We Have Failed The Memory Of 9/11
Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the attacks on September 11th. I remember that day just as clear as ever, as I'm sure you do. That day shocked our very reality and we all made the same vow collectively, that we would never forget.
But have we kept it? Sure we remember the events of 9/11, but what about the meaning of it. The attacks brought us together as a nation like nothing else could have.
I remember the neighborhoods with an American flag outside every door. I remember how we were all Americans, not black, or white, or Hispanic, but Americans first and only.
I remember how we all came together to embrace and support the brave first responders who gave their lives and so much more to save strangers that they had never met. I remember how people of all ages would thank their local cops, no matter where they were for all that they do.
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Now, it feels like our nation is more fractured than ever. Politicians have us fighting with each other instead of those that would do this nation harm.
We no longer remember the pain of 9/11 that brought us all together, under one flag. We instead are only left with the memory and the fear.
While we worked hard to rebuild this great nation and strengthen our communities, the government betrayed us and spied on us while the politicians lined their pockets and sold us fear.
Bush and Obama refused to go after those responsible and have put us all at greater risk than ever before.
Now, we fight each other in the streets while burning and protesting the very flag that we once united under.
It’s time we remember 9/11 for the good it stirred in us. Now is the time that we embrace a united America again.