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Ann Coulter Roasted By Hypocrite Liberals



It might have been a roast for Rob Lowe, but it was Ann Coulter who was roasted.

It seems that Coulter's presence at the roast had everyone running around to come up with the best insults for her, not Rob, despite the fact that his history includes a sex tape, a catalogue of failed tv shows, and legal problems involving a nanny. No instead, the liberal comedians all took their chance to attack the conservative in their midst.

Now, I'm not a big Ann Coulter fan, but no one deserves the ill-treatment that she was given on the Comedy Central stage, even if it was at a roast. We can't even repeat all of the vile and disgusting “jokes” that were thrown at her.

The Roast Master David Spade said, “She seems stiff and conservative, but Ann gets wild in the sheets. Just ask the Klan,” and “It looks like she’s having a good time. I haven’t seen her laugh this hard since Trayvon Martin got shot.”

However, Spade's comments were light-hearted compared to a few of the other “comedians” who went as far as to suggest that Ann Coulter should kill herself.

Nikki Glasser told Ann, “Ann, you're awful. The only person you will ever make happy is the Mexican who digs your grave.”

British comedian Jimmy Carr had the cruellest of all insults for the night, calling her “repugnant,” “hateful,” and “hatchet-faced.” “But it's not too late to change that,” he said. “You could kill yourself.”

The fact is that the words, insults, and even death threats thrown at Ann Coulter will be ignored because she is a conservative woman, but we all know that if it was Michele Obama or Elizabeth Warren or any woman on the left treated this way then the social justice warriors around the country would explode and have the episode banned from being shown. That is clear hypocrisy.

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