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Liberal Tears: CNN Called Racist and Sexist after Kamala Criticism

CNN has recently garnered online uproar after they released a piece saying that the White House under Pres. Joe Biden has been fed up with Vice Pres. Kamala Harris and her “entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus.”
The article prompted White House officials to rush in defending Harris. It has also started an uproar online, with people attacking the network and calling them racist and sexist.
The written hit piece on @CNN today on @VP Kamala Harris – sent to millions – was racist and misogynistic and if you allow it to go unchecked you are failing her, President Biden and this country at a time when Trump and Republicans are trying to burn this country to the ground.
— Don Winslow (@donwinslow) November 15, 2021
However, apart from being well-reported, the report also shows Harris’ side of the story in the second paragraph. It read: “Many in the vice president's circle fume that she's not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined.”
As what the left showcases most of the time, any criticism of Harris is considered “out of bounds” due to the trailblazing nature of the vice president’s election.
Don Winslow, a best-selling author, posted on Twitter, describing the CNN story as “racist and misogynistic and if you allow it to go unchecked you are failing her, President Biden and this country at a time when Trump and Republicans are trying to burn this country to the ground.”
Meanwhile, Pam Keith, a former Democratic congressional nominee, claims that Harris is “being attacked” because of her being a Black woman in a high position. He then claimed that a lot of “people who would swear they aren’t racist or sexist” could only be able to cope with such women “if they are in subordinate roles.”
However, these criticisms seem to indict a few people who work for Biden who picked Harris as his running mind.
Additionally, CNN isn’t the only one pointing out the vice president’s flaws. For example, Politico stated that Harris’ problems mean that she’s not scaring away any of her possible opponents for the nomination if Biden decides to not run again.
Given any known standard, the vice president experienced a rough year. According to a new USA Today poll, her approval rating is at 28 percent. They may have been brought about by her lacking response to the assignments given to her, including the border crisis.
Also, Harris is quite hyper-cautious. She has decided to only grant a select few interviews and rarely shows up on the news.
Her low polling numbers may signal some elements of racism and sexism. After all, as vice president, the people tend to scrutinize her as she is not a White man. With this, since the president will be 82 years old if he runs for office again, many saw Harris as the one who would follow suit from the moment the president picked her as a running mate.
Kamala’s staff accusing Biden of being racist — and sexist — is the inevitable end result of this union. The Democratic party’s entire message boils down to three words: everything is racist. Here’s the CNN Kamala piece.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) November 14, 2021
After the article blew up, several White House officials tried to defend her. One such person is White House press secretary Jen Psaki, who tweeted on Sunday that Harris is a “vital partner” of the president and a “bold leader.”
For anyone who needs to hear it. @VP is not only a vital partner to @POTUS but a bold leader who has taken on key, important challenges facing the country—from voting rights to addressing root causes of migration to expanding broadband.
— Jen Psaki (@PressSec) November 15, 2021
Meanwhile, Ron Klain lauded her recent trip to Paris, describing her as “a great leader who also happens to be funny and kind.”
However, for someone who used to be a presidential candidate but flamed out early on, getting criticism is part of the job. Additionally, one co-author of the CNN article is Edward-Isaac Dovere, a left-leaning former Atlantic reporter who has penned earlier versions of the story and has hardly shown any hostility towards Harris.
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They’re democrats, of course they’re racists. Democrats are consumed by race. I mean they fought to oreserve slavery. And expand it west, and they founded the kkk, so they’re the most racist you can be. You can’t undo any of that.
If a majority of Americans see both of them as utter failures, where is the racism? I lived through Carter in the 70’s, this guy beats him in utter failure by 99%! For the first time in 5 decades Carter tumbles to #2, I am sure he is happy in his depends@
At this time , I will have to agree with CNN . I guess they have finally seen the light.
Here’s a scary thought… imagine if something happens to sleepy Joe … and Pamela (Kamala) ends up being president and she’s in charge of the “”launch codes””…. and speaking of launch codes have you ever noticed when sleepy Joe is going to
his helicopter or air force One where is the guy with the suitcase handcuffed to his wrist with the launch codes….maybe sleepy Joe doesn’t know what therefore or doesn’t want him around because of his dealings with Hunter and China 🇨🇳
Harris do.s not seem concerned about any thing.She gos about rambling and makes no sense when she talks.Oh!so do,s Joe?If you cant depend on a person on small things,how can you trust them on big things.The blind leading the blind.I think Harris will be shet canned before Biden.Every body on the left wants to be the boss,and they all are crazy,commuist brain washed witches and warlocks.