US News
Antifa Extremists Set Portland Ablaze Again

Antifa extremists reportedly went on another violent rampage in Portland Tuesday night. They attacked police officers, vandalized businesses, and lit fires along the roads they marched. The riots broke out on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.
RELATED: Weapons Confiscated From Antifa Militants in Portland
Antifa Extremists
The riotous event followed a separate peaceful rally earlier in the evening. Portland police reported a group of activists sang and danced as they walked peacefully along with the city.
However, a group of people wearing helmets and gas masks, and carrying backpacks and tote bags arrived.
Set Fire To A Dumpster And Threw Objects At Police
Initially, some people tried to start a fire in a dumpster. Then, a group approached the Justice Center and covered their actions by holding open umbrellas.
Two people pried at doors on the north side of the building. Several people also used umbrellas to conceal their actions and lit a fire in the dumpster at about 9:21 p.m. while people chanted to burn the building down.
As police and firefighters attempted to douse the dumpster fire, people threw frozen water and glass bottles, eggs, and metal spikes at the police.
They also fired mortar-style fireworks at the law enforcement officers. They also tore fencing to create a barricade on Southwest 4th Avenue.
Destroying Property
While the crowd blocked the intersection of Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Main Street, some incited the rest of the group to continue moving while destroying property along the way.
By 9:51 pm, the 200 plus crowd moved west toward City Hall. Along the way, they broke windows, damaged property, and spray-painted leftist messages.
They also fought among themselves and lit trash can fires. Police overheard some group members saying it was a successful night.
Later, the Epoch Times reported that Portland police arrested five people in connection with the riots last Tuesday. Police said that the five belonged to the crowd that set fire to a dumpster near the Justice Center. According to a Portland Police Bureau, many people chanted “Burn the building down” as they marched toward the Justice Center.
Antifa Extremists
Reports described the Tuesday night crowd as dressed in Antifa-favored clothing. Antifa is the far-left, anarcho-communist network that advocates for the abolition of police.
The group frequently targets Portland Mayor and Police Commissioner Ted Wheeler. Lately, the mayor turned against rioters, calling them anarchists bent on destruction. He called on Portland community members to help unmask the group to help prosecute and arrest them.
Portland is dealing with Antifa extremists and other groups stirring unrest for a year now, starting with the death of Floyd in Minneapolis.
In the spring of 2020, rioters set fire to the Justice Center. Then, they tried to do the same at the US courthouse downtown, only to be met by federal officers.
Portland featured nightly clashes between rioters and officers until the federal troops left. This left a combined city-state police force to deal with Antifa extremists and their lot.
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What do you think of Antifa extremists? Do they even have a legitimate concern? How can Portland or any other city in the US finally stop their wave of violence?
Let us know what you think. Drop your comments in the comment section below.

Police and the National Guard should be urged to arrest and DETAIN these terrorists. No bail, or if there has to be bail, second time offenders should be arrested and NO BAIL. A tent city confinement would be appropriate.
This should not be tolerated. They are breaking the law.
You go to jail when you break the law. What is wrong with these people?
That is what happens when you announce in the past that you will not prosecute these lawless waste of human beings! The Mayor should pay for the damage out of his own pocket but no it will be the People’s taxes that pay. Vote the worthless piece of shit out of the office. Bring in someone with the balls to fight back and lock criminals up.
They are no better than the cop that killed george Floyd! Violence from both isn’t going to solve anything. Grow up. Start taking responsibility for your actions. Quit hiding behind masks and put your big girl panties on! If you want to fight then join the Army and fight like respectable men and women has done for years not like some pirate in the night whose hiding because they know what they are doing is wrong.
The leaders and lose that are able to bring accountability to those criminals should do it now so others get the message that no more will be tolerated and charges and jail time will come to those who do. No exceptions, no excuses, no right to continue what happened in the year of 2020.
You have some in jail for breaking no laws from Jan 6th protest and the Antifa extremists get to do what ever they please with no consequences. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE!
Step 1: Replace the namby pamby Portland government.
Step 2: Fire the Attorney General
Step 3: Arrest and hold without bail these numbskulls.
Step 4: Allow police to shoot real bullets when attacked.
Step 5: Problem solved!
you call antifa extremists , when all they really are , are terrorists , get out the dictionary , they are trying to destroy this country .
antifa is who you should be blaming for what went on at the white house , but then so was the swamp to blame , I believe they are likely in bed with each other
Start shooting them shoot them they set fires shoot them they break windows shoot them they assault a cop shoot them if you shoot them all this. They’ll go home and play their game boys and go on their computers and drink their coffee’s and say I’m lucky I didn’t get shot today ….you have to draw a line somewhere who’s paying for all this anarchy the poor people that own businesses they’re paying for their broken windows their products stolen shoot the son of a bitches…..and I guarantee you it will stop unless they’re thatf effeminacy stupid