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Poll: At 36% Support, Biden Accomplishes a New Record Low



At 36 Support, Biden Accomplishes a New Record Low-ss-Featured

It seems President Joe Biden’s approval poll numbers are continuously going in the wrong direction.

Biden’s disapproval rating currently sits at 36% and it comes with a disapproval rating at 53% based on a new Quinnipiac University national poll. These figures represent the president’s lowest public support rating in the Quinnipiac polls since taking over the White House back in January.

His approval rating went down by a point while his disapproval went up by a point from the October survey.

A huge partisan divide has been seen in the numbers as Democrats gave the president their approval by an 87%-7% margin while Republicans disapproved with a 94%-4% margin. Only 29% among the independent voters are in favor of how Biden is handling being the head of the country, with 56% disapproving.

In a separate national poll conducted by Marquette University Law School, which was also released on Thursday, Biden saw a 49% approval rating and a 51% disapproval rating. The president’s approval in the poll, which was done from Nov. 1 to Nov.10, went down by 9 points from the previous Marquette survey from July.

In getting the average of every latest public opinion poll compiled by Real Clear Politics, the president sits with a 41% approval rating and a 53% disapproval rating.

The president has also received his lowest grades on four key issues to date on the Quinnipiac poll, which was done on Nov. 11 to 15. These issues include coronavirus response (45% approval, 50% disapproval), climate change (41%-48%), economy (34%-59%), and foreign policy (33%-55%).

“The President’s numbers are unsettling though slightly better than former President Trump’s approval at the same stage of his presidency,” Tim Malloy, a Quinnipiac University polling analyst, revealed to Fox News.

“What may be most concerning is that overall ‘satisfaction' is at an all-time low, and, significantly, 50% of those polled are ‘very dissatisfied,’” he reiterated.

“That is a gut punch, accompanied by the handling of the economy number which has dropped 5 points from 39% approval to 35% since October the 6th,” Malloy went on to say.

The survey also shows the public’s split in connection to whether Biden cares about the average American. It also suggests that a slight majority (52%-41%)sees the president as dishonest. Meanwhile, a larger majority (57%-37%) believe he doesn’t have good leadership skills.

Quinnipiac University’s survey had 1,376 adult respondents from across the country. It had an overall sampling error of +/- 2.6 percentage points.

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