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House OKs Bill Removing Confederate Statues From Capitol

On Tuesday, the House approved a bill that will remove Confederate statues from the US Capitol. This also includes the planned removal of a bust of the former Supreme Court chief justice who wrote the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision.
RELATED: House Votes to Remove Confederate Statues From U.S. Capitol
Remove Symbols Of Slavery, Segregation, and Sedition
Before the House vote, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) spoke on the House floor. “This sacred space, this temple of democracy has been defiled for too long. We ought not to forget history.
We must learn from history. But we ought not to honor that which defiles the principles for which we … stand.” He added that “It's time to remove those symbols of slavery, segregation, and sedition from these halls.”
The bill eventually passed by a margin of 285 to 120. All Democrats present in the session voted to approve the bill. 67 GOP House members joined the vote to remove the confederate statues. Afterward, the bill will head to the Senate for their consideration. It will need at least 10 Republican votes on top of a solid 50 Democrats vote.
Latest House Attempt
Even as a number of Republicans supported the bill, the GOP pointed out that Democrats represented the South during the Civil War and the Jim Crow.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) criticized Democrats as hypocrites. “The Democratic Party has doubled down on what I consider this shameful history by replacing the racism of the past with the racism of the critical race theory,” he said. McCarthy referred to the academic examination of systemic racism in American life. As a result, critical race theory became a rallying cry for conservatives.
Last year, the House passed similar legislation to remove Confederate statues. However, it never made it past the Senate. This year, with the Democrats holding a slim majority, the bill has a better chance of passing. Hoyer introduced the bill earlier this May.
“It’s never too late to do the right thing, and this legislation would work to right a historic wrong while ensuring our Capitol reflects the principles and ideals of what Americans stand for,” he said.
Remove All Members of the Confederacy
Once passed into law, the legislation will require all states to remove and replace any statues honoring members of the Confederacy in the National Statuary Hall Collection in the Capitol.
It will prohibit “persons who served as an officer or voluntarily with the Confederate States of America or of the military forces or government of a State while the State was in rebellion against the United States” from the collection.
The Capitol's National Statuary Hall collection contains two statues from each of the 50 states. The states send their representative statues, which are people the state deems to be of historical importance. They range from Revolutionary hero Ethan Allen (VT) to blind activist Hellen Keller (AL).
Removal Of Bust Of Chief Justice Roger Taney As Well
In addition, the bill also calls for the removal of the bust of former Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney. Taney wrote the Dred Scott decision in 1857, which declared enslaved people were not citizens and did not have the right to sue.
Taney's bust resides in the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the Capitol. Once the bill becomes law, officials will replace it with a bust of Thurgood Marshall, the first African American Supreme Court justice.
Meanwhile, Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) noted that Taney's hometown of Frederick, Maryland, already removed Taney’s statue from their premises five years ago.
Raskin asked “Why should they occupy a place of honor and reverence in this building? In the name of original intent, Justice Taney transformed our Constitution into a white man's compact,” Raskin said.
“He disgraced the Supreme Court. It would take the Civil War, the Reconstruction amendments, and the civil rights movement to dismantle the white supremacist constitution,” he added.
Watch the MSNBC news video reporting that the House votes (again) to remove Confederate statues from the Capitol:

Do you agree with the bill removing Confederate statues from the Capitol? What do you think this accomplishes?
Tell us what you think about the movement to remove confederate statues. Share your comments below.

what i really think is we need to remove all the idiots from Washington dc starting with Pelosi weather you like it or not this is still part of our history and our young children need to see and learn about it in civic and history classes
I feel like(i dont approve what they did to Mr Floyd at all but was he a good person,but we want to memorial him).These things are part of our history. We dont remember them because they had slaves.Im a 70 yr old white woman and I love everyone and theres good in everyone. You just have to look a little harder in some. GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and all who live here!!!!!
I’m curious have you heard of something called “TheThird Reich” the way that the Left is Whitewashing America from its past. I do believe that Left’s intention is to Destroy our Country, from the inside out… so that they can rewrite the Constitution and Bill of Rights and they plan on doing it within the next 30 years.
As stated by others, these are people who are part of the history of this wonderful country. They may have fought on the wrong side and for the wrong reasons but they did so believing in their right to do so. History cannot be changed. The American Civil War happened. Period.
“Those who control the past control the future, and those who control the present control the past.” -George Orwell
Just another step from their little Red Book, guiding them toward their Utopia, in attempting to make the USA a Marxist Socialist Country. Where are all the Patriots?
Let’s ban sleepy joe Biden and camel toe Harris, makes more sense
Leave history alone! My 4th line GGGGrandfather Charlie Elisha Conkright born in 1822 on VT. He was in the Civil War and put out of action in 1863 in Battle of Antietam he was in the 14th Indiana Infantry Was shot in left leg but he never lost his leg. I am a genealogist for the past 30 years now have over 38 000 name records on my family history. On all lines.
My point is we don’t change history for the far Left that is trying to bring down our Great Nation Biden is a loser and should have never never been President. We all got had God Bless America.
Court C Conkwright.
Rhat’s great, although I am sort of surprised. The more you try to get rid of something and make it disappear, the more likely it is to repeat itself. I kmow they fought to preserve slavery and created the kkk, it seems like the democrats are working to bring slavery back.
The ideology of this country is in the crapper. History can never be replaced or erased with the removing the statues or other such things. It offends people so let’s pretend it didn’t happen this is the way we are moving forward in our society today? I don’t want a statue of Floyd up I don’t think he needs to be represented in the hero form at all I think he was bottom line nothing short of a criminal. Justice was served officer that killed him is now in prison, do we really need a statue of this criminal that was killed to remind us of justice now? I don’t like people deciding what history can be allowed to move forward and what history needs to be erased as if it never existed.
Yes, by all means take these statues down and put up statues of career crininals like George Floyd! No one seems to be mentioning these terrible civil war statues were of democrats.
Fascist is as fascict does
i understand the argument of not wanting to “honor” historical figures who supported slavery. however, i do not think removing statues is the best way to address this issue. history is history. everything that happened happened and there should not be attempts to “cancel” history. i think a better approach to issues still lingering from the Civil War is to leave statues in place but to add information that explains what the person did and how those actions are viewed today and how “veneration” of the person hampers further progress on race relations. this approach would help to “educate” modern Americans about the “mistakes” that were made in our history better than just the removal of statues or attempts to “erase” historical events.
The utter stupidity of our elected officials who support the “woke” agenda is a serious threat to our Republic.
Erasure of history guarantees that future generations will relive the mistakes of the past .
Why don’t thy just come out and say , that there was actually NO Civil War ? And that is actually what they are trying to do. The people who want all of the statutes removed , are the biggest racist ever, and they don’t have sense to know it.
We need to remove about 75% of the deamoncrates from office and try them for treason. Also hold the media accountable for every time they are caught in a lie, which would be ever day for cnn, cbs, etc.
Mr.Conkwright. In all due respect sir and i’m sure that it was just an oversight but, the battle of Antietam Creek also known as Sharpsburg was fought on September 17, 1862 not 1863. As for the rest of your post, I couldn’t agree more. Thank you Sir.