the potential liability for harm/death, KMOWINGLY have put dangerous/deadly products on the market. Third, if it’s so safe why did these serial killers demand immunity from liability, which our corrupt government granted? I guess you’re also not aware that “vaccines” take years to develop and test. This one showed up in around 10 months? Because they already had it because it was all planned. Sorry you fell for it but just because you lack critical thinking skills and have poor decision making skills, don’t force others to risk their lives. .03% of the population are at risk, not 97%, you must get your news from cnn or twitter? Why have almost 6,000 vaccinated died if its so safe, most recently 4 british pilots. Go ahead and take it, just make sure your will is up to date, because since the year 2,000, everything and everyone injected witht the coronavirus vaccines they’ve been attempting to make, have died. Mostly from lung disease. I’m almost 60, have asthma and low vitamin d, and I lived. Also why all of the diabolical manipulation, tickets to Hamilton, lotteries, free beer, fee weed in CA? Yea, nothing at all wrong with that! Good luck, you’re going to need it!
In regards to the hospital, hopefully they will pay huge settlements for forcing employees to take an unapproved poison, medicine.
How on earth is this even possible? When it’s not mandatory for children attending public schools to be vaccinated with the recommended ACIP immunizations. It should not be mandatory for children to get a covid19 vaccine to attend public schools as well.
Saint Mary’s Health Services in Grand Rapids, MI is also mandating that all employees who have patient contact must have had the vaccines or they will lose their jobs Sept.21.
Good, now start your own practice. People have to stop relying on these corporations with their lives.
I say that it is not right to mandate people to get this shot or any other shots.. This vaccine is not even FDA approved. The number of deaths from the vaccine may be small to you, but one death is enough for me.