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Abbott Passes ‘Constitutional Carry’ Law For Texans Beginning on Sept. 1st

On Wednesday, Gov. Gregg Abbott of Texas has signed the state’s “constitutional carry” bill into law. This will allow residents of the state to carry a handgun with them in public even without a license beginning Sept. 1.
Under current state law, residents of Texas need to undergo training, submit fingerprints, provide proof of handgun proficiency and pay the application fee worth $40 before they can obtain a license to carry. Now, any resident over 21 who isn’t already barred from owning guns by state and federal law will be allowed to carry a handgun in public.
Some carveouts to this constitutional carry bill exist, as many employers can still stop employees from bringing handguns to work. Similarly, businesses can decide to ban customers from carrying weapons on their property.
Additionally, while training is no longer necessary, the Texas Department of Public Safety will also still provide a gun safety course online, for free.
With this bill signed, Texas joins around 20 other states with some form of permitless carry law. Currently, residents of Texas already have permission to carry rifles in public without a license.
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